Chapter 3: Worries

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Hello! Here is the continuation with a tension birth, due to the possible return of a former enemy of the People. Don't hesitate to vote, if you liked it or to comment.

Lutsey's point of view

At the request of the leader of the Eastern Fencers, we decided to meet in the Kelutral of the Night Archers, ideally located at the border. I was already afraid of the purpose of the meeting, because we had not met like this since the battle of the Tree of Souls. With my companion, accompanied by my sister and her husband, we flew towards the meeting place, the anxiety remaining clearly in our faces. Each one seemed to fear, what it meant. The show went on like this, in a heavy silence.

When we finally arrived at our destination, we were greeted by Tsenkya with his pair, David, the chief of the fencers was also there with Nilya and his brother Pel "say, accompanied by their pairs. I had a very bad feeling and despite the honorary greetings, one could feel a certain tension. Everyone seemed to be afraid of what was going to be said. And it was not the worried looks of my niece towards her husband, which reassured us.

We went down to the basement of the Kelutral, in order to have the necessary calm but not to spread the dominant tension through the clan. After positioning ourselves and sitting in a circle, we looked at each other, as if waiting to see who would disturb the silence. And it was my partner who did so.

Tsylan: Well... From your message, David, leader of the Eastern Fencers, it seemed urgent. I think it's time to reveal it to us.

David: Indeed. Nilya and Pel'say?

Oh no...I knew where they were coming from and if they seemed so worried, it was not good. I was already dreading the content of their revelations.

Nilya: As you all know, we come from another time. Although similar, differ in some points with this one.

Pel'say: And we remembered that something happened, when we were thirteen years old. The return of the Sky People.

A cold silence ran through the meeting at this statement. I shivered, just thinking about this terrible possibility. Of fear? Of rage? Or maybe both. Because I knew what it meant for us. My family...My clan...My people

Neytiri: No! I refuse to believe that! The People of Heaven were defeated and excluded from our lands by the People and Eywa!

Nilya: We are not happy about it either, Neytiri. But if this follows ....

Me: But you said yourself that there were...differences with your temporality. Is it possible...That it can't happen in ours?

Pel'say: It is a possibility. However, I can't guarantee that it will be the case.

To think that the executioners of my clan and my family...could return to resume their cycle of destruction, filled me with rage, anger and terror. For now I had a family to protect, in addition to my clan. I had even more to lose.

Me: It won't happen... It must not happen....

Tsenkya: I know this is hard to hear. But if we want to protect what is most important to us, it is necessary....

Neytiri: There will be no need because they won't come back! I refuse to do that!

Jake: Neytiri, calm down...

Neytiri: How do you expect me to calm down?! I want to turn the page more than ever! To finally be able to live in peace!

I could tell by the look in her eyes and the wagging of her tail that she was just as scared as I was about this terrible possibility.

Jake: I know.

Tsenkya frowning: We won't get anywhere by deluding ourselves. The reality is there. You greatly underestimate the ambitions of the Sky People here. There is a great chance that a return will be made.

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