Chapter 15: Family Bastion

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Hi! Are you still here, after the terrible previous chapter? Okay, so here's what happens next, with Lutsey's mourning and departure for the Mektaniya. And also, a little unexpected meeting for the Koltyan family.

Misoka's point of view

Seeing Black Adder leave in the wake of Father's copy, I knew I had to attack to get rid of this threat. So I took one of the assault rifles from an RDA hybrid soldier and fired a shot at my worst enemy. Unfortunately, she had the reflex to lie down and take refuge behind a tree trunk. Crap! I took cover behind a tree, dodging her counterattack.

Black Adder: Is that you, Jake Sully? If so, I suggest you turn yourself in and face justice for your crimes. It will save you and your family a lot of unpleasantness.

I couldn't help but chuckle.

Me: That's the pot calling the kettle black, Black Adder! Your crimes must be much longer than Sully's.

Black Adder: Misoka? What the hell are you doing here?

Me: I've decided to move and change my life. The air on Earth didn't suit me too well. Neither did the landscape.

Black Adder: The Cause has committed as many crimes as the GDR.

Me: Who says I'm still working for them? This is now my home. But how could a GDR puppet understand that?

Black Adder: So you'd rather turn your back on your own kind?

Me: Not anymore! Pandora is my home now, and the Na'vis are my family!

Black Adder: In that case, I'll treat you like a traitor.

Me sneering: I'd like to see that, Grandma.

The silence that followed only confirmed that she was surprised that I knew. I took advantage of this to fire a salvo towards her hiding place, trying to get her head to stick out. Unfortunately, this was not the case, as she immediately fired back, narrowly missing me, and I could see a splinter of wood fly from the tree where I was hiding. As I turned to fire at her, there was an ominous clicking sound from the weapon, showing that it was empty as my enemy and grandmother moved away, seemingly retreating. I gritted my teeth, knowing we'd meet again soon. A few moments later, I saw the Dragon disappear into the sky, followed by a cry of pain. And the voice was Lutsey's.


Lutsey's point of view

We were at the Tree of Souls, to allow my one and only love to join Pandora. He, coming from Heaven, will now find rest in the bosom of the Great Mother. But I'm not going with him. I was heartbroken, not knowing how I could go on without my other half to help me. My husband's body was laid to rest inside our sanctuary, already joined by Father's body, amidst songs and prayers. An atokirina flew, blessing the body of my beloved. This went on for a long time, and as we drew nearer to the end, it pained me more and more, for I knew it was a final farewell this time. As evening fell, everyone but me moved away. Staring at Tsylan's body, I couldn't believe he was gone.

Mother: My daughter?

I closed my eyes, tears still flowing. Surprising myself that I still had any, before answering.

Me: Yes, Mother?

Mother: I know it's painful, my daughter. But you've got to move on.

Me: How can I? He was my guide, my star, my light in the darkness of my heart. And now he's gone.

Mother: But your children are here, my daughter. And they need their mother. Now more than ever.

My little ones...Oh...So young and now they have to deal with grief. Why was life so hard on us?

Me: I know. But...I don't know if I have the strength.

Mother: You do, my daughter. You've always been able to pick yourself up, in spite of everything.

Me: Mother...

Mother: My daughter, perhaps you need to say goodbye to him yourself. So that he can ease your heart, once again. Take all the time you need.

With that, she walked away, leaving me once again alone in front of the Tree of Souls. I stared at the body of my beloved, whose roots were already beginning to cover it. Gathering my courage, I approached and picked up one of the pink leaves. Hesitantly, I picked up my braid, my wires connecting to the shrine leaf. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Then I began to cross the spiritual corridor, before arriving at this white field. Nothing stretched out, except the songs of our ancestors lulling my ears.

Voice: Well, looks like you can't keep your hands off me!

I couldn't help smiling, turning to see my beloved returning the favor.

Me: You didn't think you could get rid of me so easily. I warned you that I'd come looking for you in Eywa, if I had to.

We stayed like that for a while, looking at each other without making a move. Then I moved towards him, looking at him. His young face hiding his age, his body slightly stronger than a normal Na'vi's, that mature look... Then I went into his arms, crying. He didn't answer me, just squeezed me tenderly. We stayed like that for a long time, not needing words to understand each other.

Tsylan : Feeling better?

Me: It never will be again, and you know it.

He tenderly caressed my cheeks, keeping a smile.

Tsylan: My tigress, I'll always be here. Watching over you. In Eywa.

Me: But I already miss your presence.

Tsylan: I may no longer be here, physically. But I'll always live on through you and our children. When you need me, I'll always be there to help you.

These words soothed me, bringing the comfort I needed. The pain remained, but I'd found the courage to carry on. I closed my eyes, enjoying this last possible moment, before a long time passed. However, I had now found a new determination. To protect our little ones from this war. To give them a life, in spite of everything.

In the meantime,

Twaly's point of view

I couldn't get over Father's death. He, who had always been a protector and guide, was no longer there to help us on our journey. Sylwyn was crying, in Kiri's arms, while Tsikey had tears in her eyes, clenching her fists. As for me, I was sitting, staring at the ground as I felt the tears fall and touch the ground. The man who had taught and loved us so much was gone. All because of those damned Sky People!

Tuk: Hey, guys! Mom and Dad seem to be fighting.

Curious, we joined Tuk and listened.

Neytiri: No way! I won't abandon my people.

Jake: He had our children and Twaly.

Neytiri: You can't ask that of us, Jake! The children, all they know is the forest. This is our home!

Jake: He had our children and our niece. He had them under his knife.

I was impressed by Uncle Jake's chock-a-block with Aunt Neytiri's emotional outburst. But what was this terrible request that had her in such a state? From what I could see of the shadows, I could see Neytiri's feminine one taking something from a bow-like support.

Neytiri, looking broken: "My father gave me this bow when he died! He told me to protect the People! You are Toruk Makto!

Jake: It's to protect the People! Quaritch a Spider. That kid knows everything! He'll bring them here and destroy the People.

I looked at my cousins, not believing our uncle's words. Even if Spider was human, he showed he had heart. Na'vi. I didn't understand our aunt's hatred of him, and I knew he'd never betray us.

Jake sounding more resigned: I don't have any plans. And Tsylan isn't here to help us anymore. But I can protect this family!

I lowered my ears, increasingly worried about the terrible decision the two of them had made. Uncle Jake's silhouette came closer to his wife's, holding her shoulder.

Jake: Whatever happens, wherever we go, this family will be our fortress.

No! They weren't considering that? I saw my aunt's mother go into his arms, crying.

Jake: I'll tell the kids. Can you discuss it with your sister?

Neytiri: Okay...

I couldn't help but stand up and face my aunt and uncle, staring at them angrily.

Neteyam: Twaly, wait!

But it was too late, I had already left and faced the chief and his wife, anger driving me at the idea of having to flee like a coward.

Me: How can you do this?

Jake: Listen, Twaly...

Me: No! We gave up our clan, our lives, to join you in your fight. My father died, helping you! And want to run!

Jake: It's for the greater good. And I know your father would agree with me.

Me: You don't know that!

So I turned my back and walked away, blinded by grief and anger. I thought back to those demons with the false bodies, the copy of Father....Tout was their fault! I hate them! Them and the destruction in their wake. Our lives...Father...Pandora. All I wanted was the death of the members of Sky!

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