Chapter 6: Difficult announcement

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Here is the continuation, with the terrible discussion to announce the decision of Tsylan and Lutsey, to the members of his family. And the consequences of this one, for them and the clan.

Twaly's point of view

Once arrived, Father sat down and invited us to do the same, in front of him. Worried, we hurried to obey. Already fearing what was to follow. He looked at us, lowering his ears and his eyes showing some concern. He closed his eyes, taking a breath, before looking at us again.

Tsikey: What's the matter, Father? We've never seen you so worried.

Father: I should be. Children...we have to go.

What did he mean by that? Wait...

Me: Father...Don't say we have to...leave the clan?

He looked at me with an apologetic face, before bringing me the terrible confirmation

Father: To protect the tribe, we have no choice.

What? Have to...Walk away....Drop my whole life...My duties...My future...No!!! I couldn't allow it!

Father: Twaly?

I looked at him, frowning, annoyed. How could he ask me that? To leave everything behind? Our life...Our future...My future as a leader...My family...My clan...To leave everything behind? And for what reason?

I gritted my teeth trying to contain my anger. However, my eyes spoke for me, as did my tail.

Father: Calm down, my princess.

Me: Let me calm down?! Let me calm down?! How can you say that to me, Father? After what you've told us?

Sylwyn's ears were down and her eyes were watering. And that only made me angrier.

Father: Let me explain.

Tsikey: Is that really necessary, Father?

Father: I'm afraid so. As you know, the Sky People have returned and in their wake have destroyed our old home. It is almost certain that your uncle, Jake Sully, will be their first target. For one thing, because of his history with our enemy. And also, because of his status as Toruk Makto and leader of the resistance.

Sylwyn: But...what does this have to do with us?

Me: Yes, how is Uncle Jake being targeted a danger to us?

He sighed, biting his lips as he searched for words.

Father: If Jake will be the priority target, his family will be affected as well. And through your mother, we are part of it.

I was beginning to understand the terrible process. But I refused to believe it. Abandon the clan, my duties and my future? Just because of Father's fear?

Me: And that's all that justifies our leaving? On an assumption?

Father: It's not just an assumption, Twaly. It's a high probability. We could not afford to put the clan and its members in danger. We have their lives under our belts and we can't take the risk.

Me, yelling: What about ours? Is it not important enough for you?

I stood up, looking at him. Tears running down my cheeks, knowing that I would have to give up the life I have always known. Just for a guess! He frowned, his gaze hardening, and stood up to face me. My flame against his.

Father: Your lives are very important to me and your mother. We would give ours, if it means keeping you safe. But we can't be selfish! We have hundreds of lives whose fate depends on our choices. We can't afford the slightest possibility that the Sky People might learn about our tribe. Otherwise, it would be the end of the tribe!

The Waters of Destiny ( English Version of " Les eaux du Destin"Where stories live. Discover now