Chapter 14: The end of the warrior

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Hi! Here's the next part of the story with...Well, this part is one of the hardest to write, for what it implies. I don't know if you'll like it ^^'. If you do, vote and don't hesitate to vote.

Twaly's point of view

Handcuffed to my wrists, I glanced briefly at Kiri Spider and Lo'ak, before turning to Father's copy. He was staring at me curiously, his metal weapon on his back. I could recognize his famous scrutinizing gaze, making me uncomfortable.

Me: What? Do I have a stain on my face?

Father's copy: You've got a sense of humor, you.

Me chuckling: I had a good teacher.

Copy Father: Speaking of which, who taught you to fight like that?

I found it quite funny that he was the one asking me. It calmed the anxiety I was feeling. For I knew that if we were in the sky demon base, no one would be able to rescue us. I might never see my family again.

Me, amused: You'd like to know, wouldn't you?

Copy Father: We think we're clever, don't we?

Me: Maybe.

Copy Father: We'll see how confident you are when we cook for you.

Me: I wouldn't advise it. I'm pretty...high.

He glared at me, while one of those fake-bodied demons laughed.

Demon: She's got a way with words, doesn't she?

Demon 2: You're right, Dyle.

Father's copy: Very funny.

Demon 2: Come on, Ben! Don't be such a grouch! We'll get the answers when we get back to base anyway.

Copy of Father: Yeah. But I've got time to kill. So I might as well satisfy my curiosity, Sted.

Sted shrugs: If you like. But the girl doesn't look talkative. You're wasting your time more than anything else.

Father's copy: There are other ways of getting clues, other than talking.

I glared at Lo'ak, reproaching him for getting us into such a mess. He turned his head, not daring to meet my gaze. I could feel the sky darkening, and as I looked up, I saw the day dying and night imposing itself. And to this, the rain came, assaulting our naked skins with its cold drops, but soothing me. Making me temporarily forget the situation we were in. Then we pulled my kuru, one of the demons holding me and bringing me close to Lo'ak. The latter put us forward as hostages. This meant they were expecting a visit from our parents. I breathed, staring at all the possibilities, analyzing the disposition of our enemies and ours. We were forward, they were back. With a coordinated attack, we could escape and take advantage of the surprise effect. But we had to be quick. Then I analyzed mine. Glued to me, holding his weapon at my temple, he left me few options. I had to take advantage of the confusion to hit him with an elbow, then put him on his back with a grip before killing him quickly. I took a deep breath, eyes closed, listening to Eywa. The different energies moving, before sensing some I recognized. Uncle Jake and Aunt Neytiri. Then Father and Mother not far away, with Misoka. I smiled, knowing already that the demons were in for a very bad time.

Lo'ak: Twaly. What are you smiling at?

Then he was called to order by the man holding him back. As for me, I breathed in, trying to clear my head and let my body do its work. I knew I wouldn't have time to think when the moment came. And the sign was the high-pitched squeal, recognized as a signal. I scanned the energies, Uncle Jake's approaching one of the demons and killing it instantly. Others disappeared, killed discreetly by Mother and Father. As for Misoka, he also took another. Then I heard a shout from Father's voice, telling me to get ready. I could hear my heart beating, time seeming to slow down, nervously awaiting the fateful moment. And the moment came, when an arrow pierced the one holding Kiri, freeing her.

Neytiri: Lo'ak!

I didn't follow what he was doing, as I was concentrating on my own. I gave him a quick elbow, before crouching down and dragging him along with me thanks to his arm. Then, before he even had time to react, I imprisoned his head between my knees, using my tail to tie his neck, suffocating him. Then, in one swift movement, I twisted his neck, killing him instantly. With my tail, I grabbed his knife and started to stand up. Taking advantage of the confusion, I started to run away. I heard shots whistle by, but they didn't hit me; then I heard an arrow pierce a body, which fell heavily to the ground. Once in safety, I stuck to a trunk and began to use the knife to cut off the handcuffs. But bound like that, it wasn't easy... Suddenly, I could feel my Mother's energy approaching, and as I looked up, I saw her orange eyes staring at me with concern.

Cutting my ties, Mother said: You're not hurt?

Me: No, Mother. I don't think I am.

Mother: Well, let's not dawdle.

Suddenly, I felt a hostile energy in the area and instinctively pushed Mom to the ground. The next second, bullets whizzed by, narrowly missing me. Seeing this, my mother let out a scream of rage and lunged like an enraged beast towards the vegetation, dagger drawn. I'd never seen my mother so angry, and it was frightening.

Ben's point of view

I pursued Gael, who had taken off like a fury in pursuit of the teenage killer. She was so fast that our comrade was already dead when we turned our gaze in her direction, before she fled. And in anger, my friend lunged to punish her. However, we had no visual on our enemies. They could be anywhere!

Me: Blue 7, do you copy?

No response. Damn it, Gaël! Where have you been? Suddenly, I heard gunfire in the distance, before hearing a cry of rage. As I made my way over, I saw a Na'vie in the distance, stabbing one of our own to death in a rage. Her short hair...her orange eyes...she was our target!

I raised my weapon, ready to wound her, when I heard something whistle through the air. The next thing I knew, my arms were wrapped around her and I was falling to the ground in shock. Crap! I scrambled around, trying to find my knife. After some difficulty, I managed to pick up my weapon and began to cut the wires holding me up. Unfortunately, this also cut the strap holding my rifle, making it unstable. I saw a figure close by and stepped back, narrowly avoiding the blades, only to be kicked in the stomach. I rolled down the slope for what seemed like an eternity, before finally coming to a halt. I struggled to my feet, still stunned by my fall.

Voice in French: Je n'imagais pas te revoir un jour, Ben.

I stood up, observing a strangely familiar silhouette. And that voice.... I looked for my rifle... and saw it nowhere. Leaving only my knife to challenge my mysterious adversary.

Na'vi in French: Eh oui...Va falloir te débrouiller à l'ancienne, cette fois. Don't rely on your metal weapon.

I stared at the stranger and widened my eyes, not coming back. Apart from the orange streaks under his eyes, it was... No... Nevertheless, it all seemed cruelly logical. The necklace...Mother's corpse buried in an Earth tradition, the fact that the daughter might know the family techniques of assassination...It all meant one thing. One person in our family had survived. And that person was...

Na'vi amused: Well, Ben. What's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost!

The allusion couldn't have been clearer. I was face to face with a spectre. And I was beginning to realize that Jake wasn't the only one being milked. And that made me even angrier, to know that I could be a copy of a traitor to our species!

Me: So that's it? Just like Jake Sully, you betrayed your own race, to screw a blue ass! How many men and women have you killed?

He frowned, seeming not to appreciate my remark.

Ben: It's ironic you should reproach me with that. As I recall, it wasn't the Na'vis who pushed the button, sending me straight to Eywa. I never betrayed, just changed my life. Ben Thalyen died that day, so that Tsylan Tolyn could be born.

Me: I don't see the difference.

Ben sneering: Of course you don't. You're just a baby taken out of a jar with someone else's memories.

Me: I'm more Ben Thalyen than you are!

Ben: You want yourself to think that. You think you're a human, when you're really just a na'vi hybrid with someone else's memory implanted in you.

No! I refused to believe that! He was lying! I drew my blade and screamed in rage, trying to slit his throat. But he easily parried my attack with one blade and slashed my side with the other. I gritted my teeth in pain, feeling the burn of the wound. I grimaced, stepping back to stare at the traitor. He had his blades out, concentrated. We stayed like that, for what seemed like minutes, before I decided to attack. The latter raised my weapon with his own with ease, before stabbing my right shoulder. Making me cry out in pain, holding my weapon with difficulty, I looked at him, seeing the flame of anger in his eyes.

Ben: You're a threat to my family, by your very existence.

Just as I thought I'd feel the blade slice my throat, I heard a life-saving shot hit my opponent. He fell to the ground, before Sted arrived, smiling.

Sted: I saved your ass again, Ben.

I grimaced, pulling out the blade with clenched teeth and knocking him to the ground. I gasped as I felt the pain. If Sted wasn't there, I was dead. However, questions invaded my thoughts. Was I Ben Thalyen or just a pale copy? The encounter with the person whose memories I had inherited brought doubts to the forefront of my mind.

Quaritch: Blue Squad, retreat

Sted: We've got to go.

I bowed my head, picked up my weapon with a grimace of pain and set off to follow him.

Lutsey's point of view

A gunshot snapped me out of my murderous rage, and a pain flooded my chest. It was as if someone had just stabbed me directly in the heart, making me gasp. No...Please, Eywa, no! Don't do it! I hastened to concentrate on our link in order to find it again. I hoped it wasn't what I thought it was. When I finally arrived, I saw multiple holes on the ground, on his upper back. Then I heard a death rattle. I shook my head, not wanting to believe it.

Tsylan: Lut...

Picking myself up, I turned him around and he was staring at me with a smile. Blood trickled from his lips, showing the severity of his wounds. This...this should be a nightmare! His hand tenderly caressing my cheek, with a smile. No...

Me with rage and sorrow: Who? Who did this to you?!

Tsylan: My tigress...I'm sorry...For not being keep my promise.

Me with tears in my eyes: Don't say that, darling. You can do it!

Tsylan with a sad smile: I'm afraid luck doesn't smile twice in a row, my love. I'll be a one-way ticket...this time.

I cried, feeling my companion's spirit slipping further and further away.

Tsylan: Know...tigress...That I've lived...the most beautiful years of my life...With you.

Me: Don't say that, Tsylan...

He tenderly caressed my cheek, keeping his smile

Tsylan : Please...About...them.

Me crying: You don't need to ask me that...

Tsylan : In that case, kiss me. I want to taste your lips one last time, before I leave to join Eywa.

Despite the pain in my heart, I granted his last wish. I kissed him, my tears falling as I felt my other half's energy disappear. Then, her tongue stopped wagging.

Me: Tsylan?

He had his eyes closed, no longer responding. I felt as if a part of my heart and soul had been ripped out. The pain was so unbearable that I let out my loudest scream. Expressing the full weight of my pain. I thought the pain of Father's death was the worst thing that had ever happened to me. But that was nothing compared to what I was feeling right now. The departure of my companion, the only man who had understood me, loved me and helped me grow. The man who had accompanied me through my trials and given me the best years of my life. And now he was gone, with no way back. And realizing this terrible fact was like a huge hole in my soul. And I didn't know if I'd have the strength to get over it.

The Waters of Destiny ( English Version of " Les eaux du Destin"Where stories live. Discover now