Chapter 26: The Night Archers' attack

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Hello! Here's the continuation of Sarya and Twaly's adventures. Don't hesitate to vote if you liked it or to comment.

Sarya's point of view

Since my interview with Tsenkya, I've started learning Na'vis customs, starting with hunting. Nefika asked me to visit a young hunter named E'etu, who taught me the Na'vis way of hunting. In the days that followed, I continued my apprenticeship, reconnecting with my withdrawn roots. I was able to take off the clothes I'd been wearing since TAP and put on Na'vis clothes. 

Okay, it was still pretty simple, showing my apprentice rank, but it was enough to make me happy

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Okay, it was still pretty simple, showing my apprentice rank, but it was enough to make me happy. I felt like I'd been reborn again. There were no more visits from the Night Archer clan, but there were whispers that they were still fighting in the forest. At times, members vowed their battles, at others criticized them. Then, one day, E'etu didn't return as usual, worrying Etuwa. Etuwa asked me to find him, and I later learned that he was part of a group fighting against the Sky People in secret.

Following the directions I'd been given, I was able to pick up the scent of Zomey, his Ikran, who led me to a cave. As I passed through, I could smell blood in the air and noticed arrows on the ground, with corpses of humans with eyes frozen in fear and surprise. Some were in strange metal bodies, making them na'vi-sized, but an easier target, in my eyes. However, not all had arrows, and some had deep gashes, the sign of a na'vi weapon. One or two even had broken necks, surprising me. I'd never seen that before, from the Na'vis. What was it? Then I remembered my quest and entered the cave. As soon as I entered, I noticed the traces of a stopped meal, a broken bow but also, and this worried me, traces of blood. I followed the tracks and smells and soon saw Zomey, recognizing his blue skin, with mixed yellow, purple and yellow patterns flying, roaring as a sign of anger, but also of fear as I saw a helicopter, a Valkyrie flying. My eyes widened in shock and fear, suspecting that E'etu had undoubtedly been captured, and that his Ikran was throwing herself straight to her death. I admired her loyalty and deep love for her rider, and wondered if I, too, would experience this with an Ikran. I wanted so much to help him, but I felt totally powerless.

Suddenly, three Ikrans emerged from the cloud, diving towards the transport vehicle and its two escorts. Two shot down the Scorpions, while one threw something at the rotor which soon exploded, destroying it. The na'vis shouted in triumph as the helicopter lost altitude and crashed into the forest. Zomey soon followed, confirming that E'etu was inside. I hurried off, hearing frightened cries from the soldiers. Suddenly, a soldier in an AMP surprised me, ready to shoot me. I hurried to take cover behind a rock, avoiding his shots. I thought about how to get away. But with his radar, it was impossible to surprise him. Suddenly, I heard the roar of a Thanator and a heavy fall. Looking up from my hiding place, I noticed Pandora's most terrifying creature on the heavy exoskeleton. With a mighty blow, he pierced the exoskeleton's window and picked up the pilot before crushing him to the ground. To my surprise, I saw a Na'vi on top with orange eyes, uttering a war cry, followed by her mount. Could it be a Menariyä? Shots rang out in the distance, sending them off. Then, Zomey's cries reminded me of the urgency of the young hunter's situation and I set off at once. Following his cries, the wreckage of the destroyed rotor and the smell of burning, I soon found the helicopter having taken a nosedive.

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