Chapter 8: Fighting and Fear

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Hi! Here is the continuation with the new life of Thalyen in the omatikayas. Don't hesitate to vote (if you liked it) or to comment.

Neytiri's point of view

Jake: We'll take care of cutting off the supply, while you attack the mine. Their defenses are not yet in place, the train was supposed to supply them with materials and men. We'll take care of that one while you take care of destroying the structure.

Tsylan: All right. With your permission, I'll put Twaly on rear guard. In case reinforcements come to assist.

Jake: Are you sure, Tsylan?

Tsylan: I trust my daughter. She'll do whatever it takes.

It worried me that he could so easily drag his daughter into this conflict. And that Lutsey is not saying anything about it.

Me: Are you sure, Tsylan? After all, she is your daughter.

Tsylan: A war is never without risk. I would rather give her a role to play than leave her out. And risk her doing something stupid.

Lutsey: That doesn't make me feel any better, Tsylan. I'd rather she stayed here, safe. With Tsikey and Sylwyn.

Tsylan: I prefer our children to be in a safe place, too. Unfortunately, you know they're not going to wait quietly for us to come back, if they feel we're shutting them out. Especially our oldest. By giving her a task, we show our confidence and she will be more involved. And Tsikey will follow her, to watch over her.

She sighed in annoyance, her ears lowered. I didn't like Jake's change toward our children, talking to them like a military leader. And I planned to discuss it, so he would understand and be more forgiving. Still, I didn't know if Tsylan's way was better. To expose him to danger, just out of trust? I still preferred Jake's way, even if it wasn't perfect. At least we had an eye on them.

Lutsey: What if something happens to her? We'll be too far away to help her!

Tsylan calmly: Lut, we have to learn to trust our children.

Lutsey: But our babies are too young! They're just fifteen years old!

Tsylan: I know. But they're also old enough to fight, Lut. We can't ignore that.

Jake looked me in the eye, clearly showing his disagreement with Tsylan's reasoning. However, he was diplomatic enough not to say anything, knowing full well that Tsylan might take his remark the wrong way. And risk a tense conversation. But Lutsey clearly showed his disagreement on the subject, thus starting an argument.

Lutsey: How can you say that? These are our children you're talking about!

Tsylan: You won't make them grow up by brooding, Lut!

Lutsey: I would rather do that than risk getting killed! We are supposed to protect them, not expose them!

Tsylan: The danger, they are always exposed! As soon as they go to the forest!

Lutsey: How dare you use this argument against me?

Tsylan: Yet the truth!

Lutsey: You are a hypocrite! You blame Jake and Neytiri for passing the uniltaron to Neteyam, but you treat our people as if they were ready to face a war!

Jake sighed and was about to intervene to try to cut off the argument. But I stopped him with my eyes, knowing very well that it was useless to intervene. It would only turn the couple against him.

Tsylan: Do you think I'm happy about that? Just, I know our daughter. It's not my fault that she inherited your headlong rush!

Lutsey clenched her fists and pressed her forehead to her partner's, the two staring at each other with intensity. My sister was taller than Tsylan, which made her seem dominant. However, Tsylan compensated it by his corpulence, but also by the intensity of his glance. Showing all her determination and a strange maturity.

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