Chapter 11: Traces of the Past

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Hi! Here is the continuation with the arrival of the Recombinants on the planet, and the dangers which they bring with them. Feel free to vote, if you liked it, or to comment.

Elena point of view

Following the colonel, we were soon introduced to General Ardmore, in charge of the colonization operations of Pandora. This one was really what one could imagine of a woman of her function, with her dry face, letting us foresee a woman not hesitating to make the least sacrifice to reach her objectives. We were able to observe the construction of an industrial complex that made Hell's Gate look completely ridiculous. In a decade, technology has evolved greatly! I saw automated vehicles everywhere, even in the air, and above all, particularly efficient hexobots (which were only in the development stage when I left), growing vast buildings in no time. All this, in just one year! I could hardly believe it. But perhaps the most impressive thing was this vast 3D printer in the shipyard. It made me feel like a relic of an old time. During our tour, the general, on this sort of exoskeleton, confirmed what we feared. Earth was dying and Pandora was designated as the new colony. And from what I could see, nothing seemed to have been learned. But my opinion was less, facing the survival of Humanity.

Thereafter, we found ourselves in the center of the operations where she made us a recapitulation of the current situation, by using a holographic ground diffusing the Hallejuhah mountains. We had images of the different attacks of Sully, leading a guerrilla war. Except that in the last months the attacks were more numerous and strong. The last one was an attack on an air train carrying troops and equipment to a complex under construction.

Ardmore: And if the casualties were only the train... We also have that a group took advantage of the assault on Sully, to destroy the complex under construction. According to the balance sheet, all the occupants are dead and the material losses are irrecoverable. These reinforcements have been a problem for us for several months, giving Sully a lot of room to maneuver.

We were watching images of the assault, where we saw a group of Na'vis attacking the complex. But, one of the Na'vis confused me.

Quaritch: Did we have any idea of their identifications?

Ardmore: None. Not a single clue as to their identity. Perhaps they are simply lieutenants of Toruk Makto. We did notice one, who seemed to be the leader of this group.

An image was stopped, to zoom in on a na'vie with short, yellow painted hair and black lines over her eyes. This made us all, except Ben, shudder. The latter seemed, on the contrary, fascinated by this one. His feline eyes accentuated his face with its warlike beauty. No wonder my son has an attraction. He has never known how to resist such women.

Sted: Is it normal that she has orange eyes? To my knowledge, I haven't heard of any na'vis with that color in their eyes.

Dyle: This detail...reminds me of something I read, before, in a file.

This one caught everyone's attention. His skin was darker than the average recom, except for me. His face and his eyes showed a resourceful and clever personality. Although, he seemed quite embarrassed

Ardmore: If you have any information, we are listening.

Dyle: Well, in the files I read, I could read about a clan with this characteristic. They are called Menariyä Tunti, which is orange eyes. They are also called the eyes of the dawn. However, this clan was destroyed years ago. They were considered too dangerous for the Company and an assault on Kelutral was intended to wipe them out completely. There was a great scandal on Earth about it.

Ardmore: Well, it seems that the job was not well done

I was a little shocked at such a cold statement, although I held back my emotions. This was not the time, and she was our superior.

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