Chapter 7: A heartbreaking departure

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Hello! Here is the continuation, with the heartbreaking departure of the Koltyan family. We hope you enjoy it. Feel free to vote (if you liked it) or comment.

Joltsyn's point of view

Little by little, the seeds of the Sacred Tree became more and more numerous and they ended up surrounding the weapon on all sides. I hoped that one day I would never see this. But fate had wanted otherwise. A chilling silence hung over the tribe, wondering who would be the next leader of the clan. It seemed to take forever before they finally decided to fly away.

The atokirinas were flying, giving an unpredictable result, for the moment. My sister and Tsylan expected that Koltyey and Ma'likia would be chosen to lead the clan. But there was no predicting the decision of Eywa or the first clan leader. So time seemed to stand still, all eyes fixed on the messengers of the Great Mother who continued to fly, seemingly undecided.

Finally, the messengers began to descend, in order to designate the next chief. They continued, until they surrounded one person. And when I saw this one, I thought I would miss a heartbeat.

Me: No...That's not possible...

Indeed, it was my oldest son, Roltyun, who was surrounded by the messengers of the goddess or our first leader. Why did fate continue to be so cruel? I struggled with myself, as my son stood watching the weapon with fascination and nervousness. However, he took it upon himself to remove the planted weapon before lifting it.

Roltyun: Menariyä people. I, Roltyun Koltyan, son of Joltsyn and Twilo, promise to guide the clan through the trials of the future.

As the Menariyä welcomed their new leaders, I did not have the courage to follow suit. My mother's heart was heavy, for I knew what this meant. Kilwey felt it, taking me in his arms as I cried at this final separation from my two sons. Every child had to take flight. I knew this day would come, but not in such a painful way.

Later on,

Me; You told me that it would be Koltyey and Ma'likia, the next leaders of the clan!

As soon as the ceremony was over, I wanted to see Tsylan and Lutsey, with my partner. My heart was motivated by grief. And this, led to anger.

Lutsey: Calm down, Joltsyn. Tsylan had nothing to do with it. It was Eywa or the first leader who decided otherwise.

Me: But why?! Roltyun is still too young!

Tsylan: I can only guess. I think that the fact that he has omatikaya blood, must have helped to choose him. And probably, unlike Koltyey, he has no resentment towards the Sky People. So, he's less likely to be influenced by anger over the wrongdoing of this and do what needs to be done.

Kilwey: But he knows! And he saw the Kelutral where he was born, burned by the Sawtute.

Tsylan: I'm just speculating. I did not say that this was the explanation. Anyway, the facts are there.

Me: I will not abandon my son!

They were the last of my first beloved and losing one of them was out of the question!

Tsylan: If we want to protect the clan, we must leave

Me: Not without all my children!

Tsylan: We have no choice, Joltsyn.

No! I was refusing that!

Me: Easy for you to say! You don't have to leave your children behind!

Lutsey: I know it's hard for you, sister. Believe me, I have as much difficulty as you to leave this life built with the clan. Unfortunately, Roltyun has been chosen to be the future leader. He is now taking his own flight. He will be well surrounded, don't worry. He will have Koltyey, to advise him. But his destiny is to lead our people from now on.

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