Chapter 10: The Recombinants

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Hi! Here is the continuation with the famous passage in the Venture Star, and the arrival of the Retcoms. Where ghosts from the past come back to the world of the living. Or not? Don't hesitate to vote, if you liked it, or to comment.

In the space of Pandora, at the human space station

Point of view of ???

Voice: She wakes up

The first image I saw was the light of a lamp. It hurt, closing my eyes by reflex.

Voice: Good eye reflex

Eventually everything became clearer and clearer. I saw scientists in suits, with breathing masks. They surrounded me as I stood up. I stared at my hands, seeing large blue hands with five fingers.

Scientist: Breathe...Be calm. We're going to run some tests, to see if everything is okay. If you don't mind.

I nodded my head in agreement. Once this was done, I was shown the way out, and told to follow another scientist. He guided me to a room, with other avatars like me. According to my memories, I had trained myself to pilot my avatar. This, with the objective of carrying out the necessary missions to ensure the safety of the activities. In other words, to clean up if necessary. What could have happened, to have this return to square one? And why was I awake in my avatar, and not my human body?
As I watched other avatars being extracted from their tanks, I was brought in front of a holographic screen, whose blue screen welcomed me, with the GDR logo. Then, an image of me, in human form appeared. I wondered where this story was leading.

Me: Well...If we have to follow the protocol...Where to start? My name is Elena Ishuntzi Thaylen, one of the company's cleaners. If you see these pictures, it's because my stay on Pandora went badly and I finally broke my pipe. And because of my value, I was given the privilege of making this video. To give you a little briefing. First of all, you are a recombinant. Simply put, you are an avatar, without me to pilot you. You have my memories, therefore my experience. What you are about to meet is simply the most dangerous planet ever known. You and I are the cleaners. We're in charge of doing the dirty work, because no one else will. Here, assassinating or sabotaging targets that could disturb the Company's establishment and activities. I won't hide it from you, if I failed, it won't be easy. And who knows how the situation has evolved by then. Let's hope you never have to see this video.


Elena Ishuntzi Thalyen... That was how I used to call myself. But was it still the case now? Sure, I had the memories of this one, but was I still her? Anyway, the road was quite clear. Cleaning up, because it seemed like there was a big mess, since the last registration. One way or another, the GDR had been pushed off the satellite, and the Company wanted to take its revenge. And had put in the means, as if it was the last chance solution. What could justify such meticulousness and the use of so many means? Unless the situation on Earth had gotten even worse, since my last...Wait, should I really say my departure?
Turning my gaze, I observed a familiar figure floating. This one seemed lost, as if looking for a landmark. His curly black hair was quite familiar, as was his build. As well as his eyes similar to my late husband, but with a look that resembled me...

Me: Ben?

He turned his gaze towards me, looking lost

Ben: Mom? I don't understand... I'm supposed to be in the Avatar program! Has there been a change?

Didn't he have a journal of his own, recapping the facts? Unless he didn't think to do it. But if Ben was there, that meant... I clenched my throat at the terrible thought. That of my last child, now dead. And Kendra? What happened to her?

Me: I don't know the details yet, son. But what I do know is that it seems to have gotten worse.
Ben: I could see that. Such a deployment of resources means that the situation on Earth has become untenable.
Me: It has.
Ben: But...I don't understand why we are here, and not on Pandora?
Me: Ben...I... to tell him that? Even for me, it was complicated. I had trouble knowing if I was the person I thought I was, or just a copy.

Ben: Mom...
Me: Listen. These bodies, are recombinants Avatars with our memories, without us having to pilot them.

He was confused at first, but then he widened his eyes, understanding the situation.

Ben: That means...
Me; That we're dead, yes.

He looked down, with a serious face. The thoughtful look, staring at the moon of Pandora. Wondering what dangers awaited us and if we were ready to find the answers to our questions. In particular, our fates in this one.

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