Chapter 9: Tips from the past

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Hi! Here is the continuation, with a tour in the family of Tsenkya and Pel'tan. In particular, the young Linta, and her friend Palulukan. Don't hesitate to vote, if you liked it, or to comment. Above, a representation of a familiar figure for those who read volume 2. Indeed, it is Naltsyn, the soul who accompanied Kendra until the birth of her children. And many other figures from the past will follow this one, to meet the young generation and guide them.

Linta's point of view

On the back of Neali, we explored the forest. I loved to see the landscape passing by, under the speed of my friend. She moved with agility, getting rid of obstacles easily. I smiled, loving the feel of the wind whipping my face and hair. Behind her, Ke'we was holding on to me, trying not to fall.

Ke'we: became...Palulukan Makto?

Ah yes...I was honored to have this title. However, it came with responsibilities. Not to mention mating proposals. Fortunately, my parents held out, especially my mother, so as not to give in to the pressure. And now, with the coming of the Sky People, I had to ensure my role as guardian of the clan. And for that, I had to patrol with my friend. More than usual.

Me: Yes.

Ke'we: Oh...that can't be easy.

Me: Not really. What about you?

Ke'we: Me? Well, according to my mother and Tsylan, I am the son of the previous omatikaya chief.

I looked on, surprised. I liked the young menariyä, but I didn't expect this from him. Of course, I always thought my friend came from a proud warrior. But not from such an ancestry!

Me: Really?

He just shrugged his shoulders.

Ke'we: That's what they told me. I never knew him. He died, while my mother was carrying me.

I remembered when he faced my friend, overcoming his fear, to face her. He was the soul of a warrior and from what I knew of the previous leader, he was a valiant fighter. There was a way to find out.

Me smiling: Do you want to meet him?

Ke'we: Uh...really?

Me: Come on! He is your father! Aren't you curious to meet him? Why haven't you visited him before?

Ke'we: I...I don't know, if I have the courage to see him. I mean, he was a great man! A leader! I'm far from all that. And then, it must have been meant for Neytiri. I had come, no doubt, from a one-night stand, without really being wanted.

Me: You underestimate yourself, Ke'we. I'm sure he'd be happy to see you. And even proud of the person you are.

Ke'we, lowering his ears and eyes: I wish I had your confidence, Linta.

Me: Trust me, Ke'we. Just trust yourself.

He still had his ears lowered, clearly seeing his lack of self-confidence. Which was a shame, because me and my friend could see the potential in him. The legacy seemed, like me, to be heavy to bear. Which made us a common ground.

Me, smiling: Come on! Hang in there!

And with these words, we set out for the sanctuary. My friend combining agility and speed, to start this journey.

In the village of the Plains

Nilya's point of view

We saw, in the distance, the terrible spectacle of the arrival of the Sawtute. Even from our village, we could see the bright lights in the sky, with destruction in their wake. Now we were more than vigilant, conducting patrols to guard against any incursion by the Sky People. For now, nothing was reported. But for how long?

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