Chapter 13: Capture

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Here's the next part, with the terrible confrontation between the girls and the clones. Feel free to vote, if you liked it, or to comment.

Twaly's point of view

Carrying Tuktirey, we made sure to get as far away as possible from the area of the old battles. Unfortunately, along the way, we came across Father's copy. The latter had his weapon on his back, seemingly inspecting the carcasses of a metal bird.

Sylwyn: Do you really think he's...

Tuktirey: Who?

Voice: Really, who?

I felt my blood run cold, and we slowly turned our gaze to see the woman watching us, with her metal weapon threatening us. Her skin was slightly darker than average, and her black hair was tied back in a ponytail. Her eyes reminded me strangely of Aunt Tsenkya, as did her eyes and knees. She was wearing her dark green clothes, with different pockets carrying different kinds of objects, like lanterns or grenades. She had a kind of knife, sheathed on her lower back, with a pistol in its sheath. In her hands, she carried a machine gun similar to Jake's, without the wooden handle. An M69, as I recall. Why such similarities? No time to think, time to act! I set Tuk down on the ground and she took refuge between us, worried.

Woman: Well, we've got...

I took advantage of this moment to draw my left blade horizontally, before throwing one of my daggers. She uttered an expletive as she narrowly dodged, the blade just grazing her neck. My weapon planted itself on a trunk, but I took advantage of the moment to punch her, with enough force to throw her off balance.

Me: Sylwyn! Take Tuk and go! I'll hold them off.

Sylwyn: But...

Me: No buts!

I took my dagger back from the trunk, and my other one. Not following, I launched myself at Father's copy, trying to intercept my sister and cousin. He had to step back, avoiding a blow and stopping my backhand, holding my hand. But I knocked him to the ground with a kick. I could feel the energy of my sister and Tuktirey, anxious but moving away from danger. I felt my foot trip and caught myself using my hands, bringing myself to my feet with an impulse towards the ground. I immediately charged, drawing my second blade. He had time to draw his metal weapon, but had to use it to parry my two blades. The force of my attack enabled him to tackle the tree. We struggled to regain the advantage, but I had a card up my sleeve. Using my tail, I wrapped it around his right wrist and forced him down. This gave me the opening I needed to pierce his throat with my right blade. However, he barely escaped, my blade grazing his skin. Crap! Suddenly, I took a violent blow to the stomach, taking my breath away. I could feel my knees shaking, but I held on. Unfortunately, I took a blow to the back of the head, and blackness invaded my vision.

Elena's point of view

e get such training?

Ben: How was that possible?

Me: I don't know. Hopefully, we'll have more information after her interrogation.

Ben: And the other two?

Me: Let's leave them. The girl's enough.

Then I opened the channel to communicate with the other group, led by Quaritch.

Me: Blue 2 to Blue 1, we've finished our exploration and picked up a parcel.

Quaritch: Copy Blue 2. We've also had parcels; join us at the rally point, as planned

Me: Received.

I nodded to Ben, who took our captive on his shoulders and we set off.


When we reached the others, I noticed that Quaritch seemed to be watching a screen. I could hear the clash of metal. Turning my gaze, I saw the human form of the colonel fighting a Na'vi or avatar.

I stared at the captured natives. They were all teenagers. A Na'vi man and girl and a human. The first reminded me strangely of Jake, by the stern shape of his face. Probably his son. The girl, Grace Augustine. This surprised me, but the facial similarity was striking. As for the human, he was shirtless with blue stripes, a loincloth and an oxygen mask with the filter holder attached to his bottom. His hair was knotted into dread shapes, to resemble the natives.

Me: I see we've been busy.

Quaritch: Indeed.

He continued to look and we saw a native shoot two arrows at him, before he collapsed.

Wainfleet: The images end there.

It was then that I saw a skeleton in uniform, pierced by two arrows. The colonel's eyes looked sad and disappointed. He picked up the skull of his former self, staring at it for a moment before crushing it with his hand. As if to erase this painful failure. Then he snapped out of his thoughts and stared at us, while Ben deposited our restless prisoner at another section, soon to be joined by his trio of friends.

Quaritch out of his thoughts: So this is your package?

Me: Yes. I think it's the daughter of one of our targets.

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