Chapter 25: Diplomacy under strain

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Here's what's next, with a little jump to events on the western frontier and the arrival of a Tsahik with her tongue firmly in her cheek ;). Feel free to vote if you like it or comment.

Sarya's viewpoint

After a long walk through the forest, following Etuwa's directions, I finally arrived at the Kelutral of the Aranahe. At first, I was greeted with hostility, spears and bows pointed at me. However, one woman came to my defense, recognizing the mark of my clan. She led me into the Kelutral, whose splendor and strength I admired. The cradle of the clan, it had seen so many lives and lived so many stories. My guide, Nefika, was benevolent but rather eccentric. I couldn't help admiring the refinement of her clothing. A sort of yellow coating covered a light-green tunic hung with ornaments that held a dagger and various objects. A yellow loincloth covered her bottom. White paint covered her face and her hair was braided. A sort of woven hat covered the top of her head, and earrings with bluish leaves. To complete the ensemble, a necklace remained around her neck. I was fascinated by so many colors and pigments, seemingly of great intensity, as if life sparkled in their clothes.

 I was fascinated by so many colors and pigments, seemingly of great intensity, as if life sparkled in their clothes

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Nefika: My child...You seem so lost. You're a young root torn from its native soil. Let the Home Tree heal your soul and ease your pain.

I didn't know what to make of the young woman's eccentricity.

Me: Thank you for your welcome. I...

Nefika: Sarentu, my child, I recognize my mark that you wear and I must say that we miss yours very much. They always had fabulous stories to tell us. But you'd like to talk to Ka'nat, our chief, wouldn't you?

Me: Yes...I want to try and convince him to help the Resistance in its fight against the RDA.

The latter lowered her ears, while her features became sadder.

Nefika: I understand, but I'm afraid you'll have a hard time convincing him. Sawtutes are nothing but trouble and Ka'nat doesn't like trouble. But you can always try. After all, you're Sarentu. Your people are renowned for their wisdom and foresight.

So she took me upstairs, where I could hear a man's voice.

Man: Ka'nat, I can understand your pain. But think of the future of your clan. You can't turn a blind eye to what's happening. The forest is sick, and you know it.

Nefika: Oh...It's true that the chief and the Tsahik of the Night Archers are visiting today. It must have slipped my poor mind.

Me: Night Archers?

Nefika: Yes, I've heard they're renowned for being outstanding marksmen. They owe their nicknames to their ability to move with the environment. To the point of being invisible to those who can't see what's going on. They're a bit rough and lack refinement, if you ask me.

Another clan name unknown to the TAP database. But given what Nefika had said, it was not surprising. The members of the RDA probably never saw one before they were killed. How many clans are we going to discover? I was curious to find out. Another voice answered, which I thought was the leader.

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