Chapter 16: Arrival at the Metkayina home

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Here's the next part, with the arrival of the Metkayinas and the famous interview to be accepted into the aquatic clan. Feel free to vote if you like it or comment.

Twaly's point of view

I didn't know what these strange aquatic creatures were, but we owed them our lives. When the wave caught us in its embrace and separated us from Mother, we did our utmost to get back. But it was then that we saw a strange and dangerous fish. Large in size, it stared at us with menacing bulging eyes before swimming towards us. As it approached, it was struck by a massive creature, stunning it. Then we were suddenly put on the back of another, which brought us to the surface, allowing us and it to breathe. When we dived again, we saw the second one push the predatory fish away with its powerful fin.

Tsikey: What just happened?

Sylwyn: I don't know, but Eywa smiled at us!

I couldn't disagree with my sister. Thanks to our saviors, we were able to ride out the rest of the storm until it subsided. When we finally found the clearing, I could get a better look at our rescuers. They were massive aquatic creatures. Two V-shaped horns terminated its skull, above its mouth. I could see long, strong fins while a yellow eye watched us with concern, as if asking if we were all right.

Me: Yes... Thanks again for the rescue.

He blinked, followed by a high-pitched squeal, as if to say it was natural.


Shortly after finding Mother, Aunt Neytiri's family found us and we were able to continue on our way. I thought back to the creatures that had saved us. I didn't know why, but I had the impression that a link had formed with the one that had saved me. I didn't know why, but something inside me told me it was a female. I spent the rest of the trip pondering this strange bond. We'd only seen each other once, and yet...

Suddenly, the sight of some kind of natural dam, made from what looked like roots facing the ocean, as if to protect the land from its onslaught, appeared and sounded like the end of our long, multi-day journey. As we flew over, my eyes widened at the sight of siblings quite different from us, looking more like aquatic creatures. But above all, these natural pools lined up close to each other like a kind of well-connected ring. It was a magnificent sight, allowing life to flourish and providing potential food for the tribe. We continued to fly over the reef and soon came to a village suspended above the water, as if glued to the roots of a tree whose legs were sinking into the water. It reminded me, with bitter nolsatgy, of our destroyed Kelutral. As we approached, I could see a series of tents, although not made from the same materials, I recognized them as marui, the main component of their village. Uncle Jake signaled our arrival with a friendly shout. One of the tribesmen answered his call with the sound of a horn as we turned to head for the seashore at the entrance to the village. We finally landed, the Sully family in front of us, to face our potential guests, who soon arrived. As I set foot on the ground, I was disturbed by the soft material bending to my weight. Being used to the forest floor, this new discovery disconcerted me and made me curious. What was this strange matter that made up the ground? Obviously, we soon attracted curiosity and suspicion, due to our bodily differences. I noticed, at that moment, that their arms were bigger than ours, their eyes were different too, looking more...I don't know how to explain it, but it really reminded me of a fish, while their tails were much thicker than ours. Like a fin. Not at all, they really were fish! Their clothes were made of seemingly light materials, aquatic plant matter such as leaves, seaweed and even shells. It was a completely different world from the forest, one we'd have to adapt to. I didn't mind, though; I'd always been more into the water than the forest. The aquatic element had a certain soothing quality, as did the cold, though initially repulsive. Unlike Tsikey, who clearly hated water.

Tsikey: Water... Why does it have to be water!?

Mother: Tsikey! Please hide your hostility. Let's not forget that this will be our new home.

Tsikey: Great! I'm so excited!

Sylwyn: I think it's cool! Have you seen their houses? And that beautiful reef?

Tsikey: I've got eyes, Syl.

Me: Come on, little brother. Don't be a grouch.

Tsikey: It's the pot calling the kettle black!

Mother: Please calm down, you two, or I'll do it myself!

The look she gave us made it clear that we had to behave. Otherwise, we'd be in big trouble. Sylwyn, on the other hand, looked at the water with a certain curiosity and impatience. I'd almost forgotten how much our little sister enjoyed the water. In fact, I rarely saw her get angry or dislike anything. She always had this sparkling curiosity, ever since she was a little girl. Father often called her "the little electron of the family". Father... Just thinking about him reminded me of his terrible absence, and I lowered my ears in sadness. Mother placed a hand on my right shoulder, catching my eye. She too had her ears lowered and her face sad, but she gave me a smile.

Mother: He'll always be with us, Twaly. In Eywa, and in our hearts and memories. He'll always be there, whenever you need him.

I wasn't too convinced, but I bowed my head nonetheless. And so we moved forward, behind the Sullys. Uncle Jake raised his hands in a friendly approach. The eyes mixed curiosity and suspicion, observing us in detail, as if we were aliens. I had a feeling this was going to be complicated.

 ???'s point of view

We were swimming along the beach, admiring the reef but also taking the opportunity to have a look at the girls. Of course, the girls kept smiling at me, unable to resist my charm. Suddenly, we saw shadows flying over the water, followed by the sound of a horn, alerting the clan. Everyone gathered to see the newcomers. They were in strange flying creatures I'd never seen before. They seemed to have the head of an aquatic creature, but with wings. What could it be? But the strangest thing was the strangers riding them. They seemed to be na'vis, but their tails were much shorter, their skin darker, especially the group behind the main one. I looked at the first ones first, ignoring their friendly greetings. Skinny arms, small tail...I couldn't help giggling, along with my friend Rotxo. How could they move with such a small tail? No, but they were so ridiculous! How could they move with that? Suddenly, I was hit in the stomach by my little sister Tsiyera, who gave me a scolding look. I rolled my eyes at her kindness. What did she see in these people, to adopt such a...Two sunset-orange eyes cut me off. Her beautifully drawn eyes, highlighting a face that seemed designed by Eywa herself, revealing a warrior beauty. Her slender, athletic figure reinforced this aspect. Her beautiful half-long braided hair just over her shoulders. Not too short, not too long. Just the right length to show off her young face. I've seen a lot of girls, but none so breathtakingly beautiful! She was darker-skinned than the others, but less so than the oldest, who must have been her mother. However, this added to her charm. She seemed to be inspecting her surroundings with a stern face. A sort of long strap covered her breasts, hiding them from view and reinforcing her fighting spirit. I was surprised by such attire, having never seen a woman in such a garb. Two daggers seemed to be tucked away in their scabbards at her sides. She was the personification of warrior beauty, if I had to find an image of it.

The Waters of Destiny ( English Version of " Les eaux du Destin"Where stories live. Discover now