Chapter 17: New Home

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Here's what's next, with a sneak preview of the other characters and the Koltyan family's arrival in their new home. Feel free to vote if you like it or comment. Above, a representation of Ma'likia.

Ben's point of view

While I was healing from the wound caused by my encounter with my other self. These words haunted me, as did the implication that the revelation of his survival implied. Could I consider myself Ben? Was I just another copy to be used for a specific purpose? Was my fight for humanity justified?

Voice: You're awake.

I looked up to see Mother coming towards me, looking worried. At least, the recombinant one. What was Mother's fate in Pandora?

Mother: You seem pensive.

Me: I'm thinking about the last mission.

Mother: Why are you so worried? Our mission is clear. Eliminate Jake Sully.

Me: Mother...We have memories, their genes...But are we really the people we inherited this from?

Mother: What's your point, Ben?

Me: Am I really Ben? Because during the natives' attack, I got the answer to the questions we were asking. And it was me. At least, the man from whom I inherited the memories.

She looked at me, confused.

Me; Mother, the native who hurt me, was none other than Ben Thalyen. The man I'm just a copy of.

Mother: What? He survived?! But...the reports...

Me: His human body is dead. But it seems he's found a way to transfer his spirit to his avatar. And remember that teenage girl who practiced assassination moves similar to ours?

Mother understanding: You mean...

Me: Yes, she's a Thalyen.

Mother remained silent, ears and eyes lowered as she realized that the original, whose double I was, was alive and had just been eliminated. What's more, this revelation was beginning to call my place into question. Why should I help a species to which I had no attachment whatsoever?

Mother: Well, we're...

Me: We're not human beings, Mother. We're just doubles serving as replacements. Good little soldiers to be disposed of when the job's done.

I took a violent slap, nearly losing my balance. I turned my gaze to see her staring at me in annoyance.

Mother: I don't want to hear this from you again, Ben. Billions of lives depend on the success of our mission.

Me: You're just dodging the question, Mother. Now, let me ask you a question. Knowing now that you have little cat children, are you still going to eliminate them? If we run into Kendra, are you going to consider her an enemy?

Mother: All in good time, son.

Me: You're just dodging the question, but so be it. But you're just putting the problem on hold.

For my part, I didn't know what to think. Was I a Thalyan and considered this teenager my daughter? Or was I just a soldier who had to serve Humanity? And even with this option, should I consider myself human, through my memories, or Na'vi through the body my mind carried?

Tsenkya's point of view

The chants resounded, wishing peace to the soul so that Eywa could welcome it into her bosom. I accompanied the singing, with my companion and daughter, trying to silence the pain in my heart. But my tears continued to flow, as I stared at the body of the last member of my human family joining the earth and the Mother Goddess. I did my utmost to contain my grief, but a few tremors in my voice betrayed the hole now invading my heart.

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