Prologue/Diagon Alley

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"Astra darling, we're going to be late," my mother says as she enters my room. I'm looking at my reflection in the large gothic mirror, brushing my long hair, changing it from my usual half-black half-blonde monstrosity to all blonde. As I'm a Metamorphmagus, I can change my appearance to whatever I want just by visualizing it in my mind. "You look beautiful with your original hair darling, it's a part of who you are, embrace it," my mother tells me, placing her hands on my shoulders and giving me a heartwarming smile. "Your father is waiting in front of the fireplace ready to travel to Diagon Alley, we don't want to keep him waiting too long."

I walk downstairs to the lounge with mother by my side. Draco turns as we enter, smirking at me as if to say you kept father waiting,  you are in trouble. Expecting me to be grilled by my father all he says as I stand next to him is "beauty takes time I see." He compliments. "Thank you, father," I reply, walking into the big open Victorian fireplace. I turn around to face my family and I see Draco with a shocked expression on his face. Smirking back at him, I quickly speak the words "Diagon Alley" quietly to myself and I'm engulfed in green smoke and transported to the fireplace in the Leaky Cauldron.

When the rest of my family comes through the fireplace we exit the Leaky Cauldron and into the busy street that is Diagon Alley. "Can we get our wands, first father?" I ask. "Yes, I will accompany you and Draco while your mother gets your supplies and books." "Yes!" Draco and I whisper simultaneously. We follow father as he walks into Ollivander's "Ah Lucius Malfoy it's a pleasure, Elmwood, Dragon heartstring a very powerful heirloom of your family," Ollivander blabs before being interrupted by Lucius. "Can we get on with giving the children their wands?" "Yes sir my apologies." Ollivander mutters, walking off to the back to pull out multiple wands, bringing them to the counter and laying them out for us to choose from. "Ladies first" Ollivander gestures to me. I stand at the counter looking at the wands. The one that stands out to me is a black bendy wand with back ridges at the end. I pick it up and feel a light breeze of air fly around me. "Very nice choice Miss Malfoy, that's an Ebonywood wand with a unicorn hair core 11 1/2 inches and surprisingly swishy flexibility. Next was Draco's turn and he chose a brown wand with a metal handle at the bottom which was a Hawthorn Wood with a Unicorn hair core 10 inches and reasonably springy. Father paid for the wands and we left Ollivanders and went to Madam Malkins to get our school robes.

As soon as Draco and I met up with mother and father outside Eyelops Owl Emporium, mother started speaking to us. "Now you're father and I have decided that we're getting the cat you wanted for your birthday Astra." "Omg yes thank you mother, father." I'm suddenly interrupted by a moaning Draco. "Father why does Astra get a pet, why can't I have one." "Draco stop moaning and hear you're mother out." He spoke abruptly. Draco glared at me and looked at mother as she continued. "Astra proved to us that she could take care of an animal by looking after the peacocks around the grounds of the manor, we thought you Draco could pick out an owl for both of you to share to send letters to us." "Then I get to pick the owl's name," Draco demanded, glancing at me. "If you wish, as long as you don't pick a stupid name like apple," I reply with an evil grin on my face. Knowing his weird obsession with apples. "You two behave we're in public," Father grumbles, placing his hands on our shoulders. I walk into Magical Menagerie with father to pick out a cat While Draco walks into Eyelops Emporium with mother to pick out an owl. My eyes suddenly land on a little black kitten with big blue eyes and a bit of white on the front of its face and paws. The shopkeeper comes over to greet us, "are you interested in this little kitten Miss Malfoy. I can get her out of the cage if you wish to carry her." I look up at father who nods, "yes please, that would be great" I reply politely. He picks up the kitten and passes her to me. As he does she suddenly snuggles into my neck and I instantly fall in love. "That will be 10 Gallons Mr. Malfoy," the shopkeeper tells father. After paying we walk out seeing Draco holding a cage with a beautiful grey and white owl with black marks around its body. "Wow, good choice Draco," I tell him admiring the owl. "What's its name, not apple I hope," I say sarcastically. "Nope, his name is Lucky," He says proudly. I raise my eyebrows, decent name I think to myself. "What's your cat's name," he asks me. "Her name is Nova" I tell him with a smile. After all our shopping we head back home and I anxiously start writing down all the things I need to pack for my first day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

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