A Slytherins First day

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When the dinner is finished all the prefects of the houses stand up. Ours introduces herself as Gemma Farley. She leads us out of the great hall, and we head down the last staircase on the left toward the dungeons. We arrive in a corridor and we pass a potions classroom and a set of stairs going further down, maybe to an office. We all stand still in front of an empty stone wall. Gemma said the password will always be the same. As soon as she said the word 'Pure-Blood' a passage was revealed leading to the common room. The Slytherin common room was a dungeon-like room with greenish lamps and chairs. The windows were facing out to the black lake, giving the light in the room a greenish tinge. The common room had lots of black and dark green leather sofas, skulls, and dark wood cupboards. It was also quite cold, but I didn't mind, this was my kind of atmosphere. Gemma explains to us where the girl's and boys dormitories are and says goodnight. After heading up to our dorms to dress in our comfy clothes. Draco and I sit on the leather couches in front of the fireplace to write a letter to Mother and Father asking if we are allowed separate rooms because I couldn't stand being in the same room as Pansy Parkinson and Draco the same with Crabbe and Goyle. I tell Draco I will find the owlery and give it to Lucky tomorrow. "Night Draco, I'm going to bed," I proceed to tell him as I head off to bed. "Night Sis," he replies back.

I wake up to Pansy's shrieking voice yelling at Millicent Bulstrode to get her mangy cat off her bed. I sigh and jump out of my bed, look at my alarm clock it reads 6.20am. Nice, I can go down to breakfast early, I think to myself. Before I get out of bed and get dressed in my newly acquired Slytherin robes I remember to change my hair to being fully blonde as I'm not ready for everyone to see my crazy hair. I then head up to the Great Hall for breakfast. There wasn't many students in the hall at this time, I did see Fred and George though. "Morning boys," I say as I walk over to them eating at the Gryffindor table. "Morning Astra," they both say in unison. "Sit down with us we need you for a prank were planning on Filch. "Okay what do you have so far," I ask them as I sit down next to George and pick up a piece of bread and start eating. "I'm rather good at potions, maybe I can make something to prank him with," I tell them after I finish my mouthful. "Yeah great idea," George responds turning to look at his brother. "How about a sleeping draught?" Fred asks. "Yeah I can make one of those, easy," I reply. They both smirk at me. "Wicked," they both say together again. This is definitely becoming a habit, I think to myself. "We will take care of the rest but can you have the potion ready by tomorrow?" George asks. As he places his hand on my shoulder he turns red and quickly moves his hand away and looks down at the table. "Sure I can do that. Gotta get to my first class. See you boys later," I reply standing up and walking off waving back at them. I look back as I get to the entrance and notice George lightly push Fred which causes him to fall off the seat. I giggle to myself quietly walking off to Transfiguration class on the first floor.

As I reach the first floor stairs I hear a familiar voice call out to me followed by another. "Morning Asteria," Atticus said softly, "I'm running into you left right and center today! Oh, running into.. I'm sorry Atticus!" Alexander rambled, he let out a chuckle. "Morning guys, did I miss something.?" I ask confused. "Oh, Alex just quite literally ran into me" Atticus says with a soft chuckle. Alexander turned away, looking quite embarrassed, before retorting "I hope you don't miss, if you're planning a big prank!" obviously trying to deflect the topic. "Shh it's a secret," I reply to Alexander, placing my index finger over my lips and head into the classroom to sit with Draco at the front table.

The classroom goes silent as Professor McGonagall walks in, "Welcome students, to transfiguration class. I am Professor McGonagall. We will begin our first lesson with an introduction to the transfiguration alphabet. "Open your textbooks to page three" she informs us with a serious look. We all rush to open our books and get to work. Over the next quarter of an hour or so she explains the correlation between the Transfiguration alphabet and the English alphabet, as well as the correct way to translate between the two before writing an equation on the board and asking us to translate it. She then transfigured herself into a cat and jumped up onto her desk, which surprised most of the class and causes Draco and I to glance at each other and whisper "Cool." I wondered if the Professor could show me one day how to become an animagi, because I had been interested since Snape told me about Sirius Black, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew becoming an animagi, after learning their friend Remus Lupin was a werewolf.

I was abruptly broken from my thoughts when two students came briskly running into the classroom. I sigh when I realize it's Harry Potter 'the boy who lived,' and Ron Weasley, the twins little brother. "Whew, we made it. Can you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late?" Ron exclaimed. Draco and I tried our hardest to hold in our little snickers. The cat literally jumps off the desk and transforms in midair back into Professor McGonagall. "That was bloody brilliant," shouts Ron. "Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley. Perhaps if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter or yourself into a pocket-watch, one of you might be on time," she says rather sternly. "We got lost" Harry quickly spoke, looking embarrassed. "Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats," she replies as the boys shyly find their seats. Once Transfiguration was over I start heading to my next class down in the dungeons, noticing Alex and Atticus both heading the same way. "You guys have Potions too?" Atticus asks quietly. We both reply with a nod. We all chat among ourselves as we head to potions class.

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