Midnight Snack

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"Does it hurt terribly, Draco?" Pansy asks holding Draco's arm which is in a sling. Were in the great hall studying the two classes we had yesterday. "It comes and it goes. Still, I consider myself lucky. Madam Pomfrey said another minute or two and I could've lost my arm. I couldn't possibly do any homework for weeks." Draco boasts. "Get over yourself Draco, it was only a scratch." I shut my books and stand up and walk off, away from his annoying boasting. I hear chuckles around me.

As I walk up to the seventh floor I pull out my journal and scribble. "If anybody needs me, ill be in the room of requirement. Studying in peace" I sigh and think of my peaceful room at home. I smile as the door appears and I walk in. I let in a deep breath and place my books onto my silky black duvet over my bed. I take off my robe, loosen my green tie and take off my shoes and lay on my bed to finish my studying.

I manage to finish my Care of Magical creatures homework, which was an essay about our favourite magical creature. I struggled for the lonest time what to write about, finally coming across the idea of the Thestral. As I finish my drawing at the end of the page of a Thestral, when I'm interrupted by George Weasley. "Is it okay if I come in. Atti told me where you were." He asks peaking in the door. "Yeah of course. I thought he might have. I've just finished one assignment." I say answering Georges question. His face goes red as he's looking around the room. "Uh is this your bedroom" He asks, slightly embarrassed. He sits down on my bed and looks at my drawing. "Wow did you draw this." He said sounding shocked. "Yeah, It's not very good." I say pushing it away from him. "No its amazing. you are a really good drawer. I have never seen a Thestral before." He explains. I smile, trying to cover the reason how I can see the creatures. "Do you have more drawings" He asks giving me my essay back. "Yeah but you cant see them." I say feeling my face getting red when I remember the drawing of him in my journal. "Aww why not." He pleads. I place my hand on top of my drawing journal while George is looking around my room once more. I try move it under my books before he sees, but he sees and grabs the journal and stands up.

"Oohhh you were trying to hide this, weren't you." I get up off the bed and try get it back from him but he holds it above his head. "George give it back, its embarrassing." I say trying to jump up to reach it. "Come and get it then." He teases. He reaches up further holding it with one hand above his head laughing and joking. I let out a sigh and reach up one hand and tickle under his armpit. He lets out the cutest giggle and drops the book on the floor and jokingly wraps his other arm around me and pushes me onto the bed and bends down to pick up the book. I sit back up on the bed to see George standing there with the journal open in his hands. My heart drops into my stomach, hoping so badly that its not the picture of him. But from his reaction I'm sure it is.

"Is this me," He turns the book around and I bury my face in my hands. "No it's Fred." I say jokingly. "Ohh" He says looking defeated. "Of course it's you dummy." I reply feeling bad that he took it to heart. He grins at me, and I nod like I realised what he was thinking. He sits down next to me and we look through the rest of my drawings, laughing and having tickling moments every now and then.


Saturday night I missed out on dinner because I got caught up in my drawings. I look at the clock next to my bed and realise it's midnight and I hear my stomach rumble rather loudly. I get off my bed and look in my bag for some treats, but f course I have nothing left. I let out a sigh and put on my comfy green tartan pajama pants and a black strapless top, I grab a black zipped hoodie and throw it over top so I don't get cold and decide to venture towards the kitchen for a midnight snack. 

As I'm wandering down the corridor towards the kitchen I hear the faint voices of the troublesome Weasley twins. What are they up to this time I wonder. I find myself in a daze just listening to the boys talk. "George, talk to me no one is here. You have it bad for that girl haven't you" "Why are we bringing Asteria up now," George lets out a sigh. "Well you were just thinking about her, right!" Fred says. "Shut up Fred! Cant I think about a girl in peace, without you making a fuss each time." "No were in the middle of pranking Filch, its so obvious you are head over heels for her though!" "So what if I am" George blurts out. "Hey not attacking you here, I don't blame you she's a catch alright." I cant help but keep smiling. "Yesterday when we were talking in the room of requirement, I lost the plot for a moment seeing her sitting in her bedroom. I had so many chances to kiss her but I got kind of nervous." "Awww Georgie, you do have it bad. Never thought id see the day my brother in love." "I just feel soo happy when I'm with her, she makes me smile and I forget about the cruel world that's happening around us." "Soo are you going to tell her you like her." Fred asks. "Bloody hell, not now Fred it's past midnight." "Just saying a good looking girl like her will have all the boys falling at her feet." "Your probably right Freddie. I want to do something nice for her, but I'm not sure what." George blabs. I peak around the corner and see the back of his red ears and smile. Fred places a hand on Georges shoulder and winks right at me. "Shit," I whisper quickly hiding myself again. "Let's go into the kitchens mate, and get a midnight snack. Maybe make some heart cookies for her." "Oh shut it Fred." George says shoving his brother lightly before tickling the picture of a peach and entering the kitchens.  

I decide to wait a few minutes before entering the kitchens myself. As I open the door of the kitchens, I'm greeted by a couple of house elves. "Welcome Miss what can we get for you," "Oh heyy Asteria." Fred yells becoming me over to them. "Ill have whatever the boys are having," I say to the elf, before heading over to the large table the boys are at. "What brings you to the kitchens at this hour" George asks me as I sit down, his face slightly red. "Midnight snack, since I missed out on dinner." I reply. "Ahh right." George mutters. 'CRASH' We hear a loud clatter of dishes behind us. One of the house elves had dropped some plates while bringing us our snacks. I get up and rush over to help the elf pick up the broken pieces. "Oh thank you for helping miss" The elf replies. "No problem I'm happy to help." I reply with a smile. 'BANG' As I'm bending down picking up the pieces the kitchen door hits me right on the head. 'OUCH' 

"Blimey, are you okay." I hear a soft spoken male voice standing above me. I look up rubbing my head as I see a tall light brown haired boy in bright yellow Hufflepuff pajamas, holding out his hand to help me up. "Shit, are you okay." George says running over to my side pulling me into a hug. "Yeah I'm okay. Head's just a bit sore though." I mutter, STILL RUBBING IT. "I'm soo sorry, I didn't know anyone was there." The boy pleads. "That's okay Cedric, just get her some water and ice." George orders, guiding me back over to the table.

"Soo your the in-famous Cedric" I say as he hands me an ice pack and water. I take a drink of water and my hair falls over my face, and I realise my hair has gone back to my natural black and blonde. I start to panic and George touches my hair. "Don't change it back. You know I like it Asteria." I smile. "Ahh soo your Asteria" Cedric chuckles. "Yeah I'm guessing Atti has told you all about me" "He sure has" Cedric replies. Then a couple of house elves come over bearing an assortment of snacks. We all dig in at the table, while talking and laughing about anything and everything possible.

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