The Bite of '92

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I wake up the next morning in my big bed in my own dormitory, rubbing my eyes before getting out of bed to finish some last minute decorating before I head to the Great Hall for breakfast. I grab the green led lights from my suitcase and use 'Wingardium Leviosa' to place them around the ceiling, next I pull out my big black blanket and place it at the end of my bed to use in the winter. I put all my clothes in the black dresser and hang some in the wardrobe. I head into my own connected bathroom and place all of my toiletries where I want them. I turn to look in the mirror, noticing my messy blonde and black hair. 'Colovara' I say thinking of the silvery blonde hair I showed my friends yesterday. I open my eyes and smile, for the first time in a while at my new reflection. I'm going to like this new look, I think to myself before heading back into my room to get changed into my robes then going to breakfast. 

My room is directly across from Draco's and there is a few more empty ones next to ours. So I run into my brother coming out of his room, "Ready for breakfast," I tell him, he rolls his eyes as we walk into the main common room. "I guess so," he mumbles back. "Come on Draco, stop being a miserable git. This year is going to be interesting," I say as I hit him on the arm playfully. "What, how do you know that," Draco asks, as we leave the common room with our other friends. "Maybe I'll tell you later," I whisper into Draco's ear, before Pansy grabs my hand and we walk ahead of the boys making our way up to the Great Hall. 

Once we all sit at the Slytherin table for breakfast, Snape comes along and gives us our timetables for the year. "Asteria, can you come with me, I need a word." Snape tells me, as I get up I shrug to my friends letting them know I was just as confused as they were. I follow Snape back down to his office in the dungeons. 

Once in Snape's office, he folds his robe over his arms and starts speaking to me in his usual dull tone. "I know what your Father is planning to happen this year, because I was at the meeting at the manor in the holidays. Also I know you're helping Dobby protect Harry from this happening." "You're not going to tell Father are you," I whimper, slightly scared of what would happen if he finds out. "No I'm not going to tell him, I think it's a good idea to protect Harry as well. Although he made it to school this year in a flying car, he crashed it into the Whomping Willow lastnight, so you might need to think of another idea to stop him from entering the chamber, I can help in any way you need," Thanks Sev, I tell him with a smile. "Hey that's Professor Snape to you at school, right." He demands pointing at me. "Now off you go, and If anyone asks I'm giving you extra potions lessons after dinner." He says shooing me off, in a nice way. 

I run back to have some breakfast before our first class, which happens to be Herbology. My friends pestering me on the way to the green house about what Professor Snape wanted. So I tell them I'm taking extra potion lessons like he told me to so I can shut them up. When we arrive we all stand around the table in the middle of the greenhouse, waiting for Professor Sprout to arrive. 

She comes in and taps on a pot in front of her to get everyone's attention, "Good morning, everyone" "Good morning, Professor Sprout." All the class replies in unison. " Welcome to Greenhouse Three, second years. Gather around, everyone. Today, were going to re-pot Mandrakes." She explains, as she grabs a pot from the table behind her and brings it to the front to demonstrate. "Who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?" Hermione and Atticus's hands shoot up straight away. 'Yes Miss Granger?" She calls on Hermione and Atticus lowers his hand looking defeated. "Mandrake or Mandragora.. Is used to return those who have been petrified to their original state. It's also quite dangerous. The Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it." Hermione tells everyone in her know it all tone. "Excellent. Ten points to Gryffindor." Draco and I roll our eyes after Professor Sprout says this. "As our Mandrakes are still only seedlings, their cries won't kill you yet. But they could knock you out for hours, which is why I have given you earmuffs, for auditory protection. 

So could you please put them on right away? Quickly. Flaps tight down, and watch me closely." She tells everyone, as we all rush to put on our earmuffs, making sure they are secure. When everyone has put on their earmuffs she continues. "You grasp your Mandrake firmly. You pull it sharply up out of the pot. Got it? you dunk it down into the other pot...and pour a little sprinkling of soil to keep him warm." Neville suddenly faints form across the table. "Longbottom's been neglecting his earmuffs." Professor Sprout speaks,  "No, ma'am, he's just fainted." The student that always blows himself up speaks. "Yes, well, just leave him there." Professor Sprout speaks, with a straight face. "Leave him there?" Alex exclaims, sounding very mad. "What if he's injured?" He continues. "It's safer for him there, honestly." Professor Sprout spoke again, this time, not looking away from her mandrake. "Right, on we go. Plenty of pots to go around. Grasp your Mandrake and pull it up."

We all pull up our mandrakes and the screams are loud but bearable, because of our earmuffs. I turn to look at Draco next to me as he tickles his mandrake under the chin trying to be a funny, it then bites his finger, which causes Crabbe, Goyle and I to start laughing. Draco tries to pull his finger free and finally manages to after a few seconds, he looks down at his sore finger then looks up at the mandrake still in his hand giving it an evil glare. This makes me snicker to myself, and Draco turns to me give me a glare next. We all finish potting our Mandrakes and when class is over, I walk  out of the greenhouse with my Slytherin friends to our Common Room. 

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