The Third Task

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While waiting for this day to arrive we attend more classes and on top of that I had lessons with Barty to learn Imperio so I could control the other contestants in the maze. I managed to control another spider like he did in the first DADA class but I didnt enjoy it.
Great first I have to use the Crucio curse now Imperio. What next the Killing curse. I hope not, I couldn't ever kill anyone.

Dusk 24th June 1995

A few hours before the third task Barty calls me to his office. "Right, lets go" He demands just as I walked through the door. He leads me out to the quidditch pitch. But in front of me is huge green hedges that go for miles, forming the maze. "Here's a map of the maze. You have two hours to learn this map. Good Luck." Barty says handing me a piece of paper. Before I can reply he walks off back to his office. "Great, here we go" I mutter, letting out a big sigh before heading into the maze.


My wand lights up in front of me, allowing me a closer look at this map. First thing I notice is the Triwizard cup placed in the middle. By the looks of it he's marked 3 ways to get to the cup. I decide to take the right path first. When I reach the cup a bright glow emits around it. I look closer at the map, noticing a circle next to the cup. On the ground behind the stone the cup was placed on, is my cup that he made my portkey and a black cloak. Guess I have to put this on then.

I walk through the other paths, memorizing each one so I don't have to pull out my map.  Suddenly I hear music play from the entrance I came through. I patiently wait at the entrance out of sight. The crowd erupts with cheers I can barely hear over the music.


Dumbledore's voice erupts, making me jump with fright. "Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now, as Mr. Diggory-" Some of the crowd erupts with cheers, I smile as I hear Attis cheer being the loudest. "...and Mr. Potter..." More cheers are heard. "...are tied for first position... They will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum..."

I quickly put the hood on of my cloak, before peaking around the hedge. Trying not to laugh as I see Crabbe with the words 'Krum' on his forehead cheering for him with the rest of the Slytherins. Including my brother. I roll my eyes, before getting out of sight to listen to Dumbledore continue.

"And Miss Delacour." I'm guessing the Beauxbatons cheer next. "The first person to touch the cup will be the winner!" Dumbledore finished, causing the whole crowd to become silent. "I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands." He announces before turning to the contestants as they gather around him.

I take a quick glance as Dumbledore seems to be giving the contestants a pep talk, though I cant hear what he's saying. Four entrances open up as the champions take their marks. The crowd roars in cheers once again. The music begins again as the champions take their mark. Each champion enters the maze, the opening closing trapping them in the maze.

I decide to go after Krum first as I thought he would be more challenging to control. I finally find him already halfway through the maze. He must have been running through as he was out of breath when I sneak up behind him. "Imperio" I whisper, hitting him right in the back of the head. He stands up straight, turning to face me. I notice his eyes were a murky white and glazed over.

"Dance for me" I demand, curious to see if I cast this properly. Krum suddenly starts performing the waltz by himself. I cant help but chuckle. "Okay stop" I manage to get out between giggles. "I need you to do something for me." He stops and eagerly listens to my instructions. "You need to attack and stop Fleur and Cedric from getting to the cup. Don't hurt them though just enough to scare them. I'll do the rest from there." Krum nods and marches off in the direction he came from. I follow him from the shadows.

It's not long until we come across a scared Fleur running around in distress. We wait until she stops to look at the glow of the cup. "Now" I whisper before placing my hand on Krum's shoulder. He runs towards fleur, pushing her over as she lets out a loud scream. Shit that's going to cause attention. I think to myself.

Krum is still leaning over a startled Fleur, staring into her eyes. I motion for Krum to get off her to run away the second we hear running footsteps. "Incaserous" I whisper, pointing my wand to the vines on the ground. The vines wrapping around Fleur pulling her under the hedge. I manage to get far enough away, hiding in the shadows to see Krum run into Harry Potter just peaking around the corner. He raises his wand towards Harry's face.

No Krum leave Harry alone.

Seeming like he heard my pleas, he lowers his wand and walks away from me like a robot on a mission. Harry runs to where Krum came from spotting Fleur before she is unable to be seen."Periculum" he speaks raising his wand in the air shooting up red sparks to alert the teachers patrolling the perimeter.

Suddenly the wind blows through the hedges where I'm standing and it starts to close in on me. Why didn't you tell me about this Barty. I run straight down the path ahead of me, tripping over a vine as I reach the end. I start panicking, moving my leg, trying to yank it free. But i come to the conclusion it's stuck, moving under the hedge. "Shit, I'm a goner." I mutter, thinking about defeat.

As I'm contemplating death again, I'm suddenly yanked back from my waist. With the force if the pull I fall backwards on top of my savior. He grunts in pain. I quickly jump up and try to get away as I'm not allowed to be seen. He must have got up fast also, as he managed to reach out and pull my hood off. "Asteria" he questions. I look down at the ground. "Heyy Cedric." I turn with a sheepish grin on my face. "What are you doing here." He asks looking extra concerned. "No time to explain. But Cedric do not touch the Triwizard cup. Please whatever you do." I say before marching over to him, placing my hands up on to his shoulders. I knew he could see the seriousness in my eyes. I hope he listens. I think to myself as I pull my hood back over my head running in the other direction.

Seconds later I hear Krum's voice yell out, my attention suddenly caught behind me where I left Cedric. "Shit." I mutter, before running to watch the commotion. Cedric managed to dodge the spell Krum sent at him. I notice Harry there too down on the ground. But Krum's attention on Cedric. "Expelliarmus" Cedric speaks confidently, knocking Krum backwards. Cedric runs over towards Kum ready to attack. But Harry stops him before I have to intervene. "No, don't! Stop! He's bewitched, Cedric. He's Bewitched." Harry tries to pry Cedric away from hurting Krum. All Cedric does is kicks Krum's wand out of his hand. Then he reaches out pointing his wand at Krum. Harry tries to stop him again, but is pushed away from Cedric. "Get off me." He growls. before scampering towards the glowing light at the end of the passage.

What the hell has gotten into him

Harry follows, both boys fighting towards the cup. What did I tell you Cedric. Bloody boy's they are both way to competitive. I think to myself. Now is the time I have to intervene. The boys both stand still for a moment as they see the cup in the distance. They bolt towards the cup, as I'm frantically trying to cast 'Incaserous' on the vines under Cedric's feet to try trip him up. I finally succeed, trying to hold the moving boy down. "Harry! Harry!" Cedric calls trying to get him to help.

No Harry run towards the cup, you know you want to.

"Reducto" Harry casts towards my vines breaking the grip I had on Cedric. He runs over helping Cedric up. I try to sneak up closer but I cant manage to hear what the boys are saying. The wind starts swirling and the hedge starts closing up behind us. "Go" I hear Cedric yell. I run around to another passage as the boys run straight ahead. As soon as I see the cup in sight both boys touch it at the exact same time, transporting them straight to the Graveyard.

"Ahhhhh Fuck." I scream, before slumping over to touch my Portkey to be transported to the same place.

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