Exploring the Chamber

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"All students are to return to their house dormitories at once." I hear Professor McGonagall's voice ring throughout the school. "All teachers to the second floor corridor immediately." Huh I wonder why all the teachers have been called there. Something bad must have happened. So I hurry to the bathroom to meet Atticus.

"I got here as fast as I could..!" I run into the bathroom panting trying to catch my breath. Atticus doesn't say a word, he just continues staring at the sinks. "There.." he mumble softly, but I still hear him. I walk closer and notice that hes looking at a snake carved onto a tap. Suddenly I hear Atticus hissing like a snake, speaking parsletoungue for some reason. He turns to face me now. "What?" he asks, he turns back around and we both catch the sinks the sinks moving away from each other and lowering to reveal a tunnel. That's really where the chamber of secrets was hidden. Such a weird place. "Who wants to do the honors?" I ask walking right beside him. Atticus doesnt say anything and just jumps in. I cant believe he did that. What if it's not safe. What an idiot.

"It's clear down here, Astra!" I hear his distant voice from deep in the tunnel. "Okay, here I go." I say out loud to myself taking a big breath and jumping in like Atticus did. Trying to hold my breath on the way down so I don't scream. When I land at the bottom I release the breath I had been holding in, landing on something hard and sharp. I open my eyes to look around me and realise what I've landed on. Bones. I let out a scream and scramble to my feet. "Yeah.." Atticus says in a soft tone. "It's not very pleasant down here.." He continues. "Not very pleasant?" I blurt out, repeating him in a mocking way. "It's ghastly!" I say rolling my eyes with a big sigh. Atticus  climbs up onto the ledge of one of the pipe entrances and holds his hand for me to follow him. "This way." He says. I take a breath in then out again. Then letting him help me up. 

We walk through the tunnel some more, then jump down onto some more bones and... My eyes widen in shock "A snakeskin?" I spoke. "A Giant snakeskin.." Atticus corrects as we walk past, following the long snakeskin. We then see a with metal snakes in a circle. Atticus starts speaking something in Parseltongue and a real snake slithers around the door, pushing the metal snakes down to unlock it. I shudder, I don't know if its because of the real snake or him speaking in that language. "I don't think I'll ever get used to hearing that.." I whisper.

I glance through the door from behind Atti and cant believe my eyes. Its a long tunnel, sort of looking like a fancy underground sewer. There's giant snake heads in a line in water, leading down to what looked like a large concrete head of a man, who I guessed was Salazar Slytherin. I then spot a girl with long orange hair, Ginny I mutter quietly. She was walking towards a tall student in Slytherin robes in the shadows. I stood trying to get a good look at him but couldn't see much apart from the resemblance to Atti.

As we get closer Atticus pulls out his wand, incase something were to happen. We quietly watch them chat for a moment before the cute male turns his head to us, signaling for Ginny to be quiet. "Looks like we have visitors." The boy's voice echoes through the whole chamber. "Come on in, don't be shy." He says in what he thought was a nice way to beckon us towards him. I just stare at him getting an un easy feeling about him. Atticus looks back at me for a moment before he begins to walk towards the two of them, I start following close behind. We walk closer and I can see more of the boys features. "Tom Riddle?" Atticus questions, taking another step closer. The boy looked shocked, looking at Atticus for a while. I now see why, the look very similar.  "And who are you?" He asks, making a face of disgust. "Atticus Grey. My mother.. was a Gaunt." He still looks shocked at what Atticus just said. "The Gaunt bloodline ended when they produced a Squib." Tom Riddle says. "And even if you are a Gaunt, why the hell are you in Ravenclaw?" He lets out a laugh, as if to say you are below me. "It can be done." Atticus replies with a serious tone and some attitude. I think I have rubbed off on him. Since when did Atticus show some attitude. I was proud.

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