Trouble in Paradise

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He flies uncontrollably in the air and hits a wall, banging along it and then swooping off. The whole time he is screaming. He begins to zoom back towards us. Madam Hooch quickly holds out her wand to stop him. He doesn't stop and Madam Hooch dives out of the way, allowing Neville to fly right through. He zooms past a statue of a man with a sharp spear. Neville's cloak catches on it. He is flipped off the broom and hangs there. "Oh.!" he wavers, then his cloak rips through the spear, and he falls however his cloak catches on a torch, making Neville slip, which causes his cloak to fully rip making him to fall to the ground. "Everyone out of the way!" Madam Hooch Instructs as she runs through us and kneels down to aid Neville. The whole class runs over to see if he's alright.

"Owowowow." Neville moans. "Oh dear, it's a broken wrist. Tch, tch, tch. Good boy, come on now, up you get. Everyone's to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing. Understand? If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say, Quidditch," and she leaves to take Neville to the hospital wing. Draco reaches down and grabs Neville's Remembrall which has fallen from his pocket. Draco snickers. "Did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he'd have remembered to fall on his fat arse." Crabbe and Goyle let out a laugh. Harry then approaches Draco and yells "give it here, Malfoy." "No, I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find," Draco retorts as he hops on his broom and soars around us. "How 'bout on the roof?" he continues and soars off and hovers several feet above the ground. "What's the matter, Potter? Bit beyond your reach?" Finally having enough, Harry gets on his broom then Hermione stops him. "Harry, no way! You heard what Madam Hooch said! besides, you don't even know how to fly." Harry then flies off to face Draco, ignoring Hermione. "What an idiot" I think as Hermione actually says it out loud.

Draco hurls the Remembrall into the air, like a baseball. Harry zooms after the ball, speeding towards a tower. Alex approaches me, looking stern. "Your brother is gonna receive some harsh words shortly, figured I would warn you." "That's alright" I reply with a shrug, "saves me from doing it." I retort. A few minutes later the boys fly back down towards the ground. A few students gather around Harry congratulating him for getting the Remembrall. "Good job, Harry!" "Oh, that was wicked, Harry." Alex approaches Draco, like he said he would. He had his wand drawn at his side looking him dead in the face. "I'm warning you now Malfoy, disrespect my friends again and you and Harry will have matching scars" he said threateningly, "Diffindo!" He flicked his wand towards a bush right next to Draco splitting it cleanly in half. I knew Alex just wanted to scare my brother and it worked because he looked terrified and looked like he was about to cry.  He runs off calling for Crabbe, Goyle and me to follow him before yelling out "My father will hear about this!" I sigh before running after him. "God, Draco! You're such a baby!" I yell following him.

"Draco stop" I yell as I'm trying to keep up with him. Once we get into the Slytherin common room Draco starts having a go at me. "Why didn't you do something when that half-blood attacked me," he starts yelling. "What was I supposed to do Draco, jump in front of you and protect you, that would make you look weak" I demand back. He glares at me as he realises this. "Also he wasn't going to hurt you, he didn't even aim at you, it was literally just to teach you a lesson and it obviously worked because you made a fool of yourself by running away like a scaredy cat as always." Draco's fuming at this point and we now have an audience in the common room. Pansy then buts in. "Don't you talk to my Draco like that," she demands, hands on her hips glaring at me. "I'm allowed to Pug-Face, he's my brother and I'm not scared of you! Oh and I know all the unforgivable curses and I'm not afraid to use them on  you," I say moving closer so only she can hear this. Before anyone else can say anything, I storm out of the common room and up to the Great Hall still fuming and trying to calm myself down by taking deep breaths.

As I get to the entrance of the Great Hall, I look up as I hear students whispering. When I realise they are pointing at me I start to get more panicky, causing my breathing to get worse.  I scan the room and notice George looking at me admirably and slightly worried, then Atticus waves gesturing me to come over. Before I move I hear Alex's voice behind me "Hey Asteria, I'm sorry about earlier, come sit down!" I follow him to the table and sit with him opposite Atticus and the twins. As I'm gathering my thoughts I look up and take in more of my friends facial features. Atticus has sharp hazel eyes which contrasts well with his olive skin, his dark mop of black curly hair falling perfectly just above his eyes and a lot of freckles spotted across his nose. Alex on the other hand has a very defined jawline, his skin was almost as pale as mine and it was the first time I noticed his hair, it was like mine but black with white tips. He even had heterochromia, his right eye was green where his left eye was blue. He was very fit, with defined muscles. His voice had a Scottish accent, like his aunt.

"What happened to your hair?" Alex asks me breaking me out of my deep thoughts. "It's barely been half an hour and you've dyed it already? or did someone teach you a spell to do that?" I look down at my chest and notice the black is showing, in public. "Oh crap!" I mutter as I look up at everyone at the table. "Well this is the real me, this is my natural hair colour and I hate it soo much that I always change it because I'm a metamorphmagus," I babble away. "I think it's cute," George speaks up looking flustered. "Yeah, It suits you!" Atticus says, agreeing with George. I look to my right side and notice Nova sitting next to me on the chair. I nervously start patting her as Alex asks quietly "Uh... I might feel stupid asking this but what's a Metamorphmagus?" Before I'm about to answer Alex's question, Atticus answers it for me.  "A Metamorphmagus is a witch or wizard who has the ability to change their appearance at will, without the need for a wand, spell or potion. It can't be taught, its a birth thing," he explains. I zone out for a few seconds but notice George mouth to me, "are you okay?" I nod in response. "Oh my cousin is a Metamorphmagus that's how it got passed down to me." I tell the others.

"So Asteria, did Draco give you much trouble?" Alex asks jokingly. "I gave him trouble, don't worry, I handled it." I reply with a grin. "I really hope the message got through or I got a month of detentions for nothing," Alex says, chuckling and placing a hand on the back of his neck, awkwardly. I chuckle softly too, but stop when I realise what he has just said. "Wait, a whole month? What do you have to do?" I laughed as I replied. "It's nothing too major, just cleaning the library for the month. I'd love to get a look into the restricted section so it's not all bad, although Filch will be keeping a close eye on me while I'm in there." Fred, George and I look at each other with mischievous grins on our faces. "What are you three planning?" Atticus asks us curiously. "Do you want to tell them?" Fred asks, looking in my direction. "Why not?" I smile. "Well, we were planning on pranking Filch with a sleeping draught somehow. Why don't we use Alex's detention to our advantage and give Filch the potion to make him fall asleep so that Alex can go into the restricted section and 'borrow' some books without permission. I'm sure there are some spells or pranks that you would like to know about somewhere in there!" The look on the twins faces told me they were putting the pieces of our next steps together in their mind.

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