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A few days before the ball I run into Ginny in the hallway. "Hello Asteria, I heard George finally asked you to the ball" She greets, with a little giggle. "Yeah he did." I smile. "Do you have anyone to get ready with," She asks politely. "I don't know, I haven't really thought about it." I blurt, looking down at my feet suddenly realising most of my friends are boys. "Would you like to get ready with Hermione and I," She asks. "Really, that would be lovely." I reply, now with a smile back on my face. "Perfect, I'll let Hermione know." She replies jumping up and down excitedly. "Oh what colour is your dress," She blurts out as she starts to walk away. "Green, why?" I smirk. "No reason, just wondering. See you Saturday night," She yells, now running back down the corridor.


Saturday 24th December

Standing at the top of the stairs, dressed in my long strapless green ball dress, all eyes on me as I start walking down, George looking up at me with loving eyes. As I get closer to everyone else, they start whispering amongst each other, pointing and screwing up their faces in disgust. "Eww what's that scar" "She's not pretty anymore. "Why do you like her." Everyone's words keep playing in my head over and over. I break down into tears as George joins them pointing and laughing. Making gagging sounds. Suddenly I turn into my werewolf form, except more vicious. "WEREWOLF. RUN" Everyone screams scattering away from me. "Run" I hear two familiar voices call. Turning my head, its Atti and Alex running away with the other students. I turn back to human and run after my friends. "Atti! Alex!". I scream. No response. I walk into the great hall, now in my black underwear. Draco appears in front of me, looking in the other direction. "Draco" I call, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Who are you?" He replies walking away. "George, Are you here." I whimper. No response. I break down screaming, now balling my eyes out. Everyone hates me. Now my own brother doesn't recognize me. Where is George.

I wake up dripping with sweat in a panic. "Oh thank god it was just a dream." I think to myself, while looking down at the scars on my chest, more tears falling from my eyes. I take a few deep breaths, as I look at my clock. Realising its midday, I slump out of bed putting on the first pair of black jeans I see over top of my underwear, throwing a grey baggy hoodie overtop. I place my black lace up boots in the box with my dress. Use a spell to make it smaller so I can put it in my pocket. I make my way down to the great hall for lunch, where I am to meet Hermione and Ginny to get ready for the ball with them.

As the girls escort me through the griffindor common room I look around expecting to see George. "He's not here." Ginny sings. "We told them them to stay away." Hermionie adds. "Why, were just going to a ball, not getting married." I argue back. "Yet." Both Ginny and hermionie say un unison. I roll my eyes, but feel my cheeks heat up at the mention of marrying George. I shake the though further back into my head. We head into their dorm. Hermionone pulls out a bag of makeup, placing everything on her bed. "Im not wearing any of that." I demand, screwing my nose up. "Yes you are. Were giving you a makeover." Hermione tells me as she prepares a chair for me to sit on.

I sigh realising I wont be able to say no. A few hours go past without knowing it. Hermionie puts a mirror in front of my face, im shocked at my reflection looking back at me. It does't even look like me at all. I look even more prettier than i ever thought I could. I look like my mother when she was my age.

"Wow, George will be beside himself when he see you." Ginny blurts out as she comes through the door in a pretty pink and green dress, her hair straight behind her back. "Thank." I blush. "What are we doing with her hair. Straightning it?"Ginny asks. "Curl it i think" Hermionies theorises. "Hello, im right here. How about we do both" I blurt out. "Great idea," hermionie calls. Using all these muggle hair stylers and products i wouldnt even know what to do with. "Can I paint youre finget nails." Ginny asks. "Sure, why not? Do you have black." I ask. "No black, I have silver." She shows me the polish. I nod, holding out my hands for her to paint. "Thanks girls. This is really fun." I tell them, recieveing smiles and giggeling from the two.

We talk and gossip for the next few hours. Now is the time I dreaded. The time to put my dress on infront of them. "I have to show you something." I tell them, their faces schocked as I take my hoodie off. "Oh gosh Asteria."  "What happened." They both ask, not looking scared at all. They look worried for me. "Is that a scratch mark." Ginny asks, tracing her finger ove one of the scars. "Yeah, I got attacked by Remus last year in his wolf form, and umm the plus side is I survived. The downside I became a werewolf." I finish explaining myslef, looking at the girls. "Im soo sorry that happened to you." Hermionie says, coming up to give me a hug, Ginny joins in the hug too. I dont feel like I want to push them off. This is nice. Is this what its like to have real friends.

After I put on my dress and look in the mirror, I still get the feeling not everyone is going to be so nice when they see my scar. So I start pacing in the common room, paniking and talking to myself.

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