Dancing The Night Away

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Students gather at the entrance of the great hall awaiting their dates. I'm walking down the stars with Ginny next to me. "Who's you're date," I ask her, realising I never actually did ask. "Neville," Ginny says, pointing towards him waiting at the doors, looking panicked. What's with all the boys looking panicked I think to myself. I notice the twins standing in the corner with grins on their faces, most likely getting into some kind of trouble. Their eyes fall on us, George's face now blushing. They make their way over. "Blimey! You look beautiful, Astra." George beams rather confidently, his smile not leaving his face. "It's true, you look stunning." Fred adds in, receiving a daggering look from Angelina Johnston who just appeared behind me. "So do you Ange," Fred fumbles reaching out to grab her hand, making their way into the great hall. "She hates me." I mutter, George reaches for my hand squeezing it tight. "Don't think anything on it. She's just jealous at how beautiful you are." I smile, blushing a little. "Shall we Poppet," George asks, pointing our still intertwined hands towards the doors. "We shall, Dingus." I reply, my smile now not leaving my face.

We walk over to where Fred and Angelina are standing soon to be joined by Atti with Luna. Who look adorable together. And Alex with a girl I recognize. I think on it for a moment, but am interrupted by the doors opens, as the champions entered with their dates. Fleur Delacour walked in first with Roger Davies, the Ravenclaw Quidditch captain, followed by Viktor Krum and... Hermione! Huh that's strange. Now I see why she never told us, Ron would be furious. I can tell the two like each other. Behind them is, Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang, both of them looking great, then last but certainly not least is, Harry Potter and Parvati Patil, a Gryffindor student. She looked happy to be going with Harry. But Harry couldn't keep his eyes off Cedric's date Cho. They make their way to the middle of the dance floor, getting into positions for the first dances.

As professor Flitwick's orchestra plays a waltz, the champions dance with their dates. Soon to be joined by Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall. It seemed like everyone got the idea to follow, as Neville and Ginny join. George takes my hand guiding me to slow dance with him. "Do you know how to dance," I whisper in his ear. "I've been practicing," He beams, as his cheeks and ears flush red. "Take it away," I tell him, as he pulls me to the dance floor. He places his hand on my waist, our hands still intertwined comfortably, perfect like it was meant to be. I reach my hand up to his shoulder. He smiles, at my struggle to reach his slightly taller physique. He lifts me up with his arm, that's already around my waist, placing me on top of his toes, making me that much closer to his face. By this moment a soft piano melody plays, I close my eyes wrapping my arms around George laying my head on his chest. Listening to the melody play brings me back to a happy memory when mum was teaching me how to play the piano when I was younger. "Astra, love." I hear George's voice call me out of my memories. "Love" I question, my face inches from his. Our eyes meeting. I watch as George's eyes fall down to my lips. He smiles, leaning in placing his soft but slightly chapped lips onto mine. It felt like I was on cloud nine, feeling the happiest I've been in ages. We pull away moments later, smiles on our faces. "Blimey, I think I'm in love with you," George says, touching his nose with mine, still grinning. "I know I love you George Weasley." I reply kissing him once more, as I pull away he pulls me closer so I'm rested against his chest. All I hear is his fast heartbeat slow down, becoming the same rhythm as my own.


George and I run to the stage with everyone else the second Dumbledore announces The Weird Sisters. Jumping up and down enjoying the rock music, singing along to the words with the twins. I'm having soo much fun I don't notice my shawl fall to the ground. Neither does anyone else. What was I so worried about. "Feel like getting drinks," Fred beams, asking a hot and bothered looking Angelina. "Yes, please." She replies. George grabbing my hand following the two towards the ice sculptured punch bowl. Getting closer I notice Alex is there with his date, his suit jacket over her shoulders. Atti walks over grabbing two cups, passing one to Luna who is right next to him, holding his arm. "Sup, Freckles, Frosty." Fred greets my two friends. That's some very good nicknames for them.

"Asteria! Ma cousine!" Alex's date called out, looking past Fred and Angelina. "You what?!" I heard Alex blurt. "Cousin?" I question out loud, confused. equally puzzled, before realising who she is. "Oh! Bonjour Eleanor! I almost didn't recognize you!" I greet her. She runs over to give me a hug, "You two are related?" Alex asked, sounding confused. "Yes." I reply, completely blank faced. "Second cousins, isn't it?" I add, looking at Eleanor. "Oui." She nodds, speaking French. "It has been many years. What happened to your hair?" She asked. "Where is the black?" I look down to the floor, thinking for a moment. "Well, long story short; I got bitten by a werewolf and I'm no longer able to change it. "Oh no! Mon ami, that must have been terrible!" She replied hugged me again. "You can say that again." Alex muttered, remembering the night the had to see me die. "But trust me, better than the alternative." He added before sculling down his punch, he refilled his cup immediately and looked over toward the people still dancing. George grabs my hand and pulls me over towards him. Before George could speak to me Fred blurted out. "We're all going back to the common room to hangout, did you want to join us Astra." "Hey, I was going to ask her for some alone time, if you want Astra?" George blurts scowling at Fred, then looking in my direction. "Sure I know of the perfect spot." I reply grinning.

"Where are we going Astra." George yells as I'm pulling him outside in the darkness. "My shack, its the perfect place for privacy and you can help me decorate it." I tell him. He casts Lumos with his wand so he can see where were going. As we reach the whomping willow I cast 'Immobulus' so the tree stops moving and we both head through the tunnel. "How are we going to decorate this place," George asks looking around the dull room with even more cobwebs than last time. "Well Georgie, I learnt a conjuring spell over the holidays and Dumbledore made sure I can only use it in the shack." I tell him. "Wicked" He replies. "Yeah I can conjure anything I think of, except people. Shall we get started." George nods and helps me decorate while I conjure things from the Malfoy Manor and some things from George's house. I finish conjuring my record player, with a few records. I put on a Seal record, placing the pointier around about where my favourite song is. It plays right away. Kiss from a Rose plays and George reaches out his hand, I grin and take his hand. We dance together for the next few hours just looking into each others eyes.

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