Not so Happy Christmas

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 Christmas break

I was sad I couldn't stay at Hogwarts with my friends and the twins, I unfortunately had to go home for Christmas break as father had sent me an urgent letter forcing me to return home otherwise I would be a disgrace to the Malfoy family. As Draco and I exit the train on platform 9 and 3/4 Mother and Father are waiting for us. Nova sprawls out on top of my shoulder as Father grabs my arm, and apperates away. I hear mothers voice in the distance echoing in my ear, "Lucius dear, the cat." 'CRACK' I feel like I'm being forced through a very tight hole and pressed very hard from all directions. My worried thoughts instantly go to Nova, will she be able to survive this horrible experience.

The instant we appear back at the Malfoy Manor, I feel sick and dizzy. "meow' I look down, hearing Nova cry out. Her body is mangled, and she looks to be in extreme pain. I fall to the ground sobbing, trying to comfort her, knowing that I can't do much. She's so soft, like there's no structure in her body. Father looks down his nose at me. "Do put that thing out of it's misery, Asteria. It's pitiful, honestly." He growls. Mother and Draco walk through the doors as Father slams his cane into the floor of the manor and pulls out his wand facing the cat, "Avada Kedarvra" "Father noo whyy" I cry out. "That's what you get for disgracing the Malfoy family, you are to not associate with that muggle-born scum and the pathetic half-breed." Father demands as I try to choke back my tears. "Your consequence will be to follow my orders and help me bring back the dark lord, in return you will be rewarded with becoming a Death Eater on your 16th birthday."

The next day I buried my cat in the gardens out back of the manor, Draco joined me for support. He then offered to give me half his money Father had given him at the beginning of the year so I could buy Christmas presents for my friends. It would be our little secret though as we tell Father we want to go to Diagon Ally to buy each other presents, he agrees as long as Mother comes with us. Christmas eve Draco and I head to Diagon ally with Mother, I decide to get Atticus a fancy blue quill, that produces sparkly black ink and never runs out, wrapped in galaxy paper, I get Alex a leather bound book with a Gryffindor bookmark with the letters A+H permently engraved inside the cover, wrapped in gold paper with a red ribbon. Because he has a crush on Hermione Granger. I get the twins Dungbombs and stink pellets, licorice wands and chocolate frogs, wrapped in purple and orange paper. Draco was last and I wanted to get him something meaningful because he has really been trying to be a better brother lately. I finally decide on a silver ring with a snake engraved on the front. Before we return home, Mother offers to send these presents to Hogwarts so my friends will get them on Christmas day. 

Christmas morning I unwrap A lovely silver necklace with a snake curled around the chain from Draco, a Darkest Magick book from Father, a green candle that smells like peppermint from Mother and an Advanced Potions book from Snape. I thanked everyone for the presents and went up to my room to prepare for the day. In the evening we hosted the Parkinson's, Zabini's, and the Nott's for a extravagant Christmas dinner. Lucky for me Pansy stayed out of my way and had taken Draco's company so I hung out with Blaise and Theo most of the night. We had lots of laughs as they yelled out different colours and I changed my hair. I even snuck some fire whiskey from Fathers cabinet, but we didn't drink it because we were already in a happy mood hanging out together. I hid it in my room, somewhere Father wouldn't find it, I hope.

The rest of Christmas break was uneventful and spend most of the time in my room hidden away from everyone, except when father would call for me to practice transforming myself into other wizards or other animals, but he go mad and hit me with his cane when all I could do was give myself wings or produce claws from my fingers. Other times we would practice dark spells and curses from the book he got me. 

By the time we were due to go back to Hogwarts I had learnt how to use the unforgivable curses and a few other dangerous spells he only told me to use on an emergency. My favourite being 'Incendio.'

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