Mysterious Creatures

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We were almost back to the castle when we were rudely interrupted by bloody Pansy Parkinson. Alex began to growl, next to us still in his dog form. "Keep that mutt of yours quiet." she said strongly, before turning to look at me, "And the pup, too." She added with her signature grin. "And what are you supposed to be?" Atticus said abruptly. "Never mind, Pug-face. She just tries to bring down others because she has no self esteem. Not even Draco likes her." I retort in Pansy's face. I notice her getting angry, her pug-face turning bright red. "And why would you think that you had permission to speak to me, you foul little Mud-blood?" She spat in Atticus direction. Alex barked, then pounced on her, knocking her down.  He transformed back, drawing his wand. "Watch your mouth." He yelled. "Alex, stop. She's not worth it." Atticus said in a quiet tone, placing his hand on his shoulder. "Tch- You're probably right." He sighed, as Atticus helped him up. "Parkinson." Alex barked, reaching his hand out to help her up. "Leave. If you don't, you'll get what's coming to you." I teased,  Pansy grabbed Alex's hand and scrambled to her feet, it looked like she was about to cry as she ran off.

 "I didn't really want to be called a Mud-blood on my birthday, of all days." Atticus said, in a sad way. "I'm sorry, Atticus. She'll pay for that" I said, through my teeth. "Don't worry about it." Alex sighed.  As soon as we reach the Great Hall, we hear singing. "For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellooooooooooow. Which nobody can deny!" The entire Weasley family bellowed in unison. They all stand up to pat Atticus on the shoulder and ruffle his hair. Hermione and Cedric join in mid-way with Cho Chang and the Patel twins standing up and joining towards the end. "Looks like you have a lot more friends than you might have thought!" Alex teases Atticus patting him on the back. "C'mon, lets dig in!" Alex encourages us we loudly hear Atticus's stomach growl. 

 After dinner I start heading back to the common room to relax after a big day of flying, but I'm suddenly pulled aside by my brother. "What's the big idea Draco?" I question. He puts his index finger to his lips. "I've just seen Potter and his friends run out of the castle, Let's go follow them." he whispers. "Fine, whatever. You better not get me into trouble though.." I mumble, as he grabs my hand and we run outside together to follow the trio. Once we see them enter Hagrid's hut, Draco and I watch from the window. I notice Hagrid pulling an egg out of a pot by the fire. "That's a Dragon egg..!" I whisper in Draco's ear, seconds before the egg cracks open revealing a small baby dragon. They all start talking amongst each other but we can't hear anything from outside. I glance at Draco and whisper "Come on, let's go before were caught Draco." He doesn't answer so I look back through the window just as the dragon blasts a small fireball into Hagrid's beard. Hagrid quickly pats out the smolders in his beard. As he looks up he notices us in the window. "Bugger, he saw us." I mutter as we quickly duck down and run back towards the castle. "Let's go tell McGonagall we saw them out after hours!" Draco barks. I roll my eyes knowing this is not going to go well because we are out after hours too.

Draco and I are waiting in the classroom while McGonagall retrieves the trio to bring them back to talk. Once they arrive the trio are standing in front of McGonagall's desk, while Draco and I are a few feet away, smirking. "Nothing, I repeat, nothing gives a student the right to walk about the school at night. Therefore, as punishment for your actions, 50 points will be taken." McGonagall says sternly. "50?!"Harry Interrupted. "Each, and to ensure it doesn't happen again, all five of you will receive detention." Draco grins towards me, then his face drops as he realises what she just said and he walkes over to McGonagall. "Excuse me, Professor. Perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said... the five of us?" Draco asks confused. "No, you heard me correctly, Mr. Malfoy. You see, as honorable as your intentions were, you too were out of bed after hours. You two will serve detention with your classmates." Harry, Ron and Hermione grin, as Draco's shoulders droop, knowing that the tables have turned and he's got me into trouble with him.

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