Beater or Chaser

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After the talk with my friends in the room of requirement, I decide to say to calm my nerves. I pull on the sweater the twins mother made, which makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside, then I realise I have the present Alex gave me for Christmas still in my pocket. I open it to reveal a silver bracelet in the shape of a snake that appears as though some sort of green liquid running through it. I put it on, then sit down and start reading my Darkest Magick book. About an hour in of reading I'm interrupted by the twins bursting in the door, "Where have you been? We were looking for you everywhere for you." Fred and George say alternating questions. "Sorry I came here straight after I came back to talk to Atticus and Alex." I tell them, "Oh is everything okay." George askes slightly concerned. "Yeah everything is good now, I promise." I reply grinning. "Great.. Did you get the sweater mum made for you." Fred asks. "Yupp wearing it right now!" I say, standing up so they can get a better look. "It's soo cozy and warm." I tell them. We talk for another few hours before heading to the Great Hall for dinner. 

Friday 20th January

Atticus's Birthday

After a day of classes, we had a free period before dinner and Alex had one more surprise for Atticus, for his birthday. We tell Atticus to close his eyes so he doesn't know where were going. We lead him to the Quidditch pitch, "Okay, you can open your eyes in 3... 2.. 1!" Alex tells him as the Gryffindor's Quidditch captain Oliver Wood drops a case in front of Atticus.  "I asked Aunt Minerva if we could use the pitch to practice for the afternoon, and she said if I kept my head out of trouble until the next term started she could swing it for me, so here we are!" Alex explained, looking extra happy. "Asteria, if you would be so kind?" He says loudly as I hold out Atticus's Nimbus 2000 for him. "You guys are the best!" he giggles as he climb on his broom,  I watch as Alex calls his own Nimbus 2000, wishing I had one of my own, but I had to use a spare school broom. Once we all had our brooms we  mounted them. "Oliver has volunteered to do some light coaching with us for your birthday Atti!" Alex tells him, excitedly. "Do you know what position you'd like to play?" Oliver asks Atticus, as he opens up the case, revealing the Quidditch balls in their own compartments. "Seeker." He answers. "You look up to your brother Cedric, do you?" Oliver asks him. "He's a damn good seeker, Gotten the better of us a few times now!" He continues grinning, Atticus cant help but smile back. "Well, then. You're going to be after this." He tells him as he opened up the compartment of the Golden Snitch, taking it out and handing it to Atticus. "Slippery little bugger, but I'm sure you'll be a natural. And with a broom that fast, it can't but hope to get away." Atticus admires the shiny ball, then he lays his hand flat and watches as the ball sprouts wings.

 "What position would you like to play Asteria" Oliver asks me. I think for a moment, before responding. "Well I don't know if I want to be a Beater like the twins, or a Chaser." "We can train you in both if you like. Okay shall we begin?" Oliver asks, loudly. We all nod as the snitch flies away. We take our positions and wait for Wood's whistle. He lets the Bludgers to fly into the air before taking the Quaffle in his hand. "In three.. two.." Oliver Wood blew the whistle, Oliver and I begin switching between Beater and Chaser positions, as Alex defendes and Atticus is in the air looking for the snitch. Atticus zoomed past us, trying to catch the Snitch. All of a sudden, it changed course, leaving the Quidditch pitch and heading for the Forbidden Forrest. Atticus was following it oblivious to where the snitch was taking him. "Wood! Something is wrong with the Snitch! I'm gonna go check on Atticus!" Alex shouted sounding worried. "I'll come with!" I shout back as we zoomed off after Atticus. "Be careful!" Wood called after us.

 "A unicorn?!" I hear Alex shriek like a girl. "What's this about a unicorn?" I ask, as I pull up my broom next to Alex's. "I think I'm gonna be sick.." Alex mutters. "We need to tell someone about this.. let's find Hagrid.' Atticus suggests. "Whatever gets us out of here the quickest.. Whatever did this, it didn't do it for a good reason." Alex says, as Atticus and I nod, "Accio Nimbus 2000." Atticus said clearly holding out his wand, his broom returned to him in seconds. We then get on our brooms and follow Atticus to Hagrid's hut. "Hagrid" Atticus yells, bursting through his front door, Alex and I closely behind "Blimey, Atticus! You could knock..!" Hagrid says, It looks like Atticus almost gave him a heart attack because Hagrid clutched at his chest and plonks down in his chair. "Sorry Hagrid, but this is important." Atticus tells him with a serious look. "Shall I put on a po' o' tea?" "There's no time for tea, Hagrid!" I exclaim. "We found a dead unicorn in the Forbidden Forest.." Atticus tells him. Hagrid's bushy eyebrows raise. "What were the three of you doin' in there?" Hagrid asks concerned. "I was chasing after this.." Atticus begins telling him, holding out his hand showing Hagrid the snitch. Atticus begins to explain, but does so with out a breath. "AndThenWeCameHereToTalkToYouAndWoodIsStillWaitingForUs- "he finally takes a deep breath, and sits in a chair. "We thought you'd be the best person to tell about the unicorn." I finish explaining," Hagrid nods, patting Atticus on the head softly. "Ye three run along to Wood, now. Best not let him worry. Thank ye for comin' to me." Alex and I help Atticus out of the giant chair before we of take off back to the Quidditch pitch, and back to Oliver Wood. 

"What happened" Wood exclaimed the second we arrived back to the Quidditch pitch. "I, uh... fell off my broom." Alex said quietly lying to his face. "I'm okay though, really. Sorry we took so long." Alex adds. "That can be a bugger," Wood replied. "At least you're still in one piece, though!" Wood spoke smiling. "I caught the snitch!" Atticus says grinning. "First try, even, Mr. Grey! You'll make a fine seeker." Wood says, kindly patting Atticus on the back. "Shall we go have something to eat? You three look like you're exhausted." Wood says with a warm smile. "Yes please, I'm starving!" Atticus answers holding his stomach. Me too I think to myself. "Time for a nice birthday dinner." Alex says quietly, as he ruffles Atticus's curly hair before transforming into his dog form. I smile to myself as he waddles next to us. "I'll see you there shortly." Wood calls out behind us as he stays behind to pack up the Quidditch equipment. 

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