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I'm awaken in the morning by Atti shaking my shoulder. "Here put this on," He says. I open my eyes, seeing him holding out his hoodie with his eyes closed. "Oh shit I'm soo sorry Atti," I mutter, only just realising I'm completely naked. My whole face goes red as I realise whos laying next to me. "It's okay it happens. He's fast asleep by the way." Atti answers. I let out a sigh as I grab the hoodie from his hands, pulling it over my body. It falls to just above my knees. "Okay you can look now." I tell him. He turns and looks at me opening his eyes. "It suits you." He giggles. "Whos talking so loud." Fred's moaning voice comes from the broken bed. "It's your fairy godmother," Atti says in the deepest voice I've ever heard coming from his mouth. "Time to get up, you have a ball to go to." He continues. I let out the loudest laugh, causing me to snort. "Atticus, when did you get so.. manly." Fred asks, looking Atti up and down. "Should I get the glitter?" I joke, beaming. "We may need more of tweedle dumb wakes up." Atti mentions before hearing George groan now as his begins waking up. "I told you we needed more glitter." Atti retorts back in the deep voice again. "Never mind." Fred mutters. 

"Why are you wearing Atti's hoodie." George finally asks, standing up from the mattress. "Umm when I transform my clothes get ripped up." I tell them, pointing to the pile of ripped fabric on the floor. Georges face and ears turn red as he realises I must have been naked. "I usually bring spare clothes with me, but I must have forgotten." I add. Fred looks over to Atti with concern on his face. "Aren't you cold." He asks. "A little, but I prefer Astra's decency over me being warm." Atti replies. Aww that's nice of him. "Well enough chatter, we better get back to the castle. " I tell the boys. Since after all the twins did sneak out. I hope I don't get them into trouble.


We get soo many weird looks from the other students as we walk back to the castle. We all go our separate ways to our own common rooms. I change back into my Slytherin robes. I hear laughter coming from the common room. "Asteria get out here," Draco calls from outside my door. "Coming," I call back. As I open my door he hands me a badge that has Cedric's name and face on it, it then turns green with the words 'Potter Stinks'. "Did you make these." I ask him. "Yeah, You like." He berates, rather confidently. "Not really. But it is creative, so good job I guess." I tell him to boost his confidence a bit. "Were going to hang out by the tree in the courtyard if you want to join us." Theo calls from the couch. "Sure, why not but I'm actually going to study. You boys should do the same." I tell them. "Nar I'll be fine" Blaze replies. "Whatever, just don't expect me to let you copy my notes anymore." I mutter, running off out of the common room. "Astra wait up." I hear the boys calling from behind me the whole way there. 

I sit down right under the tree and pull out my books to do some study, while Draco climbs up into the tree and plonks himself on a branch to get the best view of the whole courtyard, admiring all the students wearing his badges. The other boys lean up against the tree and we talk about random things until we are interrupted by my brother starting drama again.

"Why so tense Potter. My father and I have a bet you see. I don't think your gonna last Ten minutes in this tournament. " Draco calls, before jumping out of the tree, right in front of me. Crabbe and Goyle walking up to join him. "He disagrees. He thinks you wont last five." He continues, his pose laughing along with him. "I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy." Harry argues, walking towards my brother, giving him a shove. "He's vile and cruel. And you're just pathetic." Harry yells. He's not wrong father is cruel, especially to me. And Draco is pathetic but he's still my brother so I stand up to stand up for him too. "Only I can tell my brother he's pathetic. You have no right." I yell back to Harry. "Heyy!" Draco says looking back in my direction. He turns back towards Harry raising his wand as Harry walks away.

"Oh no you don't sonny." A voice calls from a few meters away. Oh no what are you going to do Barty. I'm too late to stop him as he shoots a non verbal spell towards Draco, causing him to transform into a white ferret. "I'll teach you to curse someone when their back is turned." Barty speaks. "You stinking, cowardly, scummy. Back shooting." Barty calls as he moves his wand up and down like he's puppeteering Draco. Oh god he's going to get into trouble from this. "Professor Moody! What are you doing" Professor McGonagall yells running over to see whats happening, along with a bunch of other students. "Teaching," Barty replies, non interested that she was there at all. He continues puppeteering Draco. "Is that a.. Is that a student." She worries. "Technically, it's a ferret." Barty jokes still un interested, as he proceeds to put Draco still as the ferret into Crabbe's pants, pulling the elastic from his pants out before forcing Draco into them, causing laughs from us Slytherins and some of the students. Accept for Crabbe he was freaking out. I cant help but chuckle even more when Goyle reaches into Crabbe's pants to try get Draco out. Goyle pulled his hand out soo fast that I thought he must have touched something he shouldn't have or Draco just bit him. I couldn't be sure, so I made a note in my journal to remind me to tease them about this later.

Soon enough Draco crawled out from Crabbe's pants leg, frantically scuffling on the ground, then he was transformed back into my brother by an angry McGonagall. Draco scrambles to his feet soo quickly, that I knew what was going to happen next. I was right because the next words out of his mouth was. "My father will hear about this." I mouth the words along as he says them, with a roll of my eyes. You are so predictable Draco. "Is that a threat?!" Barty grunts, chasing Draco around the tree. Draco and the boys follow him as he runs off, leaving me still sitting there. I try give Barty a look to say 'that's enough stop it look'. "I could tell you stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair, boy!" Barty screeches. "It doesn't end here!" He continues like he's gone mental. "Alastor! We never use transfiguration as a punishment. Surly Dumbledore told you that." Professor McGonagall scolds him. "He might've mentioned it." Barty muttered. "Well, you will do well to remember it." McGonagall tells him sternly. "Away." She shoos the other students.

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