The Unforgivable Class

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The weekend was uneventful, I spend most of the time in my room writing in my journal and drawing. Barty in Moody's disguise of course called me to his office one evening after dinner. He told me he was going to sneak in and put Harry's name in the Goblet of Fire tonight and I was to keep watch, handing me a potion. "What's this." I say taking the potion. "Polyjuice potion" He replies with a grin. "And who will I turn into" I ask, slightly confused. "Professor Snape." He exclaims. Letting out a sigh I drink the potion, feeling all funny inside my features start to change. I grow a long nose and greasy black hair,. Barty passes me a black cloak which I accept and wrap it around my now manly body. "You look great." Barty grins. "Eww I feel disgusting. Can we just get this over with." I demand. 

I am to walk back and forth the corridor as Professor Snape to keep watch as Barty enters the great hall, Using a powerful Confundus Charm on the Goblet, entering Harry's name under a fourth, random school. Because this fourth school only had one entrant, the Goblet had no choice but to choose Harry. Now in a magically binding contract, Harry is forced to compete despite his age. As Barty comes out, I walk with him to the dungeons and we part ways. Walking into the common room quietly trying not to be seen, I head into my private room and await to change back to myself.


6th September 1994

This morning is the awaited Defense Against the Dark Arts class with Moody as the new teacher. I cant wait to see what Barty has in store for this class. "Alastor Moody. Ex-Auror. Ministry malcontent and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I am here because Dumbledore asked me. End of story, goodbye, the end. Any questions?" Barty blabs on writing Moody's name on the black board. The whole class is silent. "When it comes to the Dark Arts I believe in a practical approach. But first, which of you can tell me how many Unforgivable Curses there are?" He continues, due to the silence. Oh no he isn't is he. I bloody hope not.

"Three, sir." Hermione speaks up. "And they are so named?" Barty continues. "Because they are Unforgivable. The use of any one of them will.." "Will earn you a one -way ticket to Azkaban. Correct." Barty interrupts Hermione, drawing ' 3 Unforgivable' on the board. "Now the Ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do. I say different. You need to know what your up against! You need to be prepared. You need to find another place to put your chewing gum besides the underside of your desk, Mr. Finnigan!." Barty yells, making me snicker. "No way. The old codger can see out the back of his head." The boy called Seamus, complains. "And hear across classrooms!" Barty yells again, this time throwing a piece of chalk at him. "So which curse shall we see first? WEASLEY!" He yells, startling Ron. "Yes" Ron mutters. "Stand" Barty demand, as a scared Ron stands up. "Give us a curse." "Well, my dad did tell me about one. The Imperius Curse." Ron answers. "Oh, yeah, your father would know about that. Gave the Ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why." Barty says, before walking over to his desk and taking the lid off a jar with a spider inside. "Hello. Lovely little beauty." He says as he reaches for the spider, talking to it. Great another crazy teacher, I sigh. 

"Engrogio" He speaks, holding his wand making the spider bigger. "Imperio!" He uses the curse on the spider making it shake. He then moves his wand, and the spider follows allowing Barty to control the spider. It lands on the front desk with Neville and another Gryffindor I don't know. "Don't worry. It's completely harmless." Barty says as he now moves the spider to crawl over Crabbe's face. Causing most of the students to laugh. Barty now makes it jump over to crawl up one of the Patil twins arms. The class roaring with laughter. "If she bites. She's lethal" He then makes the spider dance above Ron's head, making him panic. Barty looks like he's having too much fun, as he starts to laugh manically. Draco lets out a laugh next to me. "What are you laughing at." Barty questions, causing him to now move the spider to crawl on Draco's face. He starts to panic and turns to me to help him. But I cant stop laughing either. "Talented isn't she? What should I have her do next? Jump out the window?" Barty flicks his wand over to a big magnifying glass, the spider following. "Drown herself?" Now moving his wand down to a bucket of water the spider proceeds to drown itself like Barty instructed. He then guides the spider back to his hand.

"Scores of witches and wizards have clamed that they only did You-Know-Who's bidding under the influence of the Imperius Curse. But here's to rub: How do we sort out the liars? Another, another." More students put up their hand but he calls on Neville. "Up, up. Come on. Longbottom is it? Up. Professor Sprout tells me you have an aptitude for Herbology" Neville nods. "There's the.. Umm. The Cruciatus Curse." Neville stammers out. "Correct, correct. Come, come. Particularly nasty." Barty says ushering Neville to the front where he has placed the spider on the desk. "The torture curse. Crucio!" He casts the curse on the spider and It screams and squirms in pain. "Stop it! Atticus yells, slamming his hands in the table. "Can't you see it's bothering him? Stop it." Hermione continues. Barty looks up from the spider noticing Neville wriggle in pain. Obviously remembering his parents in pain while they were tortured by him and my aunt Bellatrix. That's what they were sent to Azkaban for. Barty picks up the spider and places it on the desk in front of Hermione and Atti. "Perhaps you can give us the last Unforgivable Curse, Miss Granger." Hermione shakes her head, knowing full well it's the killing curse. "No? How about you" Barty now asks Atti. "The killing Curse" He spoke. "Yes! Avada Kedavra!" Barty speaks, and a blinding green light comes out of his wand, killing the spider instantly.

"The killing curse. Only one person is known to have survived it and he's sitting in this room" Barty explains, walking right up to Harry Potter. Then I see Barty's tongue protrude from his mouth, it's his tick he always does it. Damn it Barty have some Polyjuice potion, I think in my head and like he's read my mind he takes a swig and walks back to the front. The bell then rings signaling the end of class. I stay behind for just a minute to remind Barty to be careful taking his Polyjuice potion, cause I can tell people are already getting suspicious. He groans and shoos me away to my next class. 

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