Dobby is FREE

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The second we get out of the chamber we are all met with Dumbledore himself. He was standing right at the entrance of the chamber waiting for us, with a stern looking face. The silence is scary, I find myself wondering what my father would say. Then I'm pulled from my thoughts by Dumbledore speaking. "Follow me." We all follow him to the hospital wing where we were told to stay the night.

The next morning I awake in the hospital bed with an angry Father standing over me. I look over and see my friends beds empty. "I know what you have been up to you little traitor" He then looks towards a cowering Dobby in the corner and I suddenly realise what he's talking about. "Get out of bed and come with me, NOW!"  He yells. I take a deep breath and get out of bed putting back on my uniform and meeting Father and Dobby outside the hospital wing. We follow him towards Dumbledore's office. As I'm traipsing behind Father we pass Ron walking through the corridors. Father glares at him and I give him a little smile.

Father opens the doors to Dumbledore's office and Dobby and I peak out from behind him. "Dobby. Asteria." Harry mutters in confusion. "So this is your master. The family you serve is the Malfoys." Harry realises. Dobby whimpers. "I'll deal with you later." Father speaks down to Dobby. He lifts up his cane. "Out of my way Potter," He glares as he walks towards Dumbledore's desk pushing Harry out of the way. "So it's true. You have returned." Father berates. "When the governors learned that Arthur Weasley's daughter was taken into the chamber, the say fit to summon me back." Dumbledore speaks. "Ridiculous." Father moans glaring at me. "Curiosity, Lucius, several of them were under the impression that you would curse their families if the did not agree to suspend me in the first place." Dumbledore calls my Father out. "How dare you!" "Beg  your pardon." Dumbledore interrupts which makes me snicker to myself. "My sole concern has always been and will always be the welfare of this school and, of course, its students."

It isn't until now that I look up from the floor and realise Atticus is standing there with Harry. Father turns to look at the four of us, giving me a stare down. "The culprit has been identified, I presume?" Father questions. "Oh yes" "And? Who was it?" Father answers to hurry Dumbledore along.  Dumbledore looks and the three of us. "Voldemort" He says confidently. "Ah," "Only this time he chose to act through somebody else by means of this." Dumbledore picks up Tom Riddles diary and shows it to my Father. "I see." He replies pretending not to know anything about it. I notice Dobby pulling at mine and Harry's robes to try tell us something. He motions towards Father and back to the journal. "Fortunately, our young Mr. Potter discovered it. One hopes that no more of Lord Voldemort's old school-things should find their way into innocent hands. The consequences for the one responsible would be severe." Dumbledore continues on.

 "Well, let us hope that Mr. Potter will always be around to save the day." Father glares at Harry. "Don't worry. I will be." Harry responds not letting his eyes leave fathers. Dumbledore also shares a look at Father and he gets that angry look in his eyes that I'm used to. The one which he gives me all the time, the look of anger and disappointment. "Come, Dobby. Asteria. Were leaving" He says as he turns and spins his robe with him. He walks down the stairs hitting Dobby with his cane.  I smile at Atticus and give him a small wave and turn and follow Father. My eyes water as he is still hitting Dobby with his cane, making him whimper. 

"Mr. Malfoy" I hear behind us. I turn with Father wondering what's going on. "I have something of yours." Harry says shoving the diary into Fathers hand. "Mine? I don't know what you're talking about." Father says playing dumb. "I think you slipped the diary into Ginny Weasley's cauldron, that day at Diagon Alley." Oh he knows about that, he might be smarter than I thought. "You do do you?" Father questions raising his eyebrows. Father then hands the diary to Dobby. "Why don't you prove it?" Father berates getting in Harrys face. "Come Dobby, Asteria." Father turns to walk off as  Harry tells Dobby to open the diary. 

I watch as Dobby opens the diary to a sock between some pages and I smile. "Dobby" Father yells. "Master has given Dobby a sock." "What? I didn't give..." Father turns around in confusion. "Master has presented Dobby with clothes. Dobby is free." Dobby holds up the sock in front of him smiling. Harry reaches down and pulls up his trouser leg to show he's missing a sock. Father looks really angry now. 'You lost me my servant!" Father yells and pulls his wand out. "You had something to do with this I suppose." He yelled at me. Dobby stands in front of Harry and I. "You shall not harm Harry Potter" Dobby says. "Avada...." I hear Father start to use the killing curse against us. He was about to kill a student and his own daughter.  Dobby puts his hand out and casts a spell shoving Father down the corridor landing him on his back. "Hmm" Dobby says folding his arms. "Your parents were meddlesome fools too. Mark my words, Potter. One day soon you are going to meet the same sticky end." Father pints at harry. Then looks towards me. "And YOU!. Don't come back until you start acting like a true MALFOY!. He yells loudly and walks off. 

"Harry Potter freed Dobby. How can Dobby ever repay him?" "Just promise me something." Harry asks. "Anything, sir." "Never try to save my life again." Harry replies with a grin. "Asteria I will never leave you?" Dobby tells me looking up with his big green eyes. "Really?" I say with a sniffle. "Asteria. You are not like your family at all. I will still be there for you with anything you need." Dobby says grinning. "Thank you Dobby." I say rubbing my eyes now hopeful that I will see Dobby again. 

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