Planning with Dobby

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The summer was uneventful in the dark and gloomy Manor.  I studied and just read some books for fun. I would always write in the journal confiding in Atticus about most thing Father would say to me and do over the holidays. Mostly the arguments were him yelling at me for not performing a spell right or getting some of my transformations wrong, sometimes he would hit me over the hand or shoulder with his cane. I grew to ignore it and try a lot better at pleasing him. But after the long days of training, I would slope to my room and cut myself either on the side of my wrists or on my thighs, with a sharp claw I made grow from my fingernail. 

One night I get out of bed and make my way quietly down the stairs to get a drink of water. As I get to the bottom of the staircase I realise Its meeting night, I stay silent as I hear Father talking to all the other death eaters around the table. "Now listen up, this year is going to be different. Lord Voldemort gave me this black book, which he instructed me to smuggle it into Hogwarts. But I was interrupted by the Lords defeat in 1981. He thought that I would keep guarding this horcrux until he returned, I've kept it this whole time, but now I'm being pestered by the Ministry officials in the form of frequent raids, so I want to get rid of the horcrux. I'm going to try discredit the Weasleys somehow." 

I'm shocked at hearing this, but I don't make a sound as I don't want to be caught out of bed, who knows what they would do to me if they caught me listening to the meeting. I slowly creep back up the stairs and into my room, forgetting about my drink of water. Suddenly 'POP' a faint noise comes from behind me making me jump, "Sorry for startling you Mistress." It was Dobby our house elf, holding a glass of water in his little hand. I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you Dobby," I tell him, as I reach my hand out for the glass of water and chug it down quickly. "What are you doing here? How did you know.." I'm cut off by Father yelling for Dobby to get downstairs. "Dobby will explain later," he replies before snapping his fingers and disappearing out of  my room.

A few hours later of reading a book in my bed, Dobby appears in my room again. He jumps up on to my bed and starts whispering to me. "Dobby shouldn't be telling you this, but since you are friendly with Mr. Harry Potter and the Weasleys. I have been told about the plot to have the Chamber of Secrets reopened." Dobby looks shocked but doesn't start hurting himself like he usually does if he speaks out of tone or does something wrong. Is it because he's talking to only me, because we formed a bond over the years and swore to secretly tell each other everything, I think to myself. "So what you're saying is Father wants to smuggle this book into Hogwarts somehow involving the Weasley's as well as to try open this Chamber of Secrets and get Harry Potter to meet with Voldemort." I whisper back. Dobby nods in response. "I've been specifically told not to warn anyone about this event." He adds looking down at his dry hands he's obviously tried burning at some point.

"Okay Dobby listen to me, will you do something for me in secret. This will disobey Fathers orders though. Are you up for it," I ask him politely, as I hold his hands in mine. "Yes Mistress anything for you and Harry Potter and all your friends." He replies nodding. "Okay what I want you to do is to find any way you can to stop Harry Potter from going to Hogwarts this year. It sounds like its going to be too dangerous for him to even set foot in the school. Understand." Dobby nods. "Come talk to me about this anytime. If something goes wrong or even if you just want to talk" I add, before he smiles and snaps his fingers and disappears once more. 

Dobby keeps me informed that he's talked to Harry Potter by going to his house and taking his mail so doesn't think his friends have written to him, hopefully making him not want to go back to school. He didn't think it worked until that same night he saw his muggle guardian put bars on Harry window's. I smile at a good job well done, hopefully. 

However Dobby doesn't tell me until the next morning that a light blue car flies up to Harry's window full of red-head and rescues him, taking him back to the Burrow. Great time to come up with another plan to stop Harry from going to Hogwarts this year. 

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