Christmas Antics

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**Time skip**

December 25th 1992

Draco and I don't go home for the Christmas break this year because Father wanted us to stay to help finish his plan to open the chamber of secrets. After Draco writes a letter back to Father complaining that her leaving him in this pathetic school we go down to the Great Hall to have our Christmas dinner with our Slytherin friends. When finished Draco and I head back to the common room, leaving Crabbe and Goyle stuffing their faces with sweats. 

About a few hours later having not seen Crabbe and Goyle come back from dinner, we decide to go looking for them. As we head out of the common room and around the corner we spot them talking to Percy Weasley the prefect. "Crabbe, Goyle where have you been?" Draco questions striding over to them. "Pigging out in the Great Hall all this time probably." I answer for them while following close behind my brother. The boys both nod. "Why are you wearing glasses." Draco says suddenly noticing Goyle wearing glasses, that oddly looked like Harry Potters. I shrug it off. "Ah reading," Goyle answers taking off the glasses and putting them into his robes. "Reading! I didn't know you could read." Draco says looking confused. He turns away and faces Percy who is still standing there watching us. "And what are you doing down here Weasley?" "Mind your attitude, Malfoy" Percy sneers. Draco gives him a challenging look and walks off with Crabbe and Goyle following. "Sorry about him, he's just sour because we had to stay here for the holiday's." I tell Percy apologizing for my brothers rude behavior. "It's okay. Thanks for the aplology. The twins are right about you, you are way nicer than your brother. No wonder why George likes you soo much." Percy says grinning at the end. I slightly blush now thinking about George. "ASTERIA" I hear my brother yell from the common room door. "Better go, Nice talking to ya Percy." I say before run back to the common room. 

Draco and I literally lounge on one couch and Crabbe and Goyle just stand there awkwardly. "Well sit down" Draco says. They then follow the order and sit on the other couch in front of us. "You'd never know the Weasleys are pure bloods, the way they behave. They're an embarrassment to the Wizarding world. All of them." Draco snarls. I give him a look but he doesn't notice so I turn my attention to Crabbe and Goyle and notice Crabbe looking at me and scrunch up his fist in anger. "What's wrong with you Crabbe?" I question slightly concerned. Goyle nudges him and Crabbe answers. "Stomachache." Draco shrugs it off, but I'm growing more concerned because they aren't acting like their usual selves. "I'm surprised the Daily Profit hasn't done a report on all these attacks. I suppose Dumbledore is trying to hush it all up. Father said Dumbledore was the worst thing that ever happened to this place." Draco blabs on but is interrupted by Goyle. "You're wrong!" Draco jumps up off the couch and stands in front of Goyle. "What? You think there's someone here whos worse than Dumbledore?" Draco yells and Crabbe shakes his head. "Well, do you." Draco questions after not getting a response. "Harry Potter." Goyle finally says. "Good one Goyle. You are absolutely right. Saint Potter. And people actually think he's the Heir of Slytherin?" Draco complains. "But you must have some idea whos behind it all." Goyle asks. "You know I don't, Goyle. I told you yesterday. How many times do I have to tell you." 

Draco says grabbing a present from the table and shakes it by his ear. "Is this yours." He says to me still shaking the present. I shake my head and Draco slips it into his robe pocket. "But my father did say this. It's been 50 years since the Chamber has been opened. He wouldn't tell me who opened it, only that they were expelled. The last time the Chamber was opened a Mudblood died. So it's only a matter of time before one of them is killed this time. As for me. I hope it's Granger." Draco tells the boys. Hearing the last part made me furious so I stand up off the couch and glare at Draco. Not realising that Crabbe got up in anger too. "What's the matter with you two? Your acting very odd." Draco questions. Finally he's noticed them acting off too. "It's his stomachache." Goyle says for Crabbe. 

They whisper to each other for a few seconds and I swear I see Crabbe's hair turn orange. Draco is oblivious to this because he's opening the present he pocketed earlier. The boys start running out of the common room and I follow because I'm very curious now. "Hey! Where are you going." Draco yells from behind us. I follow them into the girls bathroom on the first floor. Isn't this Moaning Myrtles bathroom, I think to myself. As I'm standing at the door the boys who I just seen as Crabbe and Goyle turn into Ron and Harry. Those little sneaks used a Polyjuice potion, how in the world did they get the ingredients and the time to make it. The boys start talking to someone in a cubicle. "Hermionie come out, we've got loads to tell you." Harry tells her. "Go away." She yells still inside the cubicle. "Wait till you see, it's awful." Moaning Myrtle tells them as she comes through the cubicle door. She giggles and floats off. "A Slytherin, Get out." She moans as she gets close to me. 

Harry and Ron turn their heads. "Asteria? What are you doing here." Ron asks. "Sorry, I knew something was off about the way Crabbe and Goyle was acting soo I had to follow and see for myself. Now I'm worried about what's wrong with Hermione." I explain. I walk over to the cubicle, "Hermionie, It's Asteria. Are you okay?" I ask her as I push open the cubicle door. The boys and Moaning Myrtle watching over my shoulder. "Do you remember me telling you that the Polyjuice potion was only for human transformations? It was cat hair I plucked off Millicent Bulstrode's robes." Hermionie turns around reveling her face which now looks like a cat with bright green eyes. "Look at my face." She says sadly. "Look at your tail." Ron laughs. Which makes me laugh a bit too. Then I offer to take Hermionie to the hospital wing to see what Madam Pomfrey can do. 

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