Twins Mishap

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Later that evening, It's pouring down with rain and a lot of the students are in the Great Hall where the Goblet of Fire stands in the middle of the room. I start wondering where the twins are because earlier George wrote in the journal to meet them here at this particular time. I watch from the seat by the fireplace, as a Durmstrang boy puts his name in the Goblet, he then turns and smiles at me. I turn my head towards the door, away from his gaze. Cedric walks in at that moment with a bunch of his friends including Atti, looking all drenched from the rain. "Come on, Cedric. Put it in" One of his friends announce, lightly shoving him into the magic circle. He stands still for a moment, then reaches up throwing his name into the blue fire. The students clap as he jumps back into his friends group. But before he leaves he pats Atti on head, then he gives me a high five. I high five him back to be polite, but deep down I am hoping he doesn't get called.

Atti sits next to me on the stands. Seconds later the twins come running in the room yelling. "Yeahh" receiving cheers from the other students. "Thank you, thank you." They both say as they walk over to the stands high fiving some students, looking just as excited as they are. "What the hell is going on" I ask, maybe sounding a bit too demanding, but oh well I am unheard from all the cheering. "Well, lads, we've done it. Cooked it up just this morning." The boys say in unison. "It's not going to work." Hermione calls. "Oh yeah?" Fred speaks as both twins kneel beside Hermione and alternate speaking. "An why's that, Granger?" George questions. "You see this? This is an Age line. Dumbledore drew it himself." "So?" Fred asks. "So a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dimwitted as an aging potion." Hermione continues shutting the book on her lap. "But that's why it's so brilliant." Fred says. "Because It's so pathetically dimwitted." George adds.

"Ready, Fred?" 

"Ready, George?"

"Bottoms up"

They both cross arms and drink the ageing potion. Once they do, they jump into the circle from the stands and nothing happens. Surely they didn't get it right the first time making it. "Yeahh" The both cheer, as the other students cheer also. Right as they both put their names in the goblet, the blue flames swirl around them, throwing them out of the circle, them  landing on the floor. As they sit up they place their hands on their faces, and realise they have grown a grey beard and grey hair. Everyone erupts with laughter, Including me. "You said!" "You said!" The both say one after the other, then begin to fight each other yelling all sorts of nonsense. "Oh, right you want a piece of me?!" "Ill tear your ears off" "Now your making me laugh" "Take this! Come on!" Everyone else yelling "Fight! Fight!" Then the doors open and everyone quiets down and It happens to be Victor Krum. But I'm not interested so I head over to where the twins are still fighting and insulting each other. followed by Atti.

"Were 'old school.' right." "Yeah, but you look older." I roll my eyes and glance up just as Krum puts his name in the goblet, he then turns to look at Hermione. "Are you two done" I speak up, tuning my attention back to the twins. "Uhh yeah, sorry Astra" Fred says. As Atti and I reach our hands out to pull them back up, it only takes seconds before they both get the same idea. Before I even realise what's happening, they pull us down with them. I land right on top of George, his large manly grey beard brushes past my cheeks as we bonk heads. "Ouch.." The four of us say in unison. "Didn't think that through, did ya?" I say, standing up before rubbing my head. "I'm sorry poppet. Are you okay?" George asks, now with a concerned look, as Fred helps Atti to his feet. "Yeah, I will be, but you two still need to go to the hospital wing. Hopefully Madam Pomfrey can get rid of your old man beards." I demand, and I hear a giggle from Atti. George wraps his arms around me, bending down and rubbing his beard on the side of my face. "Or we could keep it, I know you'll love it." He teases. "I don't, actually. Now hurry up before I change my mind about liking you back." I reply sarcastically and start walking out the Great Hall. Fred and Atti laugh as the they jog to keep up with me, while George mopes behind them.


"Not you two again." Madame Pomfrey says as the twins walk in behind me. "They thought they could trick the age line with an ageing potion and well you see how that worked out." I say sarcastically, glancing back at the twins poking out my tongue. "Follow me then." Madame Pomfrey sighs. "Looks like you have this under control Astra." Atti's quiet voice is heard from the doorway. "Nooo don't leave me here with those two lovebirds, They'll drive me mad." Fred moans from one of the beds. Atti grins and comes over to the beds where the twins are laying down awaiting for Madame Pomfrey to come back with their medicine. "So made things official, have we?" Atti questions. I look down hoping no one notices how red my face has gotten. That was awkward why did Atti have to say that. I look back up at him with a silent glance. "Soo how's the beard." Atti asks to try change the subject. Fred cracks up laughing at Atti's question. 

I look around the room and notice Madame Pomfrey beckoning me over. "Excuse me for a moment boys." I say, getting up off the chair next to George's bed. Walking over behind the partion she's standing behind. She hands me several vials of wolfsbane potion for my next moon cycle. I was a bit curious as to why she was giving them to me but I pushed it aside for now, grabbing the vials, thanking her as I place them into my pockets. I walk past the boys without a word in my own world. I just hear the twins calling out to me. "Astra where are you bloody going." 

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