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I'm heading back from one of our classes with Atticus and Alex when we all of a sudden come across a flooded corridor. Being the curious trio, we follow the flooding to the girl's bathroom on the first floor. I recognise this bathroom from last night. I wonder if they know about Moaning Myrtle. The three of us hurry to turn off all the taps in the bathroom, because we don't want the whole school to flood. After we turn off all the taps the room grows silent, all but some faint crying and moaning coming from one of the cubicles. I know who that is. "Myrtle?" I ask, concerned as to what's got her so upset. "Myrtle?" Alex asks me confused. "Who's Myrtle?" He asks again. Before I'm about to tell him Atticus answers before me. "Myrtle Warren. She's the student who died the last time the Chamber was open." He's suddenly interrupted by the door being  slammed open. It  was Ginny Weasley, who had burst through the door. She was the youngest Weasley and the only girl. The twins speak very highly of her and are very protective. How cute. I start to blush, but shake it off when I notice Ginny's eyes were almost glazed over, like she was possessed. She ignores us and opens up the stall Myrtle was sobbing from and yells at her. "Where is it?!" She exclaims, then turning her head towards us. "Where did it go?!" She yells again. "Where did what go?" Alex asks her. She mutters angrily to herself as she opens up every cubicle door, looking for something. Not finding it she leaves stomping out of the bathroom.  "What was that about?" Atticus asks, looking at Alex and I, we both shrug. Then it suddenly hits me, she looked like she was possessed, she was looking for something rather important to her. Or to someone else. She was looking for Tom Riddles Diary. The same diary Father had slipped into her cauldron at Diagon Ally before school started. Father had made Ginny open the Chamber of Secrets through Tom Riddle. 

"Can we talk..?" Atticus asks suddenly, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Like, really talk." He adds, in a very serious tone. Which sort of scares me, because I've never seen him this serious before. I wonder what he wans to talk about. He has been distant and acting stranger than his usual self. "Sure, buddy. Why not." Alex spoke with a chuckle, obviously trying to break the awkwardness. "Room of Requirement?" I suggest, remembering the big chat I had with them last year. 

We walk there in silence, when we arrive it looks cozy and inviting with a nice big fireplace warming up the room. We walk over to the couches and sit by the fire. Atticus lets out a big sigh before starting to speak. "So..?" He pauses trying to figure out what to say next. "Funny story.. um.. I'm the heir of Slytherin." He blurts out then lets out a chuckle, trying to play it off as a joke. But I can see it in his eyes he's not joking. "And I'm the queen of England." Alex jokes, not believing Atticus at all. I look at Atticus intently waiting for him to tell us more. "I'm serious." Atticus pleads, looking towards Alex seriously. "I decree this codswallop." Alex grinned. Does he still not believe him, what an idiot. I roll my eyes. "Have you gone off the deep end. You're not even in Slytherin." Alex questions.  "I know I'm not. But.." Ugh. Atticus mumbles frustrated before grabbing out a picture from his robes . "Look at this. Don't I look exactly like a mix of them? Especially him!" He shows us, pointing to a Slytherin student named Sebastian Sallow.

"So you look like some Slytherin students from yonks ago. That means you're the heir of Slytherin?" Alex jokes again not believing him. "Your parents were muggles, right? You've met them!" Alex continues asking questions. Atticus lets out a big sigh. "My mother was a squib.." He starts telling us, then he pulls out pulling out a family tree of Salazar Slytherin, Atticus just stares at the family tree for a few moments. I look closer and suddenly see what he's staring at. My eyes go wide when I see his parents names and his own name magically appear. "Look!" Atticus exclaims. "You what..?" Alex spoke, lost for words. "That's why I could understand what Harry was saying to that snake!" Atticus explains. "So.. you opened the chamber? You're the one petrifying people?" Alex asks, confused and scared. "No! Are you mad?!" Atticus yells. "It's not Atti..." I yell as I notice Alex slowly reach for his wand. "I have something to tell you, too." I say thinking I should tell them about my fathers plans. Alex groans at my confession. "Oh Merlin, what is it this time?" he asks, worried it's going to be like last time I talked to them.

"Well.." I start. "Sometimes I overhear my father and his 'colleagues' discussions during their meetings. I heard them mention someone names 'Tom Riddle' and his diary?" Both boys are silent but Atticus looks down at the family tree again. "Tom Riddle." He says, pointing to his name. He's related to me, my second cousin, once removed. He looks back to me. "What is the importance of his diary, Astra?" He asks me. I smile realising he used my nickname for the first time, only the twins and the Slytherins called me that. "All I heard was Father saying he would exploit the Weasleys, so he snuck the diary into Ginny's cauldron that day at Diagon Alley." I tell them. "And you didn't tell the Weasleys?" Alex snaps suddenly. "I didn't exactly know how it would happen, but when we saw Ginny in the bathroom.. she looked almost possessed." I explain. "I noticed that too." Atticus says, nodding. "And now she's lost it. The diary, and her mind." Alex says with a sigh, before standing and pacing back and forth. "So we have to find it before Ginny does?" Atticus asks, glancing at Alex pacing. "Or someone could keep an eye on her?" I ask. "A Gryffindor, maybe?" I add, now glancing in Alex's direction.

"So, let me get this straight." Alex begins, sounding very angry. "You two somehow, are intertwined in a plot to do with the Chamber of Secrets and potential genocide of non-purebloods. And I have to clean up after you!?" He explodes, which freaks me out sending me the image fathers angry face yelling at me for doing something wrong. "And if I turn you down?" "What then? If I was to walk out of here right now. What would you do then?" I hear everything Alex says but in my fathers' voice.

 "Then we risk more Muggleborns getting petrified. Or worse. Think of Hermione." I hear Atticus say breaking me out of my horrible daymare. Atticus looks over to me looking concerned. "Maybe if this had been stopped before it all started, we wouldn't have to worry about that as a possibility." Alex responds, his voice now softening, thank Merlin. "Its too late to worry about hindsight, Alex." Atticus says, now standing next to Alex. He tries to place a hand on Alex's shoulder, but he brushes it off. "I'll keep an eye on Ginny. be in touch." He grunts before leaving the room, still looking angry, but a bit more relaxed now. Atticus looks back over at me and we both frown. That was scary, I let out a sigh trying to clear my mind from any more angry outbursts.

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