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I wander into the Slytherin common room after Hogsmeade and see Draco waiting for me on the couch and he has a look of anger in his eyes. "You should have listened to father and stayed away from those friends of yours." Draco yells as he stands up from the couch, now staring directly at me. "Why, what's it got you so mad about" I question, confused at to why he is so mad, when its got to do with me. "I'm in trouble now, for not looking out for you. According to HIS words. Like your my responsibility. After yelling all these horrible stuff about you, he had a go at me. Through this freaking howler." Draco yells again pointing to the coffee table, I see the ripped up red envelope. I can see him tensing his fists as he yells and the anger and betrayal in his scrunched up eyes. 

"Draco look at me" I walk over to where he is now pacing and place my hands on his shoulders. He looks up into my calm eyes. "Breathe, Draco" I tell him and take a deep breath in as he does, then out. "Feel better" I ask, receiving a nod from Draco. "He's mad at me Draco, and you know he cant help but yell at you too. It's what he's like, were both a disappointment to him. You know this now, right?" I explain. I always feel so sad when my brother gets like this. He has the same anger issues as father, but I'm the only one that can calm him down. "Thanks Astra, that really helped" Draco finally speaks calmly. "Now I realise that father does hate us both. We just have to deal with it, right? That's what you always told me." Draco adds, remembering all the times I have talked him down from turning his anger into violence. "Yupp! See you do have some brain cells. You finally put the pieces together and realised our father is a total dick!" I tell him, trying to make him smile or laugh.

"Oh there is a letter for you from father. I didn't want to open it up after the howler." Draco tells me, pulling the unopened letter out of his robes. "Thanks, Draco. Ill read it later." I smile back taking it from him. "Let me know if you need me after you read it." "Will do Draco." I reply before heading to my room to change into comfy clothes. My favourite grey sweatpants and a black tank top, I decide to tie a green Slytherin hoodie around my waist incase I need it. Then I head back out to the common room to read the letter.

"Where is everyone" Snape yells walking through the common room door, as I sit down on the couch. "Draco and Asteria were having a domestic soo everyone is in their dorms." Blaze blurts out from the top of the stairs heading up to the dorms. Snape sighs. "Get everyone down here immediately" Blaze knocks on both the boys dorm and girls dorm door, yelling at the top of his lungs. "Get out here now. House meeting" Snape sighs again and places his hands on his hips, waiting rather patiently. Draco and I share a confused expression.

When everyone pours into the common room Snape tells us that Sirius Black has infultrated the castle and all the students have to spend the night in the Great Hall while the teachers lock up and search every inch of the school. 

We head to the Great Hall where different coloured sleeping bags already cover the entire floor. Many students already sitting on their sleeping bags talking. I turn to smile at Draco. "Fine, go" He says already knowing I was not going to be sleeping next to the other Slytherins. I find Alex and Atticus and we take the spare spot near Fred, George, Harry, Ron and Hermione. I sit down on the sleeping bag and pull out the letter from father I placed inside my drawing journal. It wasn't a pleasant letter I'll tell you that.


You disgraced the Malfoy family name

I have made arrangements for you to become a Deatheater earlier than expected, due to this disappointment. Don't bother coming back to the MALFOY Manor if you plan to disobey me again.

Lucius Malfoy

My eyes start to well up as I re-read the letter over and over, until I feel the letter being pulled out of my hand by George. I look up and he's sitting cross-legged in front of me. The letter folded in his lap. He looks at me in the eyes then reaches up and wipes the tears from my eyes with his thumb. " What has got you so upset, my girl?" He asks, causing me to smile as his phrase 'my girl'. "Is it okay if we look at the letter." George asks me and I nod. He opens it up as Fred moves beside him to read the letter at the same time. 

"Blimey darling. What did you do that's this bad." George asks, seconds after reading. "Just hanging out in Hogsmeade with Alex and Atti. He doesn't like me hanging out with anyone that isn't 'Pure-Blood', or to his standards." The boys look at each other, then back at me. "I'm not going back there to become a Deatheater, if that's what your wondering." I whisper. "We know," Fred says. "Do you want to come stay with us?" George blurts out in a whisper. "Woah there Georgie, Steady on mate." Fred says, causing me to laugh a little. "Not in my bed... Argghh you know what I mean." George says, turning red. "Yeah I know what you mean dingus. Thanks, only if your mum wont mind." I smile. "You kidding, she want's to meet you after the way George has been telling her all about you." Fred teases. "Awww Georgie, that's soo cute" I tease slightly shoving him. Both Fred and I laugh, as George turns redder. 

Moments later the Professors ordered it was time for bed and turned out the lights. A sulky George slides into his sleeping bag and turns to look at me while I get into mine and turn to look in his direction. "Goodnight Poppet" George whispers, sliding closer. "Poppet. Really," I smirk. "Yeah I thought it was cute." George whispers back. "Yeah, it is. Goodnight Dingus" I smile, reaching out to hold his hand. I soon fall asleep in peace, thinking how lucky I am to have people in my life that actually care about me. 

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