The Hogwarts Express

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September 1st 1991

Beep Beep Beep, I wake up to my alarm blaring. I purposely set it early so I can make sure I have everything packed I need for Hogwarts. I get out of bed to have a shower in the bathroom connected to my room. When I'm done I head back into my room and choose my outfit which is just black skinny jeans and a black knit sweater with my robe over the top. I double-check to see if I have everything packed before I feed Nova and head downstairs. I already smell breakfast being cooked by the house elves. As I enter the dining room I see father sitting at the dining table eating his toast and reading the Daily Profit, while mother pours herself a cup of coffee and sits down at the table. I head into the kitchen and grab my favourite breakfast eggs, bacon and orange juice.

Just as I finish breakfast, father looks at the grandfather clock for the time, it's 10 o'clock. He gets up abruptly stomping to the bottom of the stairs and yells for Draco to wake his lazy ass up. I snicker to myself leaving the table and ordering one of the house elves to bring down my suitcase and Nova's cage. Draco rushes down the stairs in his black pants and white shirt with his black tie not tied properly. He rushes to the kitchen and stuffs his face with bacon and follows that down with his apple juice. Mother rushes over to wipe his messy face and fixes his tie. I call for Nova and she runs over to me rubbing up against my leg, I pick her up and put her in her cage just as father strides over to the fireplace ready to get to Kings Cross Station. Draco and I pick up our suitcases and cages and walk into the fireplace to be instantly transported to the train station. As soon as we get there we place our luggage on a trolley and head in the direction of platform 9 and 3/4. "Now all we do here is run straight towards the wall between platforms 9 and 10," Mother explains to Draco and I.

"Stinky girls first," Draco remarks poking his tongue at me, which causes father to strike Draco on the arm with the tip of his cane that's shaped like a snake. I let out a little giggle and run for the wall. I closed my eyes waiting for me to hit the wall but I keep going so I open my eyes and turn around and see a big Scarlet train right in front of me. A sign overhead said Hogwarts Express. I look behind me and see Draco run through the wall with a scrunched-up face. "What a baby" I mutter to him as he passes me. Mother and Father just walk through the wall and stand behind me. "Let's get your luggage on the train so we can say our goodbyes," Mother spoke quietly, taking the trolley to the luggage compartment to unload my things. Father pulls Draco aside to speak to him. I decide not to eavesdrop and head over to where Mother is. She pulls out a potions book from my suitcase and unlatches Nova's cage. She runs over to me and I pick her up and place her over my shoulder. "I thought you might want to read this on the train ride," Mother tells me handing me the potions book. "Thanks, Mother," I say back politely. We say our goodbyes which is just a wave and then she tells us to make sure we write to them as much as we can.

As we enter the train we spot our friends in one of the first compartments Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, Blaze Zabini and Pansy Parkinson. Draco opens the door and I follow him in. He sits down opposite the other three and next to Blaise. Before I'm about to sit next to Draco Pansy jumps up and pushes me out of the way so she could sit next to him. "What the hell was that for Pansy," I demand. "I want to sit next to Drakey poo," she shriek's back. Both Draco and I roll our eyes at her comment. "Fine have it your way, I'm going to find a quieter compartment to myself," I say as I open the sliding door. "Astra wait!" Draco stops me outside the compartment. "I don't want you to go." "It's okay Draco they are mostly your friends, I wanna find somewhere quiet anyway to read my potions book. I will see you when we get to Hogwarts."

I find an empty compartment in the middle of the train. Nova jumps off my shoulder and curls up on the seat. I sit down next to her by the window and reach up to open it for some fresh air, and catch a conversation outside with a bunch of redheads. Weasleys I mutter to myself. "Now, you two better behave yourselves this year. If I get one more owl telling me you've blown up a toilet" An older woman speaks to her twin sons. "Blown up a toilet? we've never blown up a toilet, great idea though, thanks Mum," one of the twins says. Just as I let out a little giggle the other twin turns around and looks at me and winks. I roll my eyes and look down to open my book and begin to read.

About 20 minutes into the train ride the door to my compartment slides open and in walk the Weasley twins. "Like what you heard outside did ya," one of them says before they both sit opposite me. "I'm Fred Weasley and this is my twin brother George," they both grin at me. "She's got to be a Malfoy right, look at her hair," Fred whispered to George. "Yes that's right I'm Asteria Malfoy and this is my kitten Nova," I reply abruptly and gesturing to her sleeping next to me. "Wait till they see this," I think to myself seeing their shocked faces. "What's your favourite colour," I ask the boys. "Blue" they reply at the same time. I smile and close my eyes and picture myself with Blue hair. I open my eyes and flip my hair over my shoulder. "Wicked" they both reply in unison. I change my hair to all blonde, so i dont get anymore comments about it. We talk the rest of the train ride mostly about pranks and how they can involve me in some in the future.

I know what your thinking I'm a Malfoy and they are Blood traders, Father won't be happy. But I don't care they are Purebloods like me so that's all that matters in my opinion.

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