Chapter 2

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"Anyway, if you two ladies have any more specific questions, I would be more than happy to answer them," Naomi Kreutz, an older woman with silver hair explained to them. She was witty and genuinely reminded Natalia of her sister. They were to split the players amongst themselves but were working with the teams Medics and Doctors to come up with the ideal meal plans. That afternoon they would go to their first meeting with the team.

Cat practically shook with excitement on their way to the training arena.

"My dad is going to be so jealous," she said in an undertone to Natalia.

"I know, I can't believe this is happening," Natalia said anxiously cracking her knuckles as they walked up to the arena, which towered over the two girls.

They followed Naomi through a series of hallways; each of them flashing their employee passes at a series of security guards they came across. Finally they reached a set of double doors, which Naomi swung open to reveal the team's quarters—locker room, showers, offices, and meeting rooms, which they were now headed into. About 50 people were crammed in one fairly large space. Natalia realized with a glance that the room was of a substantial size, but most of the players were so tall they took up more room than a group of average sized adults would.

"Big fucking Germans, huh," Cat said through her teeth to Natalia.

Natalia had to suppress a laugh, which came up like a strangled cat noise just as she passed by Manuel Neuer, whose eyes shot to meet hers.

Oh my God. I just meowed in front of Manuel freaking Neuer. If the earth could open up and suck me in, now would be the opportune moment.

Natalia tried to make the rest of her journey to the seat as gracefully as possible. They followed Naomi to a few seats that had been reserved with their names.

"Sorry, if I could just take a second," Naomi interrupted the speaker before they had a chance to sit down, "This is Natalia Klein and Catherine Gatz, they will be working with your doctors and medics to develop a more...rigorous diet schedule that will supplement your new training orders," Naomi explained with a smile looking at the team's coach, Pep Guardiola, who nodded.

"Thank you ladies. I hope the rest of the team will join me in welcoming you to whipping their fat asses back into shape," he said with a smile on his face, patting a few players surrounding him as scattered applause rang through the room.

Natalia nodded and smiled hello, and tried to match names and faces. Lahm, Müller, Boateng, Robben...and of course Neuer. Hello, my tormentor. He smirked at her, and Natalia had a feeling their relationship would be anything but ordinary. 

Natalia and Cat sat down as the rest of the team was dismissed and they began their meeting with the teams medics and doctors. After a short introduction, the group of 10 got together for the most exhausting afternoon where they debated caloric intake, exercise regimens, protein intake, a whole slew of factors.

By the time Natalia got home that night they had not yet worked out a definite plan, but she did have a list of players that she would be visiting weekly—10 total, where she would be required to deliver food and either hand off recipes to cooks, wives, players or cook them herself.

At least I won't have to wear heels anymore, Natalia told herself as she got into bed, exhausted but happy. She felt good making a contribution to the players' health—their bodies were literally in her hands and instead of feeling crushed by the responsibility she was excited to get started delivering food and helping them fix their diets.


Hi all! This is the first story I've posted on here, and I'd love to hear your thoughts :)

Also totally down for ficrecs!

-Parker xx

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