Chapter 5

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After dinner, Natalia settled into the couch of the Mullers' home, where Lisa joined her for clarification about the recipes.

"Lisa, what is this?" Thomas asked walking into the living room where Natalia was explaining to Lisa a sample meal plan.

"What is what, baby?" Lisa asked distracted by Natalia's small handwritten notes in the margins of the papers.

"This," Thomas said holding up a small plastic pen-sized object.

Natalia felt her heart drop to the pit of her stomach. She saw Lisa's eyes flicker up to the test and drop back down to the paper.

"Thomas...I—" Lisa's voice wavered and faltered no no...Natalia, don't...


"It's mine," Natalia said defiantly standing up and snatching the test out of Thomas' hand.

Lisa's eyes met hers in grateful confusion.

"I haven't been feeling well and I must have left it with the laundry, I'm sorry," She said storing the test in her pocket.

Why Natalia. Why take the heat for your boss' infidelity?! The small voice in the back of her head rang out.

Later that evening Thomas came into the kitchen, with his hands in his pockets, eyes on his feet.

Natalia pretended not to see him, and continued typing away on her laptop, looking up holiday recipes the players could use without inconveniencing their families. Their diets were mostly similar, but the fat and sugar content of their diets were severely reduced. And in a country where so many dishes were butter-based, Natalia didn't want to take any chances.

"Natalia," Thomas said quietly coming closer to the island where Natalia was seated.

She glanced up at him, trying to ignore the guilt piling up in the pit of her stomach.

"I didn't mean to confront you, its just that I thought...Lisa—," Natalia held up her hand to silence him.

"It's okay. I was...," she struggled to come up with an explanation for 'her' carelessness. Jesus if the woman is trying to keep it a secret she could be a little more careful...

"You don't owe me an explanation," Thomas said, "I just didn't want you to think I was judging you, its your business what you do with Manuel..."

Shit. Manuel. He thinks I'm pregnant with Manuel's baby. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Natalia managed a weak smile, "Yeah. I...if you could not say anything to him. I'm still trying to...figure out what I'm going to do," she said quickly weaving together a slew of lies.

"Of course. If you need any help...just let me or Lisa know," Thomas said giving her a quick squeeze of the shoulder and walking out of the kitchen.

Lisa...I need you to get your shit together.


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