Chapter 38

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After Natalia's parents left, Thomas insisted they go out for a walk.

"The fresh air will help you feel better. Besides we need more diapers for Jamie," he insisted, finding Jamie's clothes.

Natalia nodded in agreement, not feeling particularly talkative. Jamie also grew increasingly more moody as though he realized how much his life changed.

Natalia pulled on a pair of leggings and attempted to button a flannel shirt but found that her hands shook. Thomas entered just as Natalia lifted her hands to stare at her fingers, and he wordlessly helped her button her shirt.

"Thanks," Natalia said quietly, picking Jamie up from where he sat in the crib, holding his stuffed bunny close.

She pressed Jamie's small warm body to hers, taking quick comfort in the fact that he was a part of Tanya.

"Let's take the stroller?" Thomas asked to which Natalia nodded.

As they stepped into the sunshine and walked to the nearby park, Natalia briefly looked to the sunny skies—beautiful now, but she now knew their potential for cruelty.

She allowed Thomas to take her hand as they walked, along the paved path through the park. She noticed several people taking their picture as they walked, but she just pressed herself closer to him, not having the energy to protest.

The next several days were foggy. Thomas left her for a work out practice the following morning with a kiss, leaving Natalia and Jamie alone. She spent her morning cleaning her apartment and doing laundry, wishing that she could talk to someone.

How are you? Please tell me something distracting Natalia sent to Cat who sent her a giant bouquet of condolence flowers.

I'm fine! Manuel blew ass at this mornings meetings. You should have seen Pep's face. How are you holding up? She responded almost instantly.

Natalia sent her a series of laughing emoji's followed by disgusting. I'm okay too. I'm trying to keep busy, but I'll probably be going to London for a few weeks soon. How is work?

Busy without you. Something's up with the Medical team and Pep. I keep hearing fighting from Naomi's office, but she just tells me to stick to my work...

Yikes! I hope its nothing serious...

Me too. I'll let you know if I find out more. Gotta run to Robert's now xx.

Please do. Thanks Cat, xx.

Natalia put down her phone and put her head in her hands. If things at work were unstable she had to at least think about getting back...

Natalia heard her phone go off once more, and she picked up without looking at the caller ID.


"Hi love, its Mama, how are you doing?"

"Hi Mama, its good to hear from you. I'm good, how are you two holding up?"

"Fine darling, we've been meeting with Marco and Tanya's lawyers and their parents...there's a problem though."

"What's going on?" Natalia said perking up

"It's about Jamie," her mother said carefully, "Marco's parents don't want him to be raised in Germany."

"But it's what Marco and Tanya wanted," Natalia said not understanding, "They wanted me to raise him,"

"Yes, and no one is arguing with that. They're arguing that when they wrote the will you were employed here, and they don't want their grandson so far away," her mother explained, "And frankly love, neither do your father and I."

"So you want me to move back to England?" Natalia asked finally understanding her tone, and the point of the phone call.

"Just consider it love. Jamie's lost his parents, don't take him away from his grandparents too. The four of us could help you so much more if we're only a bus ride away," her mother said logically, "Besides, there's plenty of Premiere League teams you could work for here,"

"Mama, this is a lot," Natalia said rubbing her temples.

"Think it over, love. No one is expecting an answer today," her mother said.

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