Chapter 3

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The second week was when Natalia began delivering food to her charges. She developed a schedule with Cat where she would visit two households a day each workday and then discuss future delivery schedules with whoever was in charge of the kitchen.

First on her list was, as fate would have it, Manuel Neuer. Unfortunately, deliveries had to be worked out around the players' schedules, so Natalia found herself only starting her day at four in the afternoon, holding a crate of food under one arm, bag on the other arm that was weighed down by a binder she composed to gift to Neuer—full of her own recipes that were approved by the doctors.

"Hi, I'm Nata—oh," Natalia said as the door opened to reveal a very shirtless Manuel Neuer. She stumbled back and nearly lost her grip on the crate, but Neuer jumped to grab the crate from her and gave her a very large smile, "Come in," he said handing the crate with both arms and walking ahead of her, barefoot down the hall. Natalia followed him, shifting the bag in her arms and found herself admiring the modern décor in the apartment. Black wood floors accentuated the silver and white clean design of the house. "I am Manuel, this is my home, sorry for scaring you!" he said over his shoulder as Natalia followed him in shyly.

"So Natalia, what is all of this?" Neuer asked removing various items of produce from the crate, holding up a squash. (He was now wearing a shirt).

"Well I'm supposed to be helping you watch what you eat, so I'll be bringing you food that you will cook," Natalia explained pulling out the binder from her bag, "using these recipes."

Manuel stared at her as she smiled.

"What?" She asked suddenly embarrassed, "do I have something in my teeth?" she said lifting a hand to her face

"No you're perfect. Its just...this is really dorky," he said a smile growing on his face.

Did Manuel Neuer just call me perfect. Oh my god. Natalia, get your shit together. Relax. Say something. Anything.

"It's my job!" Natalia protested, a smile growing on her own face, "Anyway, the recipes are really good if I say so myself," she said opening the book and beckoning him next to her to look at them.

"You made these?" Manuel asked flipping through the book.

"Most of them, yes," Natalia said trying hard not to get anxious over how close the two were standing, or breathing in the scent of his cologne or deodorant as he had leaned over her shoulder to get a better look.

"So no more wiener schnitzel?" Manuel asked referring to the deep fried Austrian dish, to which Natalia placed a hand dramatically over her heart and shook her head.

"I promise, they're really good, look," Natalia said flipping a few pages and pointing to a few of her favorites.

"Beer infused pork chops?" Manuel read, "You're joking,"

"Nope," Natalia said popping the "p", and stepping to the side to continue unloading the food she brought.

"So Nat, what brings you to Munich," Neuer asked a twinkle in his eye as he moved a squash to the refrigerator.

Natalia blushed at the nickname, "Well," Natalia told him about her background and her family, "And my grandfather was German, that's why I'm a Klein," she finished explaining.

"It's hard to stay away from Germans isn't it," Neuer said with a smirk on his face.

"But easier than one might think," Natalia said with a straight face, tossing him a box of pasta. Being friends with the players was going to be fun.

"I have to be honest, I'm not a very good cook," Manuel said after they had almost finished unpacking the food.

"I expected that," Natalia said shaking her head

"Would you make me dinner?" Manuel said smiling at her crookedly, that reduced his age by a decade.

Natalia laughed, "Sure."

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