Chapter 9

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That weekend Bastian, Sarah, Thomas, Manuel and Natalia headed to a popular bar restaurant in Munich.

"Do I look okay?" Sarah asked twirling around in a short black wrap-dress coming up to their table

"You look beautiful!" exclaimed Natalia, who stood up and quickly hugged her

"How is he doing?" Sarah asked quietly

"Holding up for now, I think. I've been making him dinner but honestly I slept over more than once this week. He doesn't sleep in the bedroom anymore," Natalia quickly explained.

"So Natalia, you look gorgeous," Sarah said sitting down after greeting everyone with a hug and a kiss.

Natalia felt redness creep up her cheeks, "Thank you, Sarah, dear." She noticed that Manuel smiled even more widely at her comment and winked at her.

"So Nat, you're not going to criticize what we eat tonight, are you?" Bastian asked, leaning closer.

"I'll do my best not to," Natalia said glancing over the menu. Thomas and Manuel were engaged in a lively conversation, probably about football, but he had a (rare) smile on his face. Natalia felt herself relax, she was happy his mind was off of his personal problems.

"Nat," Manuel said pulling her aside after dinner.

"Yes Manu?" Natalia said accidentally being pushed closer to him as a waiter walked by behind her. She found herself staring straight into his rock-hard chest, and felt herself tense. Her still un-confronted, and unspoken feelings for Manuel were really becoming bothersome. To her and onlooking parties, apparently, as she felt Sarah's eyes on her. Natalia tried to shake the tension in her shoulders as her body was pressed up on his. Stop it Nat, keep it together!

"Well," he cleared is throat, "Do you want to come over after dinner?" he asked with a small smile.

Natalia found her mind buzzing, as it always did when she was overwhelmed.

"I'd love to," she managed to blurt out. Oh my god, keep it together Natalia, he just wants to hang out. As friends.

"Great, you can make me second dinner," Manuel said rocking back and forth beaming.  

Natalia punched his shoulder playfully, "You wish," she said, "Should we invite Muller?" she asked lowering her voice so no one would overhear.

"Definitely," he responded eyeing Thomas, who was staring into his nearly empty glass of beer, like it was a crystal ball.

"Goodnight everyone!" Natalia yelled, holding onto Manuel's arm for support as she waved goodbye to the rest of them. Thomas had refused their after dinner invitation, claiming that he had a lot of "work" to catch up on and wanted to go to bed, "The recipe books have hangover specials in them!" she called after their retreating forms as they cackled with laughter.

"You work too hard, Natalia!" Sarah called back.

Natalia smiled widely as Manuel drove them to his house. The evening had gone well, even if Thomas wasn't back to a hundred percent. Being driven to Manuel Neuer's home also wasn't a bad way to end the evening. Natalie's heart pounded slightly faster than normal, in sync with Manuel's fingers that were tapping to the beat of a song on the radio. This could be a good night...

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