Chapter 32

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6 days, 8 hours, 32 minutes, and 12 seconds. That's how long it had been since Natalia left the fundraiser, and Thomas.

The boys had medical exams, during which Natalia, Cat and Naomi were kept busy running blood work, cardio exams, breathing exercises—a whole slew of technologically advanced health screening.

Cat voluntarily took Thomas' file as her own, and casually traded her Arjen. No one noticed, and no one asked questions. Like this, Natalia managed to avoid him for 6 days, 8 hours, 33 minutes, and 34 seconds, she calculated quickly, lying in bed staring at the clock on her bedside table.

She hardly slept for the last week, and every time her phone rang she jumped a million feet in the air. But it was never him. Natalia heard her alarm go off for a third time—she was having trouble sleeping. She only felt sleep come to her when the sun began to rise, but now her alarm was mocking her. If only I could shut my brain off voluntarily and stop running through every sentence I said to him that night.

If only.

40 minutes later, Natalia was dressed in her unflattering Bayern Munich medics uniform, hair clean and blow dried in a pony tail, and sufficient make up to cover the large black circles under her eyes. She checked her phone for the umpteenth time.

It's over. She thought looking at her reflection in the mirror, before receiving a call from Cat, who had been babysitting her, and by her side every day, telling her she was downstairs.

At the practice arena, the staff was in a buzz getting everything ready for the game later that afternoon. Even if they lost the game against Mainz, Bayern Munich would be named Bundesliga champions for the year. Natalia spent her morning mixing together protein shakes for everyone, while Cat and the rest of the team stretched out the players and tended to their injuries. Nearby, the medical team was buzzing with anticipation for all the beer showers to follow the game.

Soon they headed to the arena, the team in one bus, the medical staff in a smaller van. When they arrived, Natalia tried to duck her head past the few paparazzi scattered, but they managed to photograph her anyway, thankfully without any snide comments.

Natalia breathed a huge sigh of relief as they filed into the locker room. She settled against a wall of lockers, taking several deep breaths as the rest of the team filed in slowly, including a certain Thomas Muller, who locked eyes with her for a split-second before Natalia was torn away by Tony who wanted her to restock some of the medical kits.

The game was against Mainz 05, and much to Cat's delight Erik was able to attend. They were all invited to an engagement dinner in one of Munich's best restaurants this evening—something Erik insisted on when Cat suggested the idea.

"Is everything okay, Natalia? You're not all here," Tony asked Natalia after he had to remind her for the third time to add more gloves to the medical kits.

"I'm sorry, it's..." Natalia's voice trailed off as she met Thomas' eyes again through the glass, "I'm sorry. It's no one." Natalia said her eyes snapping back to Tony's.

Tony only shrugged before handing her the strap of the bags she was meant to carry out.

"Focus, Natalia," he said before glancing between her and Thomas, and exiting the locker room towards the stands.

Natalia sat behind the players, as the game started. Mainz was strong, but Bayern was stronger. Within the first half hour, Lewandowski scored, putting Bayern ahead and electrifying the crowd. Cat gripped Natalia's hands as Bastian was knocked down, but he got back up with a shake of his head and a nod towards the girls.

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