Chapter 21

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The following morning, a very sunburnt Natalia awoke to an empty bed and Cat bustling about, putting their things into suitcases.

"Morning sicky," Cat said handing Natalia a bottle of water, and encouraged her to drink, "Thomas told me what happened when I got home from my run, he spent the night and helped me pack your things," she said motioning to her nearly full suitcase.


"Shh," Cat said urging her to drink more water, "Let me mother you, lord knows you take care of everyone else enough."

One hour, two more water bottles, and a full breakfast later, Natalia was en route to the airport with the rest of the team, who also seemed tired but fulfilled.

Natalia sat comfortably between Cat and Robert on the plane, still feeling exhausted.

"Did you get too much sun?" Bastian poked fun at her, as he found his seat, to which Natalia managed to respond only with a middle finger, before settling against Cat and waiting to get back to a much colder, snowier Munich.

Several weeks later, Natalia found herself perched on one of the armrests of Thomas' new recliners, attempting to guess a charade Cat was acting out. The team had somewhat gone through a rough streak of few wins, mostly ties and losses. They were working as hard as ever, but the break took its toll on their game.

"Okay, its small," Natalia said, holding her beer bottle close to her chest as Cat focused on delivering the correct clues.

"You're lighting something? You're using a match to light something?" Natalia guessed

"Yes! Streichholzschachtel!" Cat exclaimed, delighted that her clues came across.

"She had to say 'streichholzschachtel'," Bastian protested, "No points!"

"Bastian, I'm English, I can't pronounce things like shraicho...whatever!" Natalia said loudly, earning laughs from the native Germans in the room.

Thomas was holding his official housewarming—he finally sold the estate and finished moving all of his things from the farmhouse to the beautiful penthouse in the center of Munich.

"Let her have it," Philipp said kindly, helping himself to hors d'oeuvres that Natalia and Cat provided (When Thomas suggested serving saltine crackers Cat grew pale and stuttered that she would be taking care of the menu).

Natalia stood and motioned to her own drink, "Can I refresh anyone else?"

Everyone shook their heads, distracted by Bastian's strange portrayal of what seemed to Natalia to be a very large flightless bird.

She stifled a laugh and moved through the crowded apartment, weaving through tall, good-looking people, feeling self conscious in her own boots-jeans-and cable knit sweater combination.

The price to pay when you're friends with professional football players, I guess.

"Hi!" Natalia greeted Thomas, who she had barely seen all night. His cheeks were flushed pink, and she noticed the beer in his hand.

"Hello, my minx," he said pushing her playfully as she opened another bottle, "I hear you lost at charades."

"Only because Bastian plays dirty," Natalia protested, "How are you?"

"I'm good! I just—" Thomas' eyes suddenly widened and he leaned against the counter, his long fingers gripping them tightly, jaw set, as if it was cemented shut.

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