Chapter 28

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The next morning, Natalia awoke next to a very naked Thomas Müller. Memories from the previous night flooded back to her, and Natalia recalled the night they shared, blushing in the process.

"Morning, pretty," Thomas' husky voice disturbed her reminiscence, and he moved a stubborn strand of hair out of her face.

"Morning pretty," Natalia echoed, turning to face him, very much naked herself.

Thomas smirked devilishly and pulled her closer to him, placing large sloppy kisses all over her neck, clavicle and poking her sides in the process, to which Natalia squealed and tried to squirm out of his grasp.

Eventually they stopped, and he held her close, their breathing in unison, examining how their hands fit together.

"I never want to leave here, you, this," Thomas muttered quietly.

Natalia turned her head to face him, leaving little room between them, and kissed him briefly, sharing the same sentiment in the quiet pale sunlight.

"Oh!" Thomas said a sudden realization coming over him.

"What?" Natalia said leaning away from him, as he turned to move out of her bed, and he tugged on his underwear.

"Where are you going?" Natalia called after him, sitting up on her elbows, pulling the sheet to her chest.

"Idiot," she whispered with a smile, checking her phone to about 10 missed calls from Cat.

"This!" Thomas bounced back into her bed, holding a small velvet box, and laying on top of her.

"Thomas," Natalia started to say seriously.

"I have to stop getting you nice things, blah blah blah, just open it," Thomas said dismissing her arguments.

Natalia opened the box to reveal a small circular gold charm, with a date engraved on one side and N.K. and T.M. engraved on the other.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Thomas asked seriously, propping his face up on his hands.

"Thomas...yes, of course," Natalia said quietly, pulling his face closer and kissing him again.

"Is's date?" Natalia said looking at the charm more closely, and then back to his face.

Thomas nodded a mischievous look playing in his cerulean eyes.

"You smug bastard," Natalia said jokingly, "You knew I'd say yes!" she said lunging at him, causing the sheet to slide away from her body, which was helped by Thomas wrapping his arms around her once more, and putting a hand into Natalia's mane, connecting their lips once more.

He kissed her deeply for a moment, placing his other hand on Natalia's lower back, sending shivers down her spine. She moaned, unintentionally into the kiss, and felt Thomas' mouth form his familiar smirk.

She pulled away blushing, suddenly very aware of her skin pressed against his and recalling that this was Thomas. Sweet, dorky, talkative Thomas who was making her feel like this.

"God you're gorgeous," Thomas said seriously staring at her face, before Natalia buried her head in his chest, "Seriously," Thomas said holding her closely, "I can't believe I finally get to kiss you for as long and as often as I want," he said his voice barely above a whisper, moving his hand to the side of her face and reconnecting their lips. Natalia's heart thumped loudly, as he eased her back onto the bed, settling his hand firmly on her waist, and moving his kisses down her neck, to her collarbone, and between her breasts. Natalia giggled, and Thomas moved back up to reconnect their lips, this time with Natalia smirking into the kiss.

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