Chapter 13

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You are cordially invited to Bayern Munich's Annual Christmas Party...

The email read in obnoxious red and green lettering.

"Did you see this email?" Natalia said leaning to face Cat at their office.

"Yeah, I did. 'Plus one's welcome'? Really? How am I supposed to bring Erik to a Bayern event?" Cat said exasperatedly.

"The same way Mario transferred from Dortmund to Bayern. With a lot of shit from other people," Natalia joked.  

Cat groaned, but then stopped to meet Natalia's eyes.

"Who are you going to bring?" she said wide-eyed.

"Oh, I don't know. I was thinking about asking James Rodriguez," Natalia said sarcastically.

"Why don't you ask Muller?" Cat said winking at Natalia

"Oh God no. The divorce just got finalized, I'm not asking him anywhere. Besides I don't look at him like that—"

"Bullshit," Cat said seriously.


"Bull. Shit. You and Muller are soul mates and on some level you know it too." Cat said seriously, looking back at her monitor.

"Cat, no," Natalia protested, "He can't think about another relationship right now, and honestly neither can I after the Neuer fiasco," she admitted

"Mhm, well you're delusional if you think you're not looking hot as shit that night," Cat said with a wicked smile.

"Okay Cat, okay," Natalia said shaking her head.

The afternoon of the Christmas party, Natalia found herself sitting cross-legged in only a t-shirt infront of her mirror, blow-drying her hair. She found a dress she had forgotten about that would work for the event—it was tea-length and a dark shade of green. A rapid knock on the door brought Natalia out of her mindless stupor.

"Coming!" she yelled scrambling to find a pair of pants, only coming across a pair of ratty old Sesame Street printed pajamas.

"Hi!" Cat said breathlessly walking in past Natalia after she flung the door open. "I brought goods," Cat said turning around to face Natalia, "Jesus, your hair looks like a bush."

"Hi Cat, good to see you too!" Natalia said sarcastically closing the door behind her, "What goods?"

"Oh you know, brushes, make up, clips, pins, and," Cat stopped to show one larger garment bag, "a dress."

"Oh but I already have a dress!" Natalia said pointing to the green frock hung on the back of the door

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