Chapter 34

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"Damn," Natalia said falling back onto the mattress, breathless and euphoric.

"Damn," Thomas echoed, turning to grin at Natalia.

Natalia closed her eyes and sighed in contentment as she turned, propping her head on Thomas' chest and allowed him to wrap his arms around her and pull her close.

"I love you," she whispered into his shoulder.

"I love you too," he responded, kissing her temple, and rubbing circles on her exposed back, sending shivers down her spine.

"Tell me how you had the energy to do that after playing a game," Natalia said feeling relaxed but so tired.

"You just get me going, liebe," he said in a husky voice with his famous smirk, his eyes closed. Natalia settled against him herself, feeling sleep coming, "Also with your parents coming, I don't know when I'll get to have you," he said opening his eyes, to which Natalia shoved him playfully, but still laughed recognizing he was right.

They both awoke around dinnertime, and decided to celebrate their newly outed relationship with dinner in downtown Munich with the rest of the team, before they all headed out on holiday.

"You look beautiful," Thomas said for the third time, as Natalia came out of her room, unable to make a decision about what to wear. They decided to stop at her apartment on the way to dinner—since the majority of the clothing she left at Thomas' was pajamas and sweatshirts.

"Easy for you to say," Natalia said examining her appearance in the hallway mirror. She finally settled on white jeans, nude heels, and a sheer black top, "You're sleeping with me," she added noticing Thomas' stare.

"I fell in love with you when you were wearing a Bayern medics polo. Wear that," Thomas joked, earning a small eye roll from Natalia who was finally ready.

They arrived at the restaurant, and were quickly ushered to the back after being photographed by paparazzi and surprised onlookers.

Is that Natalia Klein? With Thomas Muller?

Isn't he married?

Were they having an affair?

Natalia tried to ignore the color commentary as they were walked to the back of the restaurant, where a large table was set up, and much of the team was there, fully into their first round of drinks.

"Natalia, you're glowing," Cat said devilishly into Natalia's ear as they hugged.

"A few hours alone will do that to couples," Natalia whispered back delicately before sitting down, causing Cat to beam.

Natalia glanced at Thomas who was speaking in rapid German with Bastian and Philipp who were laughing loudly.

She winked at Cat, before accepting the beer Thomas passed her.

"So your parents are coming in tomorrow," Cat said to the table, "Do you have anything planned?"

"Well they've never visited me here, so I'll take them around the city, or even take Jamie off their hands and let them explore alone," she said thoughtfully, taking a French fry off of a plate in the middle of the table.

"Any plans to introduce Thomas?" Philipp asked, to which Natalia shrugged

"Do you want to meet my parents?" she asked Thomas, who blushed in the dim lighting.

"You don't have to," Natalia said blushing herself not considering that coming out to the world might be less terrifying than her parents, "I won't be offended."

"No, I'd love to meet your parents," he said collecting himself, and earning an approving smile from Cat and Philipp.

"God you're whipped," Bastian said staring at him, and earning a slap on the arm from Cat.

"If I'm going to tell the world, I might as well tell Natalia's parents," Thomas reasoned, sipping his beer, to which Natalia squeezed his thigh under the table.

"Thanks," she said in an undertone, as more of the team walked in.

"Always," Thomas said kissing the side of her head quickly, before greeting the other players.

The rest of the night was filled with jokes, laughs, anecdotes—and of course comments about Natalia and Thomas' relationship.

"We were taking bets on how long you two would take," Anna Lewandowska said sheepishly, sipping her wine, "I won."

Natalia shook her head with a smile, enjoying her friends company, and especially the company of the man sitting beside her. For a brief moment, life was perfect. But fate had a different plan.


Hi Guys! Sorry for the delay in updates. I'm working for the next 3 weeks (including weekends).

There aren't too many chapters of this story left.

Please, please, please, remember there will be a sequel!!!

Love always!

Parker xx

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