Chapter 14

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The following morning Natalia awoke to the loud sounds of her phone, ringing incessantly.

"Hello?" she said into the receiver sleepily, not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Good morning sunshine," Cat's perky voice sounded, earning a sigh from Natalia, "How was your night?"

"It was okay..." Natalia said stifling a yawn, and searching for a bottle of water.

"Tell me more please! I saw you getting cozy with Manuel...and you should turn on Bild" Cat said, referencing the infamous German tabloid a smirk apparent in her voice.

"Oh no, not him...," Natalia said bluntly, "Thomas tried to kiss me last night."

"He WHAT!" Cat yelled, causing Natalia to drop her phone, "Explain!"

"It was after we did shots with them, we were dancing, and he just leaned down, and I stopped him," Natalia said quietly, "But I really didn't want to,"

"Wow..." Cat said, finally at a loss for words, "What are you going to do?"

"I have no idea," Natalia said pulling the covers over her head, "I know it was just because he was drunk, but he just got out of a marriage,"

"You need to stop saying that, Nat," Cat said bluntly, "Yes he was married, but how messed up was that marriage? He said it himself, they hadn't been the same for months, she cheated on him, multiple times, lied about being pregnant with another mans child...the list goes on and on. They were so incompatible, it's like they were trying to salvage a sinking ship for the last six months, because of a piece of paper."

"Okay, he got out of a relationship, a really serious one," Natalia said, "Whatever title you put on it, he loved someone else only a few months ago."

"But he loved someone who didn't really exist. His version of Lisa was an illusion he made up, and when he realized she wasn't there he was gone. He's been fine for weeks now, Nat," Cat said thoughtfully.

"Maybe...Now what were you saying about looking at Bild?" Natalia said, still not convinced.

"Oh nothing, everyone is just wondering who you are," Cat said casually, and Natalia could practically hear the smirk in her voice.

Natalia quickly found the channel that Cat was referring to and her jaw dropped as she saw her image reflected on the screen.

"This is insane," Natalia said breathlessly sitting upright in bed, and struggling to turn on the English subtitles.

There were images projected from the night before, of Natalia standing in front of the cameras, looking...rather striking, in her own humble opinion. The long black dress carried well on screen: the beading on the bodice and sleeves glittered, her waist looked slim, and the train was draped elegantly behind her.

"I look like I'm going to vomit," Natalia said, noticing her facial expression.

"No, you look like a model," Cat protested, as they watched the replays of Thomas coming up to Natalia, whispering in her ear, and escorting her off of the carpet.

"Who is the star-football stars new, drop dead gorgeous interest? Stay tuned as we tell you what we know about Natalia Klein," the text at the bottom of the screen read.

"They know my name? They know who I am?!" Natalia said loudly, as the program also briefly showed pictures of Cat and Erik, both looking stunning.

"There must be something in the Bayern Munich water," the text read, "Natalia Klein and Catherine Gatz, trainers for the team were both escorted by German national players, Thomas Muller and Erik Durm, respectively. Recently divorced Muller certainly seems to have moved on quickly! But moving on with a girl like Klein? Plain is the word we would use to describe her!" as the segment finished and the program went to commercial.

"Oh my god, Natalia," Cat said, "That was so rude!"

"Plain?" Natalia said a smile breaking out over her face, "I was imagining a lot worse, Cat, this is great! I'm fine, I swear,"

"If you say so. Okay, I love you, but I have to go. Erik is making me breakfast," Cat said happily.

"Love you too, Cat. Tell Erik I say hi, enjoy," Natalia said hanging up the phone and emerging out of her own cocoon of blankets to put food in her body.


Short update—sorry! Hoping to update again soon :)

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—Parker xx

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