Chapter 35

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Upon their arrival, the Klein's insisted on a tour of the city, despite baby Jamie's protests.

"How about I point you two to landmarks, and take him home?" Natalia suggested growing tired of fighting Jamie to be quiet when all he needed was to sleep. He was growing larger, and was more difficult to hold, so her back ached as they stood outside the Glockenspiel at Marienplatz waiting for its chime. Natalia was just there the day before, in the shadows, celebrating with the rest of Bayern Munich and enjoying the laughter and cheers.

Her parents glanced at each other and nodded, their eyes alight at the prospect of taking a romantic excursion.

"I'll keep him tonight, and you'll take him tomorrow while I'm at work?" Natalia offered as her dad handed her Jamie's diaper bag.

"Yes love, and after work we're going to dinner to meet this new beau of yours," her mother said, tabloid magazines not escaping her eye upon her arrival in Munich.

Natalia and Thomas' faces lined the magazines in the kiosks on the streets—their kiss did not escape the attention of the public.

"Sounds good mama," Natalia said kissing her parents goodbye and shooting Tanya a text

N: Mama and Papa are gonna age me 10 years

T: Haha, meanwhile Marco and I are regressing 10 years [0101.jpg]

Natalia waited patiently for the photograph to load and laughed out loud at the photographic evidence of her sister and brother in law participating in a dance class on the beach. They looked ecstatic, and were entangled in each others' arms.

Natalia sighed and adjusted Jamie on her hip, who was suddenly quiet, playing with his stuffed animal as Natalia drove them home.

He slept soundly through the night, and in the morning Natalia dropped him off at her parents' nearby hotel.

After a day of biting her nails, Naomi sent her home early to get ready for dinner.

"Go relax, you're making me anxious," she said to her after Natalia spent the majority of the afternoon pacing in the conference room, "I don't want to see you until tomorrow."

Natalia attempted what she thought was a smile and waved goodbye to her and Cat (who also told her to "chill" repeatedly.)

See you soon! The text message from Thomas read, as she paced in the living room of her apartment, trying to flatten her hair with her hands.

She stared back at her reflection in the mirror—a grey sweater dress, boots, and she actually put some effort into her hair today (a few new hair products and some tips from Cat, and suddenly her mane turned into a manageable mass).

A pinched, anxious face stared back at her and she bounced up and down a few times, trying to calm down.

She was going to pick up her parents (and Jamie) from their hotel, and then join Thomas at a restaurant downtown.

"Nothing fancy, Mr. I-have-money-and-I-have-no-problem-showing-it-off," Natalia told him earlier when he suggested he should pick a place.

Natalia was pleased to arrive with her parents at a hole-in-the-wall Italian restaurant.

"Here?" her mother said from the backseat where she was entertaining Jamie, looking at the block with raised eyebrows.

"Come on, Liz, live a little!" Her father said cheerfully, opening his door and helping his wife pull Jamie out of the car.

Natalia sighed, and noticed Thomas approaching their car (looking dashing in a crisp button down and a pair of dark wash jeans). A smile grew on her face and she kissed him hello briefly before introducing them to her parents.

"Liz, Charlie, this is Thomas," Natalia said as Thomas shook their hands in turn, and kissed Jamie on the head, who held his chubby arms out to be picked up.

"Nice to meet you," Thomas said with a large smile and guided them into the restaurant, "I hope you enjoy Italian."

After a few minutes at dinner, Natalia relaxed. The wine was served, Thomas and her father were cracking jokes, and Jamie was behaving himself as well as a toddler could.

"So Thomas, what do you plan on doing after you're done with football?" her mother asked pointedly, sipping on a glass of red wine.

"Mom!" Natalia protested, "He's got ages before he even has to start thinking about retirement."

"Well you can't expect me to believe he hasn't thought about injury or—,"

"Mom!" Natalia said again louder, "Thomas doesn't want to think about his career ending."

"No, its okay," Thomas said putting his hand over Natalia's, "Injury is something I've thought about. I've always enjoyed the idea of coaching or teaching kids." He responded, "If not that, I'd love to move to the country, and live on a farm."

"Well I think that sounds lovely," Natalia's father said in a conclusive tone, to which her mother shrugged.

"I have to say, this is delicious," her mother said finally after finishing her meal (lasagna).

"Your daughters cooking is the only thing that beats it," Thomas said sweetly, making her smile.

"So tell us," Natalia's father said clearing his throat. Here we go. Natalia braced herself by taking a long sip of wine "Are you serious about our daughter?"

She choked, delicately, and was unable to cut him off, but Thomas was already responding.

"I am. I love your daughter, and I can't imagine being with anyone else," Thomas said firmly, but with a smile.

"That's good, son," her father said clinking glasses, "She really doesn't introduce us to her boyfriends."

"Oh God," Natalia said, taking a longer drink, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Is that so?" Thomas said turning his attention to his blushing, slightly tipsy, girlfriend.

Natalia shook her head, "They were all wankers, to be honest," she said smirking at him.

Her mother stifled a laugh, "Her sister had all the luck with men, Marco is just wonderful."

"Right, and I just get stuck with the worst of the lot," Natalia joked nudging Thomas.

"No darling," her mother said finally, "This one is a keeper."

Thomas beamed.

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