Chapter 31

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The next day was an official day off for everyone. Like Boxing Day, most people were hung over or sleeping in, but Natalia woke up early, unable to sleep without the familiar presence next to her.

She made her way over to the practice grounds, where there were only maintenance staff and a few dedicated staff members. Natalia made her way to the track, and began to run. She texted Cat before she began, and after a few minutes, she noticed a blonde form join her on the track. The girls jogged next to each other for the better half of the hour—Natalia was surprised at her own stamina.

After they finished running, they stretched for several minutes, still only exchanging a few words.

Cat was stretching Natalia's bum ankle, when the team piled out onto the field, surprising the girls.

"I didn't know there was practice today," Cat said to Pep as a few of the players said hello.

Natalia ignored the sinking feeling in her stomach, and retracted her foot before standing up, feeling tired—from the lack of sleep, the run, and the confrontation with Thomas.

"I called it in late," Pep admitted before the team split up, "They're allowed to miss this one, but we do have a game tomorrow." he said noticing the lack of players on the field.

Natalia breathed a sigh of relief as she noticed Thomas wasn't on the field. She was still angry with him, she couldn't bear to face him.

That afternoon, Natalia still hadn't heard from Thomas.

"He could be really hung over," Cat pointed out over pizza at Natalia's apartment.

"He didn't look that drunk," Natalia said smiling sadly at Cat.

"He could have lost his phone," Cat said making a desperate excuse for her friends' sake.

Natalia didn't respond, as the lump in her throat had grown in size again.

"Oh honey," Cat said dropping her food as Natalia burst into tears all over again.

"I'm sorry," Natalia said through her tears, trying to wipe them off of her face, "I feel so stupid now."

"You shouldn't," Cat said reasonably, "He's dragging his feet, and you're hurt. You have every right to be."

Natalia nodded and settled into her friend as they began to watch a movie. After what felt like only minutes later, Natalia felt herself being shaken awake by Cat.

"It's dinner time love, can I get you anything?" Cat asked sympathetically.

Natalia shook her head.

"Let's get you into bed, then." Cat said helping her friend stand up, and together they went to her bedroom.

"Stay?" Natalia asked, feeling like a large weight had been pressed on her chest.

Cat nodded, and climbed into the bed next to her, holding her friend until she fell asleep.

The following morning, Natalia awoke alone, to a note from Cat that told her she had to go home and change before practice, but she would see her at the track. The time on her phone told Natalia she only had 45 minutes to get ready before work, and the thought of seeing Thomas made Natalia's stomach turn.

After breathing deeply for several minutes Natalia picked up her phone and wrote out a text to Naomi.

Hi Naomi, I seem to be coming down with something. I'll work from home today if that's all right!

She hit send, and mentally hit herself. Since when did she allow a man dictate when she was feeling well enough to go to work? Since when did she let herself be driven to isolation because someone didn't reciprocate her feelings? Since when did she let a man tell her she wasn't good enough?

Just then her phone pinged.

Rest up for the final!

Shit that's right. The final was to be played in about a weeks time. Well, she'd have to see him soon enough.

Natalia washed her face with cold water and after making herself a cup of tea, got back into bed. She awoke sometime in the early afternoon, to several text messages from Cat saying that she hoped she felt better soon. She could tell Cat was frustrated, but facing the rest of the team and pretending that everything was fine was not something she wanted to do. Not yet anyway.

She spent the rest of the afternoon in sweatpants in her living room eating popcorn and drinking wine, trying to forget about what happened. As she was doing some online shopping however, Natalia looked up to her muted TV and spotted Thomas posing with Alena. Her stomach back flipped, and her heart plummeted down to her intestines. She couldn't look away, it was like watching the wreckage of a car crash.

Finally, she stood up angrily and shut off the TV, pacing around her apartment, fuming with anger.

She didn't even skip a beat when her phone rang out, interrupting her thoughts.

"What?" she asked sullenly, not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Whoa," Manuel's voice flooded the speaker phone, "Sorry, am I interrupting?"

"Manuel," Natalia cleared her throat. Right. One of my charges. Someone who I am supposed to care for. Someone I'm employed to take care of, "Sorry. No, you're not interrupting. How are you?" she said politely, trying to calm down her racing heart.

"You didn't come in, so I just wanted to make sure you're okay," he said simply.

Natalia sat, stunned. Why do you care?

"I know about you and Thomas," he said delicately, as if reading Natalia's mind.

"How?" Natalia said meekly, shrinking down to the couch. They stole kisses in the arena sometimes, but only in dark corners. They were so careful.

"Bastian told me," Manuel said, and Natalia could almost hear his smirk through the phone.

"Remind me to kill him," Natalia said rubbing her eyes. I'm so tired.

"Are you okay?" Manuel asked bluntly.

"No." Natalia responded, equally as bluntly, "We had a fight. About his model friend Alena?"

"Ah," Manuel said, understanding where this was going, "He was a mess in practice today,"

"He was?" Natalia said dumbfounded.

"Yeah, he couldn't focus, Pep just made him run laps," he said and Natalia felt her chest tighten. So he's not happy.

"But he also hasn't tried to call," Natalia said pointedly.

"Look, Nat, you deserve someone who will worship you. If he can't give you what you need, then so be it," Manuel said kindly

"Thanks Manu," Natalia said in a small voice, not believing him.

"We miss you and hope you'll feel good enough to come in soon," he said diplomatically.

"Thanks Manu. I'll do my best," Natalia said her mind wandering before she hung up the phone.


I've been feeling a lot like my protagonist lately--dead ass tired!

Hope you guys are good.

-Parker xx

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