Chapter 22

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"Hello my dear!" Natalia greeted her sister as she came out of the gate holding Jamie, and Marco, who carried a mess of bags.

"Hi dear!" Tanya said giving her sister a quick kiss, and began arranging the bags.

"So our connecting flight is in an hour, we have enough time to put you in a cab—," Tanya said handing Jamie to her, who immediately began playing with her charm bracelet.

"What is that?" Tanya asked with a smug smile on her face, directed at her wrist.

"It's from Thomas and the team," Natalia said self consciously, covering her wrist, trying not to blush.

"Okay, here is Jamie's bag, and I have extra diapers and formula and clothes, and some of my clothes for my smell, and his favorite toys,"

"And I borrowed Cat's nephew's crib, and it's already set up," Natalia assured her.

"He'll be fine love," Marco assured his wife, rubbing her shoulders and giving Jamie a quick kiss on the head, and adjusting his hat over his ears.

"I love you guys, but you're going to miss your flight," Natalia said as they helped her into a cab, putting Jamie in his car seat, and stowing the numerous bags in the backseat of the car.

"I love you baby, mommy will be back in 4 days," Tanya whispered to her son, leaning into the car.

"It's the first time she's been away from him since he was born," Marco whispered to Natalia.

"You don't say," Natalia whispered back, "Have fun, you guys!" Natalia waved goodbye to her retreating sister and brother in law, before joining Jamie in the car, who was trying to put as much of his toy rabbit in his mouth as possible.

"Just you and me, bud," Natalia said to the babbling child, as they to her apartment.

Later that afternoon, Natalia danced around the kitchen as Jamie sat in his car seat on her counter, clapping his hands to some music that she played.

A knock on the door alerted her to Thomas' presence—he offered to help her cook and babysit that night.

"Hi!" Natalia said flinging the door open to reveal Thomas who carried several grocery bags.

"Hello! Where is the man of the hour?" Thomas said walking into the kitchen, bringing with him the cold and smell of outside.

Jamie grew silent as the unfamiliar character stood in the kitchen.

"Jamie, I would like you to meet my friend Thomas," Natalia said pulling him out of his car seat, and balancing him on her hip.

"I," started Thomas, "Am pleased to meet you, and have a gift!" he said, handing baby Jamie a small toy dog, which Jamie immediately brought to his mouth to taste.

"Oh he likes you," Natalia said as Jamie began to laugh and bounce up and down. Thomas quickly rinsed his hands and took him from Natalia.

"Jamie said he'd like for you to cook dinner," Thomas said innocently as Jamie continued to play in Thomas' arms.

"Right," Natalia said smiling and shaking her head at the pair.

Together the three of them cooked dinner.

"Hello!" Natalia said loudly into her phone over the sounds of Thomas and Jamie having a nonsensical conversation.

"How is he?" Tanya asked without a hello.

"He's wonderful! Thomas is currently dancing with him to that awful CD you had in the baby bag," Natalia explained, poking her head into the oven to check on the ratatouille, which she chose to cook in a casserole dish.

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