Chapter 20

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After a long day of meetings, Natalia and Cat joined the rest of the team for dinner. The boys had gone through intensive training in the morning, but had the afternoon to relax poolside.

"The masseuse was amazing," boasted a shameless Bastian, "she kneaded through knots I didn't even know existed. You guys should really see her," he said looking at Cat and Natalia who hadn't been back in their room for 12 hours.

"I don't have the energy to stare him down," Natalia said stabbing her chicken with mock anger.

"Listen," Manuel said leaning closer to them, "We don't have training until tomorrow afternoon and Mario managed to find liquor. Come over after dinner?"

Natalia nodded enthusiastically, "I knew I liked wine but I didn't know how much until it was illegal."

"How's your foot?" Thomas said glancing under the table.

"Nothing I can't handle," Natalia admitted adjusting the bandage.

"I'm really sorry," Manuel said eyeing Pep as he walked past their table, and even seemed to have forgotten about the "talk" yesterday.

"Muller, you have a press conference tomorrow before practice," Pep said walking by and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Right," Thomas said opening his phone and setting an alarm for earlier in the day.

"And we've warned the press to stick to game related questions...but," Pep said glancing around their group, his eyes settling on Natalia, "Maybe you could dispel any rumors?"

Natalia felt a blush grow on her cheeks, "What does that mean?" Thomas said noticing her discomfort and a growing silence around the table.

"I just meant...," For the first time Natalia saw Pep struggle to find the words, but she felt the eyes of half of the room on the back of her head. All of the exhaustion from the day wore on her shoulders, and now she could only stare at Pep, face growing redder by the second. Her heart pounded in her ears, and before she could stop herself, she spoke loudly.

"What Pep is suggesting is that you dispel any rumors of a relationship with me. Its bad publicity for the team." Natalia said, taking the napkin off of her lap, and putting it on the table in front of her, locking eyes on Pep, who stood awkwardly with his hands in his pockets.

"Well I'm not doing that," Thomas said loftily, letting out one of his signature laughs.

Pep raised an eyebrow at him in response.

"Natalia's one of my best friends, I'm not throwing her to the press, especially since they haven't been particularly kind to her," Thomas explained causally, leaning back and placing an arm around Manuel's chair next to him, to better see Pep.

"Alright, if that's what you want," Pep said still not sounding convinced and walked away after nodding at Natalia.

"So that drink?" Natalia said to Manuel, breaking the silence since no one was sure of what to say after the confrontation.

"Right," Manuel said looking at his watch, "Meet you all in Mario's room in half an hour?"

Cat nodded eagerly, as their group stood to lead the ballroom, holding Natalia's arm as they all made for the elevator and to their rooms to change.

Within the next hour, Natalia was in pajamas, with a plastic cup filled of mystery liquor sprawled in Mario's suite with half a dozen of the other players who fancied a nightcap.

"Let's play a game of spin the bottle," Mario said lying upside down on the couch, so his head was hanging off of the edge.

"Let's play 'who wants to sext Ann-Kathrin'?" Cat shot back, earning loud laughter from the rest of the boys and Natalia.

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